
Why do so few people question the green agenda?

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There are thousands of worldwide scientists that disagree with the findings of politicians, pressure groups and zealots that the world is warming up and we're all going to die in floods/pestilence/starvation within 50 years.

The actual fact is the world has been cooling since 1998 and has gone through highs and lows in temperature for thousands of years.

My question is why do people on one hand mainly distrust politicians (who do tend to be self serving, arrogant and live in different circles to the majority of the public) but at the same time lap up everything they say about the environment without question? Without looking at facts, without going back into history to check facts???

They hear a politician say we must charge higher petrol prices because it will save the planet and agree - instead of challenging or even thinking about it.

Thousands of scientists disagree - not a few, not a couple THOUSANDS. What makes them wrong and the politicians right?? Think about it.




  1. you want to go without so others can go with. I don`t!

  2. b/c is a brilliant political cover.  Who could be against the planet?  Who could be against science?

  3. I just wonder why----------

    Having Astronomy as a hobby-- why do real - professional Astronomers QUESTION everything we know about the universe-- continually,


    Professional Climatologists have made a final "consensus" decision on GW???

  4. Huge props to Randall. It’s refreshing to see someone else passionate about exposing the agenda behind the green madness.

    But as another view, one reason people are all into the green thing is that it makes them feel good – like they are actually doing something positive. But it is mostly a bandwagon thing because they fail to research any of their beliefs or understand the science. The unfortunate part about that is that the vast majority live incredibly hypocritical lives because of their rampant consumerism. They think by recycling their beer bottles they are saving the earth, while they waste uncounted resources ensuring their comfortable lifestyles. They don’t practice what they preach – but they expect the rest of the world to.

  5. Exactly!  Al Gore isn't a scientist either, he's a politician.  I think once you're a politician people have this high expectation suddenly, and everything you would say or do is right.  Al Gore even said it....there can be no debate.

    The fact that he's clearly wrong doesn't matter, the movie he made was full of lies...doesn't matter.  Why?  Because he's a politician.  Even the scientists he hires to lend unqualified peer-reviewed (that's global warming peers, lol) data to support him are just doing it for the money.

  6. Because people are too dumb to actually research the issue, and they just look at the TV and blankly nod their heads at whatever they see. Plus, politicians are famous, so people will listen to them instead of non-famous, intelligent scientists.

    For those of you that will complain about this, I refer to people as a mass, not everybody. I firmly believe that most of humanity are intelligent, but there are several people who are not.

    *Down with Big Brother*

  7. Most people are asleep at the wheel, governed by emotion over the mind.  They can be steered easily by instilling fear or greed at any time.

  8. For every credible source FOR an issue, there are 2 AGAINST.

    For every credible source AGAINST an issue, there are 2 FOR.

    When there are so many "experts" disagreeing with "experts", who do you trust? Are you sure? Is there a "credible" reason for that belief?

    Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

    I'm an expert.

  9. I distrust their anti-human, anti-civilization, anti-progress and anti-freedom agenda.

    And it is a spoken agenda.    It is not hidden in the slightest.

    “If you ask me, it’d be a little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy because of what we would do with it…” – Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute.

    “The only real good technology is no technology at all. Technology is taxation without representation, imposed by our elitist species (man) upon the rest of the natural world”

    – John Shuttleworth, founder of Mother Earth News.

    “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, Secretary General 1992 UN Earth Summit

    “Everything we have developed over the last 100 years should be destroyed.” – Pentti Linkola

    We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects…. We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land. —David Foreman, Earth First!

    The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing....This is not to say that the rise of human civilization is insignificant, but there is no way of showing that it will be much help to the world in the long run.

    —Economist editorial

    We advocate biodiversity for biodiversity’s sake. It may take our extinction to set things straight.—David Foreman, Earth First!

    Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.—Dave Forman, Founder of Earth First!

    If radical environmentalists were to invent a disease to bring human populations back to sanity, it would probably be something like AIDS.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â”Earth First! Newsletter

    I suspect that eradicating smallpox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems.—John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

    Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.

    —John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

    “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental”– David Foreman, founder of Earth First!

    “If there is going to be electricity at all, I would like it to be decentralized, small, solar-powered”– Gar Smith

    “The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States…”– Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund

    “Man is always and everywhere a blight on the landscape.”

    – John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club.

    The right to have children should be a marketable commodity, bought and traded by individuals but absolutely limited by the state. - Kenneth Boulding, originator of the "Spaceship Earth" concept (as quoted by William Tucker in Progress and Privilege, 1982)

    We have wished, we ecofreaks, for a disaster or for a social change to come and bomb us into Stone Age, where we might live like Indians in our valley, with our localism, our appropriate technology, our gardens, our homemade religion -- guilt-free at last! -- Stewart Brand (writing in the Whole Earth Catalogue)

    Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, is not as important as a wild and healthy planets...Some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along. -- David Graber, biologist, National Park Service

    The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.—Dr. Reed F. Noss, The Wildlands Project

    If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.—Prince Phillip, World Wildlife Fund

    We, in the green movement, aspire to a cultural model in which killing a forest will be considered more contemptible and more criminal than the sale of 6-year-old children to Asian brothels.—Carl Amery

    Every time you turn on an electric light, you are making another brainless baby.—Helen Caldicott, Union of Concerned Scientists

    To feed a starving child is to exacerbate the world population problem.—Lamont Cole

    Cannibalism is a "radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation." -- Lyall Watson, The Financial Times, 15 July 1995

    This is an anti-human, anti-progress, anti-civilization movement.     The only thing that has changed is the pretext for their argument:

    This cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands of people. If it continues and no strong action is taken, it will cause world famine, world chaos and world war, and this could all come about before the year 2000.—Lowell Ponte in “The Cooling”, 1976

    If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. … This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age. —Kenneth E.F. Watt on air pollution and global cooling, Earth Day (1970)

  10. I believe many people do question it but, they probably are in a position where they are afraid to speak up. They might be in school and have liberal teachers and are afraid their grades would be affected, or maybe they have heard so much in the media about it that they are afraid just because they think they are the only one that thinks that way.

  11. No one with any intelligence is claiming "we're all going to die ... within 50 years".

    There are several million scientists (i.e. people with college degrees in some field of science) in the world, so your claim of THOUSANDS is only a small percentage of them. Unless they are actually climate scientists involved in climate research, they have no more credibility in this subject than a Urologist or Veterinarian.

    You should read what actual climate scientists (not Al Gore, not politicians, not conservative talk-radio pundits, not environmental wacko's) from respectable scientific research organizations say about global warming.  Here's a few to get you started:

    NASA Global Warming Q&A:

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

  12. Everyone has their opinion on global warming.  Ten years ago most scientists would not have believed that global warming is real.  Now most do.  However most disagree on the causes.  Is it a normal short term weather cycle?  A catastrophic change?  The truth being, we still do not really know.   Politicians might consult with a group of scientists that favor the global warming scenario or their opposites.  As you mentioned these same politicians will tend to go with the popular flow for their own politicial gain.  At least let's face a real fact;  we humans are now six an a half billion in number and having a significant effect on global weather.  We can at least try to mitigate our impact on this planet.  Remember the old saying: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  13. I don't believe in man-caused climate change, nor do I think we're in a climate crisis.

    However, I still support going green.  I don't think people need to spend a crapload of money to do so, but recycling and conserving resources is both economically beneficial and good for the environment.

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