
Why do so many christians and churches contradict each other?

by Guest56556  |  earlier

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Surely if you believe in god, you believe in the word of the bible?

I onced asked a question saying, if im an atheist, but im a really really nice person, would i still go to h**l?

And numerous amounts of christians said i would deffo go to h**l (if it was real) because to go against the word of god is a sin, or something!

Anyway on another persons question, ive just read an answer from a christian who said his church teaches that people from all walks of life and religions can still go 2 heaven!! and that he believes you can still go to heaven, it just depends on gods judgement or something.

How can sooo many christians contradict each other, and make up their own beliefs? surely you only believe whats in the bible, and thats that!

WHAT IS THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Because Christianity is based upon a lie. It wasn't created to give, but to take. The father of the church is satan. He has deceived the world. Christianity is only loosely based upon the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. If Christianity was a Part of His Tree nothing but good could of ever come out of it, but such was not the case. We can tell the church is a bad tree by the fruit is has produced. Good Christians in the name of the church slaughtered millions of Native Americans and destroyed all their culture, their history, their records, their sacred texts. And who can forget the Inquisitions. If Christianity was a Part of His Church this could never have occurred. Period. The end.

  2. no one knows cause no one has ever died, come back, and explained the rules to entry of heaven/h**l

  3. The bible is full of contradictions so in that respect, it leads itself to contradiction. If you can have over 32,000 different Christian denominations, sects and cults, and everyone of them think that they are right and everybody else is wrong, it's no wonder the world is in confusion. They all can't be right. Yet those who insist - sometimes fanatically - about their religious convictions are as deluded as the others. I'm not here to bash Christianity; I was a Christian most of my life. After twenty-five years of research, I believe I found what I was looking for. 'Christ' said: 'Seek and you will find'. But the 'Christ' many Christians think they 'found' isn't the 'Christ' that I am aspiring to. God bless and I hope this helps you.

  4. Religion is so contradictory because its created and interpreted by man. There will always be problems with religion because no one agrees with anyone in this world.

  5. The truth; the scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16-17) and the 'Bible' are not the same usually, especially in USA presently. (A cause of division?).

    Example; according to the index in the Bible the old testament is Genesis-Malachi. However, according to the scriptures, the 'old testament is the law of Moses. (The law of Moses starts in Exodus 20). Need more?

  6. Jesus Christ is our God and Savior, follow Him. The Word of God is the same past and present and future. God allows different worship styles. We are not saved for how much we know when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal God and Savior.

    Do no place your faith and info on human wisdom, place it on God's wisdom. Get yourself a church home where you can learn how to have a personal relationship with our God Jesus Christ

  7. The scriptures have been interpreted differently by different groups.  Each group thinks that they correctly interpreted what was written.  Mankind is not perfect and has free will.  If someone reads the bible and thinks it says something different than another person, they will try to push their point of view and another religion is created.  No one thinks their point of view is wrong so many religions appear.

  8. A lot of people are being mislead by false doctrine...the Bible warns us to test the spirits.  The word of God is our truth.  The only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ his son and this is truth.   The only way to heaven is by believing in and taking Jesus as our savior.

  9. People love to charade that religion causes these divisions and sometimes war. Realistically, they are almost always political. Divisions and conquerings of nations of the past. Religion is just the front, the excuse have you, to validate these wars and divisions. It is not necessarily the cause at all.

  10. 1. Everyone is a sinner.

    2. We need to be saved.

    3. The means of salvation must come from God; we cant save ourselves because we're the guilty party.

    4. The means of salvation must be by something like man, so the principle would apply to us.

    5.God sent His Son, and since God revealed that atonement must be done for sin, someone have to die for it (atonement). Jesus did that.

    6. Only Jesus made the way to save people from their sins. Other gurus just taught, but simply teaching good manners cant get anyone away from h**l.

  11. Because they don't pay attention to what they read in the Bible . They are desperate in need of a "God" to function in this world!

    The Bible God worshipped by the Christians in America is the one that forced his chosen people to eat their own children for dinner NOT AS A PUNISHMENT, but as an option in time of famine. God never objected about killing and cooking a child for dinner! Bigot Christians who are not openly pro-life because of an abortion in the family are furiously anti-g*y! And vice versa!

