
Why do so many Miss Universes come from Latin America?

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I think they are beautiful yes,but what is it that makes them keep winnig those things?

Especially those from Columbia and Venezuala have those beauty pageants on lock .

I know they take them sorta serious in those countries and a way to help them make some money but why to do you think personally they win so much?

Is it there personally that woos the judges or there sashaying across the stage or something what is it?!

Im being serious too when I say that im just sorta boogled by it.




  1. because of the mixing of races and the body

  2. I just think besides from the fact that they are beautiful (not that girls from other races are not) they are very smart.  I think it helps that latinamerican girls are not as materialistic as girls from northamerica as an example.  They actually think about world's problems and not focus only on themselves. This is probably because they see social problems around them all the time since they come from third world countries.

  3. The pageant is both political and racist. I am NOT saying that Latinas are not beautiful however, if you look at many of the Latin American contestants, a lot of them look like white girls. You may notice a black contestant in the top ten out of courtesy, but they get cut before they are in the top 5. The host country seems to make it into the top 10 quite often. That's no coincidence! (this year WAS an exception. Miss Vietnam was not in the top 10. No Asians were.)

    New nations typically also make it into the top 10 before they are cut. Indonesia's first year back, Kazakhstan's first year, Tanzania's first year, and this year was a first for Kosovo.

    Also, Kosovo made it in the top 10 as a political statement, since a lot of nations don't recognize Kosovo, but the United States does.

    The top 2 this year were Venezuela and Colombia. Miss Colombia's answer to her question was "My life is perfect", which is SO lame and boring, and Miss Venezuela didn't even answer her question and she won the title. How exactly is not answering the question the best answer? How does that get her the crown?

    The judges are not professionals, either. They do not get a panel of judges who are familiar with the various cultural conceptions of beauty, so they can't appreciate a lot of the women, especially African and Asian. Do you really think Donald Trump Jr. knows anything deep about beauty?

    This year was the least diverse the pagaent has been in a while. There were no Asians in the top 10 and Miss USA was the only black one. And let's face it: USA ALWAYS makes it into the top 10. Does America always have a top-10 woman? No. That's for the ratings.

    The Latinas are not very ethnic looking. They send girls that look like white girls with a tan. They don't even look like most of the native women in those countries. They'd never send a REAL Latina, as in a Native American, because such a woman would not make the top ten.

    The competition is basically a joke. They don't like women who look too ethnic, but they occasionally have to let some through in order to fake validity and fight off claims of racism. Japan won last year, so they met their minority quota and could go back to being a joke this year... and they did.

    If a girl who does not answer her question wins, then even a sceptical person should be able to see that something is wrong and the competition was a joke.

  4. I think because they are less touchy about colour and creed than the rest of the world in the sense that intermixing is not such a bad thing in their culture

    Intermixing always produces diverse and very healthy offspring

    Laws of genetics

  5. because of ethnic diversity and exotic beauty.

  6. Because the latins are hot, beautiful and intelligent, they have carism and honesty¡

    Miss Venezuela deserve the crown¡

  7. Because LATINAS ROCK! And its not me saying it I actually have asked many of my white and black friends and they always say that latinas(South Americans) are beautiful, strong minded, SMART, sweet and dont take c**p from nobody. Mixed women are most appealing to the rest of the world, oh yeah and you wont ever see them walking in flip flops like north american women, since they are little they are taught to be very feminine and classy.

  8. well of course there are some natural beauties, but a lot of them have plastic surgeries especially in venezuela. they also start these girls at a young age.

  9. I believe the Venezuelans start training for the competition at a very young age.

    And yes latinas are hot. I married a latina and moved down here to South America from USA.

  10. race mixing

    in south america race is not as big of a deal as it is in the US so those exotic types like halle berry or angelina jolie that are considered so different and mixed and exotic in the US aren't necessarily such an exotic thing in south america.

    if u take many mulato girls from colombia or brazil and u make them polished and dressed them nice u'd have a lot of halle berries, same with many south american mestizo girls who if properly polished and dressed would look like angelina jolie or even better.

    I think generally the image of people from outside of latin america is that latin americans are moslty native indian people which is not really truth, most latin americans are mixed race.

  11. They are just gift of nature my dear!

  12. In Venezuela the girls prepare a lot years for this kind of contest.  While for the others country is not a important thing.  

    this kind of contest ist a waste of time, there are more important things to worry!

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