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So many black men date and eventually marry white women, which this rate has been increasing at an escalating rate, whereas 75% of black women remain single. Why do black men prefer white women over black women along with other races?
Whites are universally recognized as the most attractive race in the world. Not even nigs want nigs for the most part. Nigs are inferior in pretty much every way.
Report (0) (0) | 8 years, 2 month(s) ago
When the man I loved broke up with me, I felt something left me because i wasn't myself anymore. I had gone to several spell casters for help and I got no results. Until I found marvelspelltemple@outlook.com and i was introduced to Dr Muna i explained my relationship I had with my man to Dr Muna. I’m glad I did all that he requested from me and trusted him. He performed a spiritual cleansing to banish negative energies that was fighting against our relationship and casted a love spell. After 72 hours, the man I missed started to call me and told me how much he extremely missed me too and he was sorry for leaving me in the dark. Help me to say Thank you to marvelspelltemple@outlook.com website http://marvelspelltemple.webs.com/
Report (0) (0) | 9 years, 2 month(s) ago
I don't think predominantly it is love. I think it is psychological and strategizing. For the psychology aspects, many Black men feel inferior economically to White men. While White men toss White women around searching for a trophy wife who could maintain the family wealth and success, Black men are thirsty for that wealth and success. They figure that they would be more successful if they align themselves with someone already accepted in society as being "right" and not wrong. Black women get a negative rap sheet. Only a few have fortunes like Oprah Winfrey. For strategizing, their children will have more opportunities and would be far more accepted than if they were just African or African-American. President Obama was not only smart in school but he was a smart politician. He is in the White House, however, because White women thought he was good enough like their biracial children. You can't win with just the Black or Hispanic vote. You can make it in this society if you're popular. For many Americans, your popularity is your skin color, hair texture, ethnicity, height, weight, family ties, and education which can make you or break you. You're already half way there if you're biracial or intimate with someone of another race (especially intimate with White women). I don't think most of those men care for those women and vice versa. A clear example would be White women who chase Black professional basketball players and football players. They hope their men cheat so that they could get half and leave them. Eventually, they marry White men like Tiger Woods former wife who is now dating a Billionaire. That's called using those who try to use you. It's just business. No hard feelings. He got a status bump and she got a paycheck. Whether or not you agree with me, consider what Sterling said, "Don't bring Blacks to my Games." All of those NBA owners want their players with White women, because it is business. It looks good and the money eventually goes back to them when the men cheat. I wouldn't be surprise contracts aren't negotiated based on the players dating/marriage choices. Hollywood secrets.
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 8 month(s) ago
Tiger Woods showed that black men always want white women and the only reason black men do not have white women 100% of the time is they do not have the money that Tiger Woods has and the white women just do not want black men. h**l, the only way black women can get screwed is by begging a black man to knock them up!!!!
This is too bad but it is a fact.
Report (0) (0) | earlier
Assuming you know this already, but not all black men prefer black women, but when asked, they prefer them over their own because of sexual reason. Black women that place weaves in their hair sometimes don't like to have fingers running through went when the man wants to show senatitality he can't so he'll cross over to a white girl so he can do so. Although the majority of the time its they claim its hard to find a good black women, but its only because they're picking the bad ones, because they'll choose to love of "outer apperance" over the personality, there are plenty "good" black women out there they should just open they're eyes. Sometimes, they just prefer white women because they're "easy". To really get a true understanding you need to survey black men with white women.
Wow, there's some ignorant people here.
I wish people would educate themselves in this country. First of all, why is it such a big deal with people interracial dating? What's the taboo about it, were all human beings. It's none of my business what people want to do in their personal life if it doesn't effect me. Secondly your facts are wrong, as most races tend to stay within their own.
I can't stand prejudice people, and wtf is reverse racism? Racist is racist weather your black white yellow, etc. So the term doesn't even make sense. The prejudice people here should try furthering their education and go to college, if you passed high school, maybe youll learn something.
Probably because Black women are so full of drama and are only after MONEY. Ooops, I forgot about the 5-9 extra baby daddy's to deal with.