    Nothing is taken out of context here. The Bible was obviously written by some primitive “holy men of God” who knew how to control religious people... Any religion then was as savage as you can possibly imagine. The Bible is a hangover from those days... The Bible God is too bloody and wicked for just any person to believe without substantial manicuring of the Bible. America is ONE NATION UNDER GOD and IN GOD WE TRUST only because of the collapse of our gold monetary system. It did the trick of calming down a lot of Christians. Instead of reading the Bible Christians listen to their preachers!

    Christians blame atheists of being “baby killers,” but that’s only to cover up their own shortcomings! The Bible writers made the “loving God” totally powerless to teach his chosen people a lesson without FORCING them to eat their own children for dinner for whatever reason in the “good and spacious land flowing with milk and honey”* (*According to the Bible, this was factual ONLY before Israel invaded Palestine. The former dwellers lived well in abundance!). This primitive Bible God takes it on the innocent children! Paradoxically, Christians are banning ALL ABORTIONS so there will be more children for dinner! Spiritually speaking, of course…!

    The Bible Jehovah God's sadistic pleasures are the kinkiest ones ever to be invented in human history...!!! Throughout history not a Godless atheistic dictator in the world EVER thought of forcing his people to eat their own children for dinner...!!! This is so repulsive that no s**t publication EVER thought of publishing anything like that, either but you can enjoy reading all about it in the Bible! Christians feel that the DEVIL is seeding this information in their Bible to confuse them! Obviously, reading the Bible in an obscure King James verbiage helps to cover up any gross savagery very easily!

    Leviticus 26:29 - (God says) YOU WILL eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters* (*without warning of any evil! Christians know that “if God says it I believe it… and that settles it!”)

    Deuteronomy 28:53-57 - Because of the suffering that your enemy will inflict on you during the siege, YOU WILL EAT THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB, THE FLESH OF THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS THE LORD YOUR GOD HAS GIVEN YOU* (*God won’t protect the innocent children, but his chosen people will enjoy eating them…! Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus! Amen?). Even the most gentle and sensitive man* (*not a homosexual or a “Godless” atheist, but a chosen child of God!) among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his surviving children* (*after eating the youngest ones!), and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating…* (*This is so devilish! NOT SHARING!!!)


    God won’t force you to eat PIGS, but your own children, YES! This was written for the pleasure of the bizarre oriented right wing Fundies who support this kinda God! The Holy Inquisition hardly measured up to God’s standards and the Westboro Baptist Church falls far behind!

    Ezekiel 5:10 - Therefore in your midst fathers WILL EAT THEIR CHILDREN...*

    Most Bible writers are going berserk conveying God’s message about eating children! Please notice that GOD NEVER SPOKE A WORD AGAINST EATING YOUR OWN CHILDREN FOR DINNER in the plentiful Holy Land! It took 2 men to carry a single bunch of grapes to show Israel how plentiful was the Heathen place that they were going to invade (Num 13:23)! Even in Egypt Israel was much better off. They never had to eat their own children! God actually tricked them to leave Egypt to make them eat their own children!  

    Lamentations 4:10 - With their own hands COMPASSIONATE women* (*GODLY… Not lesbians or atheistic ladies, but God loving heterosexual “WOMEN” --plural/many!)  HAVE COOKED THEIR OWN CHILDREN...! Not in a moment of rage, but with some planning, recipes, and so on!)

    These are not the only few episodes of FACTUAL eating of children in the Bible!!! Here is an episode in FULL EXPLICIT CONTEXT that is impossible for the Christian clergy to explain, but they do it for the sake of your tithes and offerings!

    2 Kings 6:26-29 (NIV) As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, “Help me, my lord the king!” The king replied, “If the Lord* (*God) does not help you, where can I get help for you? From the threshing floor? From the winepress?” Then he asked her, “What's the matter?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.’ So we cooked my son and ate him* (*BTW… it came out delicious!!!). The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him,’ but she had hidden him.”* (*…this is the actual sin!)

    They were all “compassionate” Godly, non-Atheistic, heterosexual women that HAVE COOKED THEIR OWN CHILDREN FOR DINNER...! The Bible writers still say that “God is LOVE”! Christians must be blinded by the “GOD IS LOVE” commercial in the Bible… it is like a real spell… It really is!

