
Why do so many celebs urge the middle class to donate money for the lower class, yet never donate themselves?

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Why are there so many multimillionaire celebrities urging the masses to donate their money to causes, yet the people doing the urging don't step up to the plate and donate their money? I know that there are Drew Barrymore who just donated a million dollars. But there are so many others that are preachy and not putting their money in the sack.




  1. Many, many celebrities donate money.

  2. How do you know whether or not they do or don't. A lot of people like to do it anonymously. Just because they aren't flaunting their generosity doesn't mean they don't do anything

  3. Don't you think that the ones who TELL you they've donated are the ones to be criticized? I mean, I don't donate $1,000 and then go around advertising to my friends, family and coworkers that I did it. So why would Drew Barrymore go around telling everyone that she donated $1million? I have a lot more respect for those celebrities who donate anonymously or without telling the press than I do for those we hear about. You have no idea if those other people donate or not.

  4. Good question!  I often wonder this myself...These people make insane amounts of money and could easily give money to causes.  It baffles me this is why I refuse to support certain celebs and their frivolous lifestyle.  I am barely doing well myself so if I had money like them I would gladly give it to charity no pun intended since thats my name but yeah they should do better!! So many people are in need.  The wealth exceeds the middle class and impoverished!  Share the wealth with those in need.  Is the money even going to the people who need it or what?? Thats another thing thats shifty.

  5. Right

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