Black women are not racist as a black woman i feel embarrsed to say but when i see a black man with a white woman i get mad but its only the reasons why i live in the suburbs of mn and alot of black men show off their white women like there trophys or something and look down on black women like were ugly funny thing is that there mother is black so i guess they dont like the way there mother look wich means they dont like how they look. and white women where im at cant speak for all of them look at us like yea i have your man he didnt want you kind of thing I have a white friend but she is such a w***e and is obsessed with black men she says that they look better and are sexually better but this has been going on for years and years its just got more in popularty. sad thing is that the black men i do see do this are athletes celebs or boodgie negroes and thats why its flaunted so much more but even poor and other classes of black men are leaving black women for white women its sad becuse of there reasons and how its going the haterd going back and fourth between black women and black men what happened to black power and black love its beautiful to me but i guess not to others.
the black man does the same thing to the white woman that he does to the black woman.....he tricks her and he lies, cheats and plays games anyways; but the white woman keeps going back for more punishing helpings. She enjoys it until he dumps her for another white woman, and the cycle goes on and on and on................
White women are put above any other races. This is due to the brainwashing of Hollywood. They are the movie, porno, singers,super model stars. Black men who only dates white women becouse of the color of her skin,eyes,hair need to make a reality check & realize that they are shallow & blinded. The 90's hip hop promoted a lot of dark skin beauties, & yes a lot of men nowadays(not just black) agrees that women of mix races are better looking than white women.
this is so sad, black women, don't allow thses men to be little you and make you feel like s**t, you are beautiful
blacks in america still feel a sense of shame and emasculation from thier people being dominated and humuilated as slaves , and not being able to throw off the yoke of slavery them selfs. the fact that a war fought between white men to free thier people further adds to that humilation. this sense of inferiorty produces a primal rage in them , as socitey had eveolved and people are willing to cross boudnries hertofore taboo, its an oppurtuinty to express thier own feelings of acceptace , maybe dominace over whites as many men feel s*x is about dominace . all in all its a primal racist urge driving the need .
Its really simple
Black or White Guys prefer that soft furry p***y over the pan scrubbing brush >.<
white women go with black men because they want to see if the stereotype is true or if they prefer the s*x. if i knew a white women ever banged a black man simply because she was either curious of him being bigger, better or she likes to feel nasty and she was then interested in me, wouldnt i be a pathetic excuse if i fell for a women like that? someone who likes to feel like a s*x toy for a man (regardless of his colour) who just wants him to use her cos she likes that nasty feeling. i would never allow my kids to look at a mother like that and id feel ashamed if she ever gave them advice in life. the past does matter, it shows what you are capable of and what a sick puppy you can be. bottom line i could never love or marry a hoe, nomatter how great their personality is. as for as im concerned, if she likes to feel nasty with people she is not in a respectable relationship with, she deserves to be treated as a s*x toy and nothing more.
I am a black female and I want to say that I was once friends with a white female. She was in a relationship with a black man who would beat her up. We worked together and at work is where I began to notice her bruises. One week she came to work wearing sunglasses in an effort to cover a black eye. At this point she had finally had the courage to leave. I offered her a space in my home rent free. I told her to save her money and I even took her to view apartments. One night I invited her out with my friends (all black females). We went to a black club to just dance and have a drink. We were all dancing and having a good times. A black male asked my white friend to dance. I was glad to see her enjoying herself. Later as the club closed while walking to my vehicle, my white friend said... "I know those black girls were jealous because I was dancing with a black man." I thought to myself WOW... No one was really paying her any attention like that, but I just ignored the comment. During her stay, her abusive boyfriend left nasty messages on my voicemail. He told me that she told him I was the typical ugly fat black female. He also had some nasty things to say about me... why? I guess some women love to be abused and some men love the women they abuse. She was also having s*x with several black men at work. Well I eventually asked her to leave. 6 months later she rang my bell to apologize. She was also pregnant by one of the black males at work. I accepted her apology, but what I learned is that some white women; who date black men, secretly have issues with black women. They get a rise out of being in public with black men. I think that most white women who date black men are bored so they do it for excitement and for attention. Alot of white women also feel entitled to have and take what ever they want. I think some Black men date white women because they really dislike some black women and they secretely hate being black. Some black men also use white women, especially if she works and he doesn't. Some black men also enjoy f*****g white women to avenge white oppression. Some people say black men consider white women to be forbidden fruit, but I don't see how that is so when just about every race of man has slept with a white woman. On a final note, love transends all and people can love who they want regardless of color. I respect this type of union most of all.
