
Why do so many Obama trashers here get so many "thumbs up" votes?

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I mean, why give someone a "thumbs up" for trashing somebody? What's the point?

There's lots of great replies (both for AND against Obama) that are well written, intelligent, and cogent. Why not give those replies the thumbs up?




  1. Because they can see the truth about Obama?

  2. There is a lot of hate here on Yahoo Answers and apparently a lot of it is directed at Obama.  I think that conservatives tend to be more aggressive and hate-filled. There are also many questions, as well as responses, that are anti-Obama that don't deal with issues but just attack him personally.

  3. Simple, there are alot of Mccain supporters here lol~~~

  4. because Obama Sucks!

  5. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. :0)

  6. because they are probably republicans and they probably have nothing better to do

  7. Maybe it's because the polls are wrong.

  8. Lots of lemmings on here.

  9. Because most of the trash is actually true.

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