    Isaiah 49:15 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I* (*God) WILL NOT FORGET YOU!*

    (*The Clergy knows how to cover up and explain away the overwhelming Bible evidence to the contrary!)

    These are not obscure isolated verses in the Bible, but eating your own children is part of the Bible theme. The clergy can still market Christianity in our advanced society after YEARS OF CHRISTIAN BIBLE SCHOOLING to learn how to do it just right for each brand of the Christian faith!

    The Bible writers are delighted to tell us that Jesus was whipped, beaten, thoroughly marinated in Roman spit, and nailed to a Holy Cross as a “spotless Lamb of God.” Then the Christian MUST EAT HIS ROMAN SPIT FLAVORED MEAT AND DRINK HIS HOLY BLOOD to make it to Heaven! (John 6:53) The idea of eating one’s sons and daughters is part of the BIBLE story so the forever cannibalizing of God the Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion is not half that bad…! The Bible also promotes the killing of infants to get rid of future enemies of God!!!

    Psalm 137:8-9 - O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us- he who seizes your infants and DASHES them against the rocks.

    The Bible writers say that the enemies of God ought to be killed in their infancy when it is easier to get rid of them (Amen?) So abortion is not remotely that bad. In fact, IT IS VERY HUMANE...!!! Notice “humane” versus “Godly.” Godly requires that the fetus be born into a child before he/she can be dashed to pieces as an infant! The Egyptian midwives were doing this kind of abortion on the willing Hebrew ladies! No other form of safe induced abortion was known then!

    Isaiah 13:16 (KJV) Their* (*God’s chosen people’s) little ones also will be DASHED TO PIECES before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered And their wives ravished…. (How many s*x starved godly women would wish to be ravished? But the children must be DASHED TO PIECES – not just killed! Praise the LORD!)

    Sadly, that the liberal media doesn’t get involved in reporting any religious story in the Bible! By the way, God the Son Jesus Christ is hardly any better than his own Daddy God up in the sky!

    Revelation 2:23 (NIV) (In his apocalyptic “revelation” for the last days Jesus Christ says) I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD* (*No abortionist can beat Jesus at killing babies… AMEN? Sweet Jesus is the one killing the children so he can teach everybody a lesson on WHO IS THE BOSS! Preachers have earned millions printing books about Jesus love for the little children of the world without telling anybody about his vicious children killing craze. In our society today Jesus would be in jail for bullying about killing children to favor a particular religion!!!). Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.* (*I’m the BOSS says Jesus! He is far more daring than the Mafia because the Mafia doesn’t go public talking like that. Christians love this message because Jesus is God!)

    We definitely need a better Bible more in accord with factual science and realistic moral values if religion needs to survive as a crutch for low self esteemed people!

    Most Christians pretend to ignore that the Bible is an old religious people control device and today a money making machine exploiting human religious gullibility! Christians don’t know how to deal with plain FACTS either from science or from their own Bible that they hardly read! Their preachers, the Pope, Bush and all his spiritual advisors subscribe, worship and rule millions of people by this Bible God notion!

    Romans 15:4 (Saint Paul says) For EVERYTHING that was written in the past* (*Old Testament) was written to teach us* (*Christians)...

    Then Christians are forced to lie that not everything written in the Bible is for them...!!!

  12. Romans 3:23 says that we have all sinned.

    Romans 6:23 says the price for our sin is death, but that we can have eternal life through Jesus.

    The Gospel of Jesus is that He was born of a virgin (so He is sinless), He was crucified on a cross for all of the sins of the entire world, and He rose from the dead on the third day.  He ascended into heaven and He is coming again to reign as the King and Lord of all.

    If you believe the Gospel, admit you are a sinner, believe that Jesus paid the cost of your sin (death and h**l), and accept Jesus as your Savior, you will not go to h**l.

    That is the truth.

  13. the contradict because they don't follow the bible. they follow what their church tells them. so which ever church is nearby their house they would follow that church. you know one of the best businesses in Europe and America is that make a church and start earning from the sins of the people. they don't ask them not to commit adultery but when the people commit it they ask for ticket for forgiveness of the sins.

    God knows the best.

  14. The truth is that 'God' was created for men, by men, to use at their convenience. That is why they are always contradicting each other.