Don't you all know the history of black people? Back then, black people were nobody and stay with their own race. Look at those famous black male stars and regular black men across the nation around the world. They are ashamed of being black, so they sleep with white women, so black men can feel like white beings. It is a proven fact and everybody know that. Plain and simple. Look at Michael Jackson, who make himself white instead of being dark black male the way he used to be.White women have low self-esteem and they don't know why black men sleep with them. White women think they are being treated like a queen, have gifts, have money, and all. It is all about black power. Well, white women got bribed and they don't even know it, so black males can get in female's wet hole. It is not hard to figure out people. See white women are very, very stupid for falling into black men's trap. Black men make white females feel wanted by flirting a lot. White women should be whipped, get beat up, and be taught that white women learn to know that black men are ashamed of being black. Now look at the mixed colored kids, who are confused and not know which side to be with Black or White families. Blame on stupid white women. Today, black guys keep hanging around white girls and they make white girls special. Shower them with gifts, drugs, and money, so they can get in their p***y. Black guys are smart and they know how to be players. Oh, white women thought they are special. d**n idiot white women. Once again, everybody know this is a proven fact. Right in the black history book.
You know that the children of incest are unhealthy. That because the genes of their parents are so much alike. Well the reverse is true. The children of parents with dissimilar genes turn out to be healthier, stronger and better looking. You only have to look in the world of athletics to see that is true. In the extreme sport of sprinting, black guys reign because they are in fact mixed race. What is more this genetic advantage has affected our base sexual urges so that we naturally tend to be attracted to people who are dissimilar to ourselves. This not only explains the attraction between the sexes but also between differing races. It’s the pressure from our peers and culture that masks and even overrides this sexual urge, but of course more so for some than others. The study of some primates (can’t remember the species) has shown that the females are more attracted to strangers, which is very similar. Also, if you look back in history you will find that when different races come together they mix very well and become a new race. I reckon inter-marriages will become more common as time goes on, so all you racists out there had better start getting used to it.
I say be with whoever you what to. Your grown.. White men don't own white women, and black women don't own black men..etc. And stop with the nasty looks that are given when some people are with a person of a different race.. It's not your life it's theirs. Thank you ; )
i live in a city where it seems every young white girl is knocked up with black baby,wearing them on thier arm as if they were fashion jewlrey.then leaving them for the next dumb a*s white girl he knocks up,this cycle has to end.the free s**t wont be there for long.stop living like your entitled and realize the shape this country is in and how it got that way.
You are street smart and one of the only others who understands the
magnitude of our decayed moral thanks to the corp. who control
music and sold out in 92.
Hope to meet you or correspond
Simple all white gals are s***s who wants to get laid. d**k size may matter 2...
If you are a white man, do not marry a WHITE WOMAN.. f**k them yes, but never marry them and do not buy them s**t. Adopt the BLACK MAN policy. Just f**k them and leave. Marry a different ethnicity.White women need to understand that if they want to go BLACK we do not give a f**k if they ever come back. I see white women with black men all the time and let me say that nothing pisses them off when it is thrown back in their face. I was recently at a club where I have seen a white girl go home with a black man. A couple weekends later I see the same girl and she comes up to me and asks if I would dance. When I told her that I do not consort with disloyal White Women she got pissed and asked why she was disloyal. I told her the reason and she got upset and walked away. However, the rest of thenight she kept having the bartender send me free drinks, which I drank. Later I took her home and pounded her in the anal cavity. I then told her to leave and I have never talked to her since. Awesome....Awesome...Awesome....Make them pay my fellow WHITE GUYS.....Also, if you think your girl is not cheating with a BLACK Guy you are an idiot.......HAHAHAHAHA....Make them pay. WHITE GIRLS deserve to be screwed over. Do not become a security blanket because Jerome never made it big as a rapper
Opinions are like a******s! EVERYBODY has one. We agree to disagree! By default we utilize our upbringing to shape our ideas and theories as adults. Its so unfortunate that race is so important! If a black man fancies a white woman oh well! If a white woman likes to f**k black men for whatever reason so what!! Life is 2 short for being impartial!!! Single is a choice when you are educated, focused, and strong. The bullshit percentage ratios are for the birds. Stop worrying about what others do and live your life for YOU!
