
Why do so many Americans complain about their position?

by Guest58197  |  earlier

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The US appointed itself the world's policeman. It decided it has the right to walk into any country it chooses and change things by force, demonstrating its huge wealth by spending trillions of dollars doing it.

Why, then, do so many Americans say things like 'they'll soon come running when they need us to save their ****s' or some other equally crass remark whenever someone criticises their government's horrible foreign policy?




  1. Many Americans do not agree with the actions of the Government.

    Attempting to make terrorists and other tyrants uncomfortable is a worthy goal.

    If the remainder of the planet doesn't give a wit about the suppression of humanity under ruthless tyrannies and dictatorships, why should the United States demand otherwise?

    They do not have the right to grant freedom to those who do not want it, any more than the tyrants have to take liberty away from those who have it.

  2. Europe appointed the US as international policeman.  Most recent evidence can be found in Kosovo.  While large sums of people were massacred in genocide, the EU sat and discussed the issue, and discussed and discussed and discussed.  Finally, B Clinton, Europe's champion, came half way around the world to their back yard and prosecuted a war from 35,000 feet in the air. Now with the bloodshed aside, here comes the EU to sort it all out and complain about the US not minding it's business.  Although the papers have been signed, Kosovo is still effectively a ward of the UN with the US still present in force to keep the parties off each other's throats.  Nice job.  

    Meanwhile, the EU sends it's troops to Afghanistan with no bullets.  Most notably the Dutch who brought farm implements.  The US is still the world's policeman because the Europeans won't get off their collective butts until they are completely engulfed in flames.

    The EU 'army' can't exist because it refuses to define it's common enemy.  Instead, they gather in Chad under, of all people, the French, who have been there forever.  This is their contribution to the atrocites taking place in the Sudan.  They sit in a secure compound in Chad and watch the massacre over the fence because Dafur doesn't approve of intervention.  The Europeans won't lift a finger until Dafur agrees it should be extinguished.  If it weren't so tragic, it would be comical to watch.  The Europeans want NO policeman and instead are content to wring their hands while observing a culture being wiped out.

  3. you don't want us! stop asking for our help and our money!

  4. They think the world has not changed since World War II.

  5. How about this, we don't come the next time you need our aid; and we let the rest of the world just rot?

    Then just walk in, take what we want and leave.

  6. Not all of us agree with that.  I think it is stupid of Bush to have pulled fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters apart from their families and lives to fight in war.  Alot of people I know do not agree with his actions.

  7. Most of us do not say c**p like that.  Many of the talking cons do, but that is not most (just on sites like this).  It is shameful that my government behaves like that I am hoping our image changes once Bush is out of office.  US foreign policy is a joke.

  8. I never heard you whiners start crying when the rice truck comes after an earth quake. How about when medical supplies are air lifted to hurting people in the desert. How about mobile hospitals being set up to assist governments with epidemics? How about the millions in foreign aid sent to countries all around the world? I hope you never need us.  

  9. We complain because we are in a no win situation. We don't want to be the world's policeman, but every time there is a problem in the world, one side or the other comes running to us. Then the rest of the world sits around debating what the US should or should not do about it. Then when we do act, we are criticized for what we did.

    We do complain, and I think most Americans would be happy to close our borders and ignore the rest of the world. It wouldn't be right, but it would be a lot easier.

  10. It Is not all Americans. my best friends are American, and they are also very concerned even about their own future. I guess its something about the new world order, the rich bankers and their mafia's. The easiest way they can get their way is to use Americas good name, and tools of course. Let's rather pray the good Americans we know start act against this evil for all of our sake.

  11. Ever since "The Monroe Doctrine" was established, every administration has blindly followed it to protect and further USA interests. Look into the history of US banks "investing" in countries in South America, and when those countries could not  pay the high interest rates charged, they simply called on the army to "take over" the ports and collect duty on all imports, paying first of all those banks, and if any left over, paying others. Some of those armies stayed for many years, after removing any goverment they did not "like".

  12. The only ones crying about our position are the crybaby Liberals and Democrats. Their opinions should not even be considered since they whine and cry about anything that does not directly benefit them anyway. The only Americans I consider worthy of having an opinion are the ones who have actually stepped up to the task of cleaning up those backwards ****-hole third world countries, and as far as I know, they are not the ones complaining.  Next Question?

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