
Why do so many Christan's today believe divorce & remarriage are ok ?

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Why do so many Christan's today believe divorce & remarriage are ok ?




  1. Because they are cafeteria xians and pick/choose what sounds good from the menu of items their religion says they should or should not do.

    It actually is fine, but if one is going to follow a religion that says you shouldn't divorce (or only under certain conditions) then one shouldn't marry unless they plan to stick to what their proclaimed religion says. Otherwise, what's the point of claiming to be part of that religion if you don't follow it's tenants and dogma?

  2. Because they are not following the Bible..unless it is adultery or abuses..reasons for divorce..then one can remarry...

  3. So, the fact that my Husband had an affair.  Left me and my daughter with nothing.  And moved his girlfriend in with him next door to me and his daughter. that  I am supposed to say ... Oh that's okay...

    Come on.  You Get married..and live life.  God doesn't want anyone to suffer like that.  What was I supposed to do sit there an watch it happen.  Give me a break.  

    My husband left.  He didn't come back.  So now what?

    I would like to know your thoughts.. really.. enlighten me..  And while you are at it.  provide me with the verses that display where it says that a woman must endure these acts in the Bible.  Then show me where it says we are never allowed to re-marry.  

    I am not joking nor am I being sarcastic.  I really would like to hear from you what you think of this.. and where you are in your life.  

  4. It is not like you can predict what will happen in the future with any relationship.(adultery, domestic violence, death of spouse, etc.)  I believe God wants us to be happy and healthy in our relationships.  One bad experience should not stop us from seeking good ones!

  5. I personally think God would much rather see a union of husband and wife than see people be alone.  God did not intend for people to be lonely and there sure are alot of lonely people in the world today.

  6. Because women finally feel that they don't have to tolerate mental and physical abuse.  God agrees.

  7. because they base their faith off of how it fits their needs.  

  8. I am a Christian who was married to a man who became an alcoholic abuser.  He beat me many times and even left a BITE MARK on my face!  Yeah, I left him.  Did I think it was "OK"?  No, but it wasn't ok to stay there.  I had even attempted therapy with him first!  

    I am now remarried and have a child.  I believe that I am entitled to some happiness.  I should have remained single from the age of 22 on until forever because I married an abuser (and a cheater) the first time?  Whatever.

  9. because it is better to divorce than to murder

    and it is better to marry someone than to just f*** them


  10. "the hardness of men's hearts"

    Also, see Jeremiah 11 where God says he will give the wives and land of the disobedient to others!   Preachers never bring that one up in their sermon.

  11. Because there is times when a young wife gets beat murder cheat on crapped on and life gets so unbearable that god make take mercy and forgives you for getting divorced. God gave us a life to be happy and sometimes people don't get to know how horrible the other person is until after they are married and what is a person to do?  

  12. so is it better to base it off a book that was written by people who believed in slavery and thought the earth was flat?

  13. so what are you saying that because my exhusband cheated on me and wanted a divorce that i can't remarry ? that is bull. God did not say that remarrage us wrong read the bible again.

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