Pros/Cons Between White Women and Black Women
White Women/Pros: Beautiful delicious pink pussysss, nice smooth hair, soft hands, cook on the reg, take s**t on the reg, wont embaress you in public,etc...
Cons: Horrible drivers, higher probability to lose a fight against colored, struggle with simple tasks.
black women/pros: good fighters, great screamers,
cons: dirty stinky looosee dark roast beef like p***y, nappy tangled mangled fake or real hair, can only cook microwavable products, embaressing to be seen with, give you s**t on the reg.
What women are you attracted to?
Know wonder blacks want to steal our women?
I know many black guys who date white women and they all say cause white women will do anything sexual they want them too, will spend money on them and shower them with gifts, and the biggest turn on for the black guy , at least what my friends told me, is that white woman dont b***h or scream out across stores like a crack ho on the street and dont constantly publicly insult them like back women do. But they all say even though they are committed to their white woman, they all cheat on them.
Now their white women all said that even though the black guys treat them like s**t, make them do sexual things they would never dream of allowing a white guy do and that they just dont like to do, and the black guys always seem to stay teen aged street punks, on woman even told me that when her man is with other blacks she can not understand a word they are saying, but they told me that the reason they go with and stay with black men is because they are in style now, and they want to have a mixed raced baby because some turn out to be the cutest babies ever. However, they dont want to marry the black guy unless they will get a decent job and try to act more adult. They all say they would have no problem marrying a white guy for the stability and security, as well as the role model for their kids, but they all said they could still s***w black guys on the side.
That is the big problem i have with this whole thing is that the white woman seem to think its ok to s***w around once married because its a black guy. They said they would not do it with a white guy, and they all said that if the white guy they were married to screwed around on them, they would leave him and take him for everything he had. I think its truly a sick mentality when women or men think like this. Call me old fashioned, but I believe once married and committed to someone, you do your best to stay monogamous with that person. No matter what your fetish is.
Which brings another question. Im half Asian. My wife is all Asian. We have been happily married for over 15 years and have 4 wonderful kids. We dont cheat and even though it been occasionally rough, we stuck with it and made it through. Maybe its because most Asians are brought up knowing that family is everything in life. But my question is that when anyone from another race likes an Asian woman, they are considered something called an Asiaphile. Now since my other half is white, and I lean more toward my white roots than my Asian ones, some consider me more white , and I have even been called an Aisaphile in the past. That is until they find out that my mother was Chinese. But my question is, what is the name for other races who have these fetishes for black men? Are they Blackaphiles? Im interested as I assume there must be some term for them. Ok, I really want to know so I can hammer my friends white women with it. lol...
