
Why do so many Indo-Pak Muslims.....?

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want to be Arabs when Arabs laugh at them look down on them and consider them non-Muslims and less than human?




  1. Well I don't generalize on my experiences. I admit that some "Arabs" have mistreated me and didn't even return my Salams. But I have also met Arabs who were great. But none of this makes me want to be an Arab. I am quite content being me. ^^;

  2. I know very True ! 18 years in Saudi arabia and every single Week i was a victem of racism !

    And to those Pakis who are like NO arabs are nice ! Go and live in their country for a month and then u will see how much racial discrimination they do !

    And im not Anti-Arab

  3. I'm Pakistani. I am pathan. I never met anyone who wanted to be an Arab when they are not, b/c a true muslim is happy with how Allah swt made them. I can see why some p**i's wish they knew ARABIC but one shouldn't care what race they are from. Clearly you do not have good company. And what's up with all the negative questions? Apparently you have had a bad day.

  4. I don't want to be an Arab.

    I want to be myself.

    Arabs don't laugh at me.  They respect me becuase I respect them.


    @Lola - 1.) I never lie.  2.) I am best friends with several arabs.  3.) "An arab is no better than a non arab, nor a non arab better than an arab" - Muhammad (sa).  Think about why he made it a point to say that.

    love for all, hatred for none

  5. I don't want to be an arab i like being asian....culture etc is not regarded important to allah only by one's deed one is better than the other and only allah (swt) knows we have to treat everyone equally despite their race, colour, nationality etc

    assalamu alaikum wb

    @ Faraz thats funny cos i seem to remember ur 16 unless i've lost track of 2 years in total!!!

  6. not all arabs look down on them.

    some people need to not contribute anything if they have nothing good to say. why is all the hatred on yahoo directed towards the muslim population? i have p**i friends and i have arab friends they get along fine.

  7. Dont worry! Arabs will get treated like the trash they are!

    The1qfacter is lying! He would be friends with arabs if he knew who they really are!

  8. I'm Pakistani and Pathan. Im TOO happy with myself and background to want to be anything else. We should compete with one anothers deen, not background. We can't change or be something else, but we can definitely be closer to Allah and that's the only thing we should be envious of. All other things are a waste... So grow up and find something better to talk about. You're causing Muslims to argue among themselves, and you'll have to answer to that one day.

  9. -not all arabs are muslim

    -not all arabs are racist

  10. i don't want to be an Arab.

    i like being Pakistani.

    However i respect Arabs the same as i do any other race.


  11. Arabs are the ones who are racist not we Indians or Pakistanis. I'd never want to be an Arab. I live in Dubai since I was born and I know how they treat other Asians. They worship White people as if they were God.

  12. i am a pashtun!!

    i will stay a pashtun till death!!

    i hang out with some arabs cos they are so good people!!

    Arabs are my brothers and sisters in Islam and so on my dear pakis!!

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