
Why do so many British move to Australia?

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Canada, USA, etc are fairly desirable places to live and if you pick the right places have decent weather, and they're a lot closer to home than Australia. I'm guessing the main reason is because Australia is the closest you can get to British culture, traditions, food, and language with good, consistant weather. Australia has good weather while not being so different to home, compared to the US and Australia.




  1. Almost 80% of Perth is British or descended from British or Anglo British migration, the other 20% is from elsewhere or descended from other racial groups. So Perth tends to be more Anglo Saxon than Britain! Almost every family in Britain has a relative or a distant rellie that's in Perth.

  2. I think there is also some kind of special immigration agreement.

  3. Because they are mental!!  It's too hot in Australia, and the aussie's don't like the English..

    You'd have to be out of your mind to want to live in Australia!!

  4. i am an Australian living in Canada and have noticed there are many many Brits living here also

    in the time of the 10 pound pom they had a choice,Australia,Canada or the US

  5. Because they are sheep led by a media which paints Australia as a kind of tropical paradise, rather than the insular desert it really is.

  6. Australia is a land of opportunity even now.  I see there are some derogatory comments on this country, but I say to them we have our faults like everywhere else, but we have our advantages too.   We do not experience the heavily crowded cities and the lousy weather all year round and certainly not the killing in the streets as in other parts of the world.   There are worse places to live and those people who don't like us can easily stay away.

  7. australia and britain have such a big connection in terms of culture

    and they envy our weather

  8. Australia offers a lot of good things to tourist, aside from its beautiful beaches, the sun, the scenic views, Australia also has an enormous amount of employment/business opportunities. May that's what drives them to Australia.

    You can read this article about people migrating to Australia:

    "It's a gold rush for the emigration industry. The Office for National Statistics' figures show more British citizens left the UK in 2006 - 207,000 - than in any year since records began in 1991: 49,000 for new lives in Australia, 71,000 upped sticks for EU countries, mainly Spain and France, and 16,000 to the US."

  9. Step is right. The British are obsessed with Australia, so obsessed that its creepy. Brits are so starved for nice, sunny weather that they see Australia as paradise on Earth. Shows like Neighbours and Home and Away, that are hugely popular in the UK also help fuel this obsession.

    I moved to the UK from Sydney 2 years ago, and every day I get Brits asking me 'What are you doing here????' As if I'm some kind of lunatic for leaving it.

    Murdock-owned UK press also made the ex-P.M. Little Johnny Howard into some kind of political God, and most Brits dreamt of having a P.M. who was as tough on immigration etc as he was.

    They have no idea what the reality of living in Australia is like. Aussies work a lot harder than the Brits do, and their wages are lower than in the UK. Aussies also work longer hours too - all this in draining summer heat of 36 to 40C in the far west of Sydney. Finally, except for going to the beach, watching sports or hanging around massive US-style shopping malls, there is nothing to do on weekends in Australia - even in Sydney.

    I wonder how many Brits go back to the UK within a year of moving to their dream-paradise.

  10. We are the closest to a British colony you can find, but we're moving into multiculturalism at a fast rate. Also, British people mostly have relations here from our convict days. The US and Canada weren't lucky enough to have so many convicts.

  11. Sun sun and sun

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