Or better yet, is there a term similar to Asiaphile for black men who have fetishes for white women? That would be even better hammering my buds with it! Im sure there must be, and Im surprised Ive never heard it yet. Maybe they are Great White hunters? Since most of them seem to go for the heavier white woman than I know I would care to be seen with. Dont get me wrong, they are nice women, great personalities and all. Just a lot larger than I prefer. But my wife is 5'4 and 112 pounds. She is the perfect woman to me and always will be. Maybe Im strange though
I am a white woman..happily married to a white man, but I love f*****g black men...Its nasty to me..I love the color contrast...so it goes without saying I like un dark!! I love the scent of a big dark black mans c**k! I love to make um c*m..in me n on me! Also..it has nothing to do with having a 'wimpy' white man who doesn't satisfy me..we have a super s*x life! I love my family..I just happen to love the way niggers f**k! I say niggers not in an offensive way..but as a compliment!! cuz I like f****n the street niggas! Not the suit n tie black men...The kind that pisses off white men...I crave that nasty!! I like being a sell-out white b***h when I want to..and going home and being a wife and mother! I have had my experence with all races of men and foud it turns me on to be fucked by and to please niggers!!! I love to see a huge vainy thick dark n****r c**k in my face...oh and between my big white t**s!!! d**n its da BOMB!!! I can't speek for all n****r-lovin-white-b*****s...but I'm not ashames to say..."h**l yea I'm a n****r lover!!!
I don't care if the black dudes want a white chick I just don't like a white chick that looks like she has been stuffed for thanksgiving a few times. :O
Black Guys just have more meat in between their legs. If you find a white girl who likes black men discard her like yesterdays newspaper cause their ain't nothing left to have fun with.
Says she likes black c**k because it turns her on to look down and see a big black c**k disappearing inside her!
Okay...im mixed but i still think that everyone is equal. asking someone "why do black men like to date white wemon" is just like asking "why white guys like to date white wemon" it dosent matter what race you are. also, not all black wemon look ugly and they look the same. some of the hottest wemon on earth are black like mariah carey and beyonce. and all you people can say "oh i hate all black people!" but the reality is that white people brought black people over to america. and if white wemon didnt like black men they wouldnt date them so it gives me the idea that white men are jealous. and people that say interracial relationships are wrong are idiots because its beleived that everyone in america has at least 1% black in them. and all people that dont like black people need to get in their heads that you are out numbered! i mean....look at the president!
white women will f**k a black man but will marry a white man.
white women are not the stupid. why guys are more of a man and can take care of his own than back guys.
it's already proven that black guys made black women angry by leaving them with all those babies.
black guys at an adult age still hang in clubs and trying to out f**k one another instead of looking for a career.
I would say because white women are dumber that black women.Just look around and see the hair color of most of these women blonde than tells you something the ones that not were meant to be!
why cant people stick to their own race? this interacial s**t is fucked up black people are gross aha
Easy, and i not applying this to everyone, but i belive its because they know that white women have money and a job and they can take care of the bills so the man doesnt have to work. Black women, (just what i see) are fat, angry, gross,all look the same, have a lousy work ethic and all they do is scream and complain. And, go ahead, call me a racist i couldnt give one half of a flying f**k, to all you ignorant people. Open your eyes, black and white cultures are very different, and always will be. Thats why we dont get along, and never will, i dont care how much you throw God at me. Im catholic, so dont gimme that c**p. Also, throwing slavery in our faces, just not working. It happen hundreds of years ago. Get over yourselves and stop calling everyone other than black racist. sorry i had gotten off topic and a little carried away. Just wanted to share.
