
Why do so many Americans pronounce Missouri as if it's "Missoura"?

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Now I live near Toronto, or Toronaa as many pronounce it. But I am watching a lot of your presidential campaign, and many individuals, reporters and government leaders pronounce it as if it ends in an "a". We were always taught to say it like it looks--with a short "i",Maybe there's no answer except habit. but I'm curious.




  1. Local 'dialect'

    JF Kennedy pronounced many words wrong 'Cuber' instead of Cuba it is an Northern East Coast thing to pronounce words ending in an 'a' as if it was a 'r'.

    It is the way they learned to pronounce words as children, by listening to adults.

  2. It's a regional accent.  In that part of the country any word ending in 'i' is pronounced 'uh'.

    In American English (and to some extend Canadian also), there are no syllables with secondary emphasis.  In other words, there is one accented syllable in the word and all the other syllables are unaccented.  Unaccented syllables, no matter what vowel they have, the vowel is always a schwa, the 'uh' sound.  There are exceptions to this, but in most cases it's true.  So 'Toronto' is pronounced 'tuh-RAN-uh'.  Missouri is pronounced 'muh-ZOO-ruh'  

    'Ontario' is an exception to the rule. If you said 'uhn-TAR-yuh' people would wonder what you were talking about.

  3. Only People from Missouri pronounce it Missoura.Just like some people add the s In Illinois When In fact the s is silent. People in missouri also when they fish and catch a big fish,They say I caught a big un.

  4. Because so many people in Missouri pronounce it that way and it's their state.

  5. It's the way the locals say it.

    A longtime Governor of Ohio used to pronounce it "uh HY uh" and the mayor of Columbus, Ohio would regularly refer to his city as "Clum bus" (two syllables)

  6. Same reason they call Colorado ... Colorada.. Washington as Warshington....lazy talking

  7. LOL I don't know.

    Why do people call Illinois Illinoise. The 's' is silent people.

  8. Half the state pronounces it one way, and the other half pronounces it the other way, it's a north/south thing.

  9. It's like potato potatoh tomato tomatoh, just depends where in the country you are.

  10. May be the same reason some people pronounce San Antonio San Antone.

  11. The Constitution for the State of Missouri says that the correct pronunciation for the state of Missouri is however the governor pronounces it. Governor Blunt pronounces it "Missourah," so that is currently the official pronunciation.

  12. It's just their accent

  13. That's spoken with a southern accent.  They don't give it a hard "i" sound.  It sounds like an "a".

  14. It's just a regional dialect. Like any other accent.

    If you travel at all you will here various pronunciations/accents.

    Like Louisville...some pronounce it LOU-E-VILLE, and others pronounce it LOU-uh-VILLE.

    Generally people in the south are more likely to say "Missoura" than those in the north, east or west.

  15. I live in rural Missouri (born and raised in KS-right across the border) and I say MISSOURI, not Missoura. I don't know many people that say Missoura.

  16. As the same  people call me an Okie call your state that way,LOL. I pronounce your state with an i(e ) sound, But thats me I am not from the North ,East ,west, nor the south, I'm from all LOL being smack dab in the middle,LOL .God Bless

  17. its just like how you say toronto, it's the way those in missouri pronounce their name. No big deal--do you wanna know how the natives pronounce the city of norfolk, virginia?    

  18. My ex mother-in-law is from Missouri and that is how she said it, too, with an 'ra' at the end. I thought either she had an accent or, was just lazy about that particular word, because it seemed that other words that ended in ri there was not an accent, but, whatever, go figure.

  19. Because throughout much of Missouri, rural Missouri in particular, that's the way the locals say it.

  20. it's called an accent

  21. Just American dialect....the same reason some people in Long Island, NY call "Toyotas" "Toyoters"....and some people call "Washington" "Warsh-ington."  My favorite one is how the people in Baltimore pronounce their city as "Bawlmer".

  22. It's usually southerners who do that. Nobody here in the Mid-Atlantic speaks like that, except..maybe.. in Baltimore. But those people don't count.

  23. I'm living in Missouri and have lived here my whole life. The people in the Northern part of the state pronounce it correctly sounding the "i" at the end of it. But the idiots down here in the Southern part of the state give the end of it an "a".

    Only idiots say "Missoura". Which of course means the smart people live in the Northern part of the state. And as for everyone else, they are idiots if they pronounce it "Missoura".

  24. It's because Missouri is an Indian word and all the country folk in Missouri mispronounce it so people who try to gain street cred with Missourians mispronounce it too.  

    As a Illinois resident, I hate it when people pronounce Illinois with an "s" at the end.  Illinois is another Indian word which is written as the French did who first settled here.  The S is silent.  I can always tell how educated people are by how they pronounce Illinois.

    Go Obama!  Illinois's Junior US Senator!

  25. It's called an accent. Look it up.

    They're saying "Missouri" but it comes out as "Missoura."

  26. Because that's the way that it's residents do

  27. That's how the residents pronounce it. If you pronounce it the other way, people will know you are an outsider. Same with Spokane, WA. The correct pronounciation is (spo can) outsiders pronounce it (spo kane)

  28. It's just the dialect. Actually, I a lot of people from Missouri pronounce it Missoura. It's like Bostonians saying idear instead of idea, or People from New Orleans saying Nawlans.

  29. It's a a regional midwestern accent. My grandparents were from Cincinnati (Ohio), and they pronounced it "Cincinnata."

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