    If a God truly existed, then there would only be one version of the bible and he would smite anyone who tries to change it.

  15. The inspired word of God points us to the living word, which is Christ.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  There is no surer foundation for salvation other than the one Christ provides.  If one tries to keep the law to be saved, that person is responsible for keeping the whole law, which is impossible with man alone.  Or if we are ignorant of the law, meaning gentiles who have never heard the gospel or the law of God, I believe they will be judged differently, but most likely will perish for sinning against their own conscious.  That is how I see it as laid forth by the scriptures.

    Now, what makes a christian a christian?  Is it not faith in Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and walking in a relationship with God that makes us so?  There will always be differences in the non-essentials, but in the fundamental essentials of the faith there will be unity.  Hope this helped.

  16. Since your claim is that you are an Atheist, what does it matter to you?

  17. There is no grand truth.  Only individual truth.  Why do they contradict themselves?  Because they don't know wtf they're doing.

    There is no FACT about what is beyond what we see with our eyes.  So it all boils down to faith.  Believing in something that is not there.

    *Sigh* I'm glad my religion has NOTHING about judgement.

  18. Because when people like Pat Robertson get ahold of a Bible, they start trying to convince people that their opinion about the Bible IS the Bible.

    There is only one Bible.  But "whats in the bible" [sic] gets warped by men who use it for their own political agenda, like Robertson, Fred Phelps, Benny Hinn, etc.


    Before a Holy, Just and Righteous God, we (YOU AND I) are all sinners deserving h**l, nothing less.

    h**l is biblical and it is eternal. The scriptures in Mark 9:48 recorded the Lord Jesus Christ’s own words quoting Isaiah 66:24 “…and be thrown into h**l, where” ‘their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’”

    “They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might,”-2 Thessalonians 1:9

    God is Holy, Just and Sovereign and He is also Merciful.

    “Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? said the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?”Ezekiel 18:23

    God in His love and mercy offers His Grace, He offers mercy to all sinners ONLY ONE WAY to be reconciled to Him, only one truth to believe and one eternal life through His only Savior: God only begotten Son.

    “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

    It is not about following a religion, do you have a Savior to give you His righteousness ? Do you have a Savior who has taken on YOUR sins and was duly punished by God for YOUR sins ?

    The really sad truth ETERNAL PUNISHMENT of the those who do not have a Savior to cover their sins and receive forgiveness now, will have to face God clothed in your sins and self righteousness.

    There will be two destinies, in the Lord’s own words, one for righteous (saved by God's grace through faith and washed by the blood of the Lamb) to eternal life and for the rest to eternal punishment:

    “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” (Matt. 25:46).  

  20. Millions of people call themselves Christians and there are countless churches defining themselves in so many different ways. What makes you think that there would be any likelihood that they would all have identical beliefs?

    So you ask why.  Simple: People are complex creatures who each make their own decisions about complex things -- so we would expect them to come with many different ideas!  You could have asked the same question about atheists: "Why do so many atheists and atheist organizations contradict each other and have so many different ideas?" Why are you assuming that people are likely to have uniform ideas about anything?

    "What is the truth!" is a good question -- but it is also a HUGE question, so I hardly expect there to be one simple answer that everybody will agree on.  The fact that one very large 'group' calls itself "Christian" is going to magically change that realty.

  21. Because of the unbiblical manmade tradition of sola scriptura, which was doomed from the beginning to result in doctrinal chaos.  The Bible says that the Church Christ founded is the pillar and foundation of truth. Any structure removed from its pillars and foundation will weaken, warp, and eventually collapse. This is exactly what has happened to the truth when people removed it from the Church Christ founded and attempted to find it in unauthorized manmade churches that exist in open defiance of God's stated will, "that they all may be one". In the meantime the one Church founded by Christ enjoys 2,000 years of unity on belief, unity in teaching and unity in worship, just as Christ intended. You just can't beat God's plan.

  22. Different denominations of Christianity. So the beliefs and ideas change. That is one reason why religion is hard for me to believe because everything contradicts everything else. There is to many religions in denominations to know if I'm right.

  23. So many contradictions with churches and christians because their focus is not on Jesus Christ!  If their eyes are on Jesus, all difference will be unified.

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