umm wow i'm 13 and reading this AND i'm black now i see why most black women becomelez b/c of ppl who do things like this and i have a white bf well mixed but still You think if you saying thingys like omg u Black women are s**t who only suck di*k or something like that well hurt a strong women ? even if i'm not a fully gow woman i know that you are wrong for that. PLus to let you knwo i fell in love with my bf before i found out he was mixed so i think its fine. i use to be mad because the skool i went to taught us AWWW WHITE BEAT YOPU HATE THEM and for many years i did but my best friend is mixed and i did'nt even know i was talking about my own best friend and was hurting her so i KNoW white ppl are'nt bad so stop hating just because you dont like white ppl. OH and another thing O>O WTF u say aww blacks are getting beat by there black men and put alll THAT s**t on the frount and black women STILL want you BUT you dont wanna put that white men ALSO abuse their women so i know you just wanna make blacks feel wronged or like they are SUPPOSE to take that and program young black girls to think that we should be like whites wells my hair is natrual and not permed i dont wann abe white i wanna be me! LOVE YOUR SELF BEFORE YOU MAKE OTHER PPL FEEL BAD ^_^ thank you for reading ><
I originally asked this question because I have repeatedly been hit on by black men. Despite what I have read about "white women liking black men sooo much they flock to them" I have found that far from the real truth. Most white women that I know wouldn't be caught dead with a black guy. Please do not take this as insulting; this is just what has been told to me, and what I have experienced with my white female friends. In return the white woman have found to date black men act like they are black. Talking like a black woman would talk, dressing like black woman would dress, and hanging around other African Americans. Where I come from they are not accepted within the white race they are considered to be "wiggers". For the black women that I have seen answer this question it has been all about them and how they are so educated and everyone else answering this question is ignorant; which would to me prove the point of sooo many other individuals on this issue discussing the fact that African American women are very self absorbed and angry. As far as people needing to look past the skin color of others I can agree to that to an extent. I feel if people themselves can look past their own skin color and live outside of what was taught to them by their race and their surroundings; I feel this would be a much healthier world. People become their own prison. White men don't keep you down, Mexican people don't keep you down, yellow people don't keep you down, you keep you down. You, yourself are your own worst enemy. I myself have come from nothing and have become very successful in my life so far. I refuse to settle; I have so many more things in life I want to accomplish. I have had little help to get to where I am now. Despite the belief that White people have every advantage. I am a living example that white people have to work just as hard as anyone else to accomplish their goals in life. I wasn't given anything and made something from nothing because I believed in MYSELF. That is all I need. From my experience living with many races; many of the things I have heard about black people are very true. I have found African Americans are way more racist than many, many, other races I have encountered. You can turn on BET TV and find a African American saying "cracker" are some joke to our expense, but God forbid a white person say anything regarding something about African Americans "that’s racist" so is calling white people "crackers". I know I am falling off the subject at hand but reviewing the responses I felt that I needed to bring to everyone’s attention what people seem to be really discussing here; Racism. Look at all the racial slurs from other readers. One point I would like to make is Remember every race has been in slavery one time or another in life. The Jewish the most recent, but you have yet to see the Jewish use this as a crutch in life not to move forward. They are some of the most successful people in society today, and without once using their past in slavery as a crutch are a means for a hand out. Now as I was saying I have been hit on by countless black males and have no attraction to them what so ever. Ever since I have cut my hair very short I get hit on at least once a day by a black man. Whereas when I had hair down to my butt I would get hit on by more White and Mexican men and rarely ever black men. Soooo I guess the answer I was searching for was not found on this website. When I have asked my African American friends that are male regarding this question; every one of their responses have been pretty much the same. That white women are more confident, have better hygiene, not as bitchy about every little thing, they don't expect the men to pay for every little thing, they have better communication skills then African American woman, they don't feel they have to flaunt what they have accomplished to find a sense of confidence are to feel better and bigger than the men in their life, and do not want to struggle to wear the pants in the relationship. I do not agree with everything I was told from my African American male friends about White women. Especially since I myself am guilty of a few of these things. I have found more racial slurs than anything else on this site. I will go elsewhere to find the answer to my question.
its the same thing in england if not worse because there arnt many black people here. thats why SO many black women are turning g*y here its ridiculous where ever you go you see black men with white women its to much now someone needs to date black women.
First of all, why the h**l does it matter? If a black man want a white woman so what? If a black man want a mexican woman so what? It's just skin color! I am sickened by the amount of racism spewed by blacks and whites. It's saddening that people still can't see past skin color. If you find love with someone of a different color be proud of it. Don't let narrow minded people keep you away from who you love the most. Remember, God makes no racial calls so there's no reason we should.
I am a Black man, black women seem angry and cold, white women more cheerful and pleasant. Black woman is confrontational, white woman more feminine and cooperative, plus I'm sick of the weaves.
Iam a white girl , and i love black guys , i think they are so s**y and atractive , they are better than white guys i think , black men make white women feel wanted and they are just kind to us , more than white men ! ( A KiSS FoR BLACK MEN ) ;)
Latest activity: 8 years, 2 month(s) ago. This question has 151 answers.