
Why do so many black people give a Ghetto respect?

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You glorify it and and act like it is such a wonderful place. It is pure h**l full of dangerous animals. Why would you like that?




  1. I don't think that black people think it is a wonderful place, but being I am a white chick from the hood I would say that it is a pride thing. People who have never lived in the ghetto would never begin to understand what it is like..... people on the street corners begging for money non stop, not to pay bills but to go home to their rich *** lives cause they were faking it. Then every ghetto has got the crazy lady that stands on the street corners screaming that we all going to h**l. Then you got the crack heads and prositutes and the drug runners. It was the worst for me cause I went to a inner city school as a white girl. That was rough no one likes the white kid but to servive all of everything that a child growing up in the ghetto goes through is a great accomplishment. If you are refering to the rap that is done about it, they are just basically saying look at the c**p I went threw and I am still holding my head up high. Rich kids that clam their from the ghetto just want to say they from the hood so everyone gives them the same respect. People feel simpathy for the ghetto kids that is why fake people try to play like they understand when really they have no idea.

  2. I take offense that you say "you" and are being very degrading. And how dare you call a place full of human beings full of animals. There are Innocent people there who live there because it's their only choice. No one would choose to live there. Most do it because of necessity and do what they think they must to survive. I don't glorify the ghetto, and it is offensive that you categorize all African Americans as the same. I believe and give great  respects to those who try to strive to better themselves, and make a different life. No one gives it respect. What is respectful is that there are people out there who try to lead a different life apart from gangs and drug selling. So before you look at all black people (some who don't even know what it is) you should take some time to re asses your thinking.

  3. Where did you get this information? I've never heard of any such thing.

  4. well first of all people respect because they know how hard it was to live there and they respect for it teaching how to live on their own with a struggle some people just belong in the ghetto its a black person thing you know im black i know how it feels

  5. Who ever said a ghetto was a wonderful place? Many Black people can relate to the ghetto being that many grow up there. It's a badge of honor to have survived it. The most dangerous animals live in your neighborhood.

  6. Instead of thinking of it as "black" think of it as uneducated and lack of supervision.

    If all one has is ghetto rap, half#$ed friends, and bad parents as role models, then rims, old beater cars fixed up, and stealing money will become a way of life, and a pleasurable one at that.

  7. I don't live "in the ghetto", but if that's all you know, all you grew up knowing and you can't get out, you make the best of it. They don't think it's a wonderul place. I'm sure they're well ware that they live in a dangerous h**l hole. Many rap songs lyrics say how bad it is. The people there are just trying to survive. And if you can survive and get out of those conditions, that would be something to respect!

  8. Well, if I lived in a ghetto all my life (never have though), I would probably still be proud of where I am from. Sometimes a person's last valuable possession is his/her pride of where he/she is from.  

  9. Yeah it's pure h**l and if you listened to rap you would know they say that.

    They respect it because its tough and if you can make past 25 years old out that MuthaF*#%er you would be proud of that fact as well.

  10. it is not that they are glorifying it but they show respect to people who have been through it and has survived. I am not black but my neighborhood wasnt no walk in the park. Swat teams, drug busts and a******s. So please refrain from it narrowing down to one race, If you are from the "Ghetto" you go through, see and experience more things then others have and you learn to respect people who have gone through the same, surviving the ghetto shows strength.

  11. I believe sometimes it has to do with peer preasure in different circumstances , and then sometimes or if not most times it has to do with gaining respect , even if you have never grown up in the ghetto. People have learned that you gain a great amount of respect if you have survived living your life in the ghetto. So if they haven't gained respect any other way yet or find it hard by any other means , they tend to portray as if they represent a ghetto for the respect.

  12. I think you're talking about the kids that only know that there is such a thing as the ghetto from watching rap videos on MTV.

    I imagine they like it because their parents don't.

  13. It is simply because thy learn so much from being there. It is like a tough love parent to them.

  14. 1 word ***** u

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