
Why do so many adults think it is ok to hit their children?

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parents thik hitting their kids will make them better but not really. kids hate their parents nd are scared and probly will be more violent when they grow up. it is never ok to hit a child NEVER. y do parents do it?




  1. well im 16 and i think its ok for parents to spank thier kids as long as its not abusing them.

    parents do it cuz the child did something wrong and to teach their child not to do it again.

    and no they wont turn violent cuz my parents would spank me when i was younger and i turned out fine.

    i also hate this new age c**p

  2. there's a difference between entirely beating your kids and spanking them. i personally hate this new age c**p and will spank my kids. my parents never hit me, but i didn't really turn out perfectly, far from it. i mean really far.

  3. it's a form of punishment. discipline. that's what people today need. builds character. it's a nessecity the world will fall apart without it. so beat your kids! jkjkjk really i'm joking!!!! i'm just kidding i'm sorry!!!!! i don't think it's wrong. just wrong to abuse your hitting them if they didn't do anything wrong or b/c ur child has a third eye or whatever. my girlfriend gets beaten occasionally b/c of her mom is really crazy about her religon thing but she's old  but i really oppose that sorry talking to much bye bye!

  4. Spanking is ok when they are little but when they get into their preteens it needs to STOP. Grounding is more effective once they can understand what they have done wrong because it lasts longer and so its a worse punishment to me. If you hit your teen its just because you're mad and your acting on your anger you're not really tryna teach them anything. My friends dad beats her up real bad and shes 18. she really hates him and i hate him too id shoot the motherfukker first chance i got cus he makes her life h**l and he treats her like S**t and is always verbally and physically abusing her... sorry i got a lil heated but it makes me so mad to hear about ppl doing that to their own kids.

  5. When I read your question my stomach just dropped to the floor.  I volunteer at my hospital in the pediatrics ward, and I have seen the results of parents 'discipining' their children in so many horrible ways.  I had to ask dad about this one (dad has only swatted my padded butt only once that i can remember), and his answer was devastating.  "A spanking with a hand on a child's behind is one thing.  Hitting and leaving marks on a child is abuse, and one of hte saddest and least-reported crimes in our country.  The fact is that child abusers were generally abused themselves by their parents, and they are only doing what they have been trained to do.  However, once a person realizes that the punishment they are giving a child is abuse, the yhave to make hte conscious decision to stop the abuse, and get help to do so."  It isn't right to hit a child adn hen say "don't hit your firends'.  How can they learn what is right if their parents do to them the things they are saying is wrong?

    (thanks dad, for teaching me the right way)

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