
Why do so many drivers not use their indicators properly?

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Its beginning to look like they only put indicators on some models of cars.

The worst offenders seem to be the mums that pull out on you after picking up the kids from school, they also stop dead in front of you with no warning.

OAP s indicating several streets before they turn off, very often indicating left when they go right.

Roundabouts !! well just going to give up on that one.

Just find it a bit annoying.




  1. Could be they're off duty policemen.    Around here, it appears that either they don't use turn signals or police cars are not equipped with such modern devices.

  2. When I was taught how to drive in Glasgow 20 years ago it was part of the test on using your indicators and I still indicate at all times -my daughter recently passed her test and tells me that you dont need to indicate, it is only for politeness?

  3. Because where they want to go is none of your business, I suppose.

  4. Come on - it's a pretty tall order asking someone to indicate when they're talking on their mobile, lighting a ***, dodging the speed camera, feeding the kids, putting on mascara and changing the cd - isn't it??!!

  5. try to go to india, they do not use the indicators they just horn for everything, it's like the first thing you are taught is how to use your horn lol. I think we all just have use our instinct, out there it is very man/lady for themselve, no one even obey traffic lights. I also think as we get more conjested in the uk it could just become worse! Please help someone.

  6. ucantcme is right. Even though people might not think that way, they subconsciously behave in that way.

    Personally I always signal when there are other drivers around, but dont when there aren't. And drivers who dont seriously tick me off.

  7. Laziness and a couldn't give a d**n attitude.

    I know, because i am an ADI and all pupils are taught to use their indicators properly, and need to demonstrate this on their driving tests, so there are no excuses post test!

    Annoys the h**l out of me - especially for the poor pupils trying to pass their tests and having to second guess what other drivers are doing!

  8. 1) People are lazy - Consider the proliferation of automatic transmissions despite all of their disadvantages. Some cars have cruise control, automatic headlights and rain-sensing windshield wipers. God forbid that you ever have to touch any vehicle controls and actually do something manually!

    2) People are arrogant - They are entitled to change lanes whenever they darn well please and it is YOUR responsibility to avoid them. After all, the whole world revolves around them.

    3) People are stupid - using a turn signal requires them to either hang up their cell phone, stop applying make-up, or cease whatever other distraction they are engaged in.

  9. Some people are just plain stupid

  10. It's annoying and dangerous, you're right.

    I'd say it's mostly arrogance and selfishness. "I now where I'm going" kind of thinking. Or "how can I indicate when I'm on the phone". I drive an automatic and I ALWAYS indicate. And because other people don't I always keep my distance behind a car in front. And I rather stay longer at roundabout just to make sure I won't get hit.

    But to be fair, on some cars the ergonomics is rather bad so if you keep your hands at 10-2 or 9-3 you just cannot reach the lever without pretty much taking a hand off the steering wheels (VW Touareg, for instance).

    I live in Slovakia, Europe, and it's kind of a urban myth in the region that Slovaks just don't indicate, same can be said about Czechs and Poles.

  11. Some are insurance fraud artists. Others are idiots. Some how it costs us more than it will cost them so they don't care.

  12. I'm a non-driver, and I am under the impression that drivers either:

    a) Believe everyone else is telepathic, and will know whether they are going to turn a corner, pull out, and which way they are going;

    b) Assume that by turning their head in the direction they wish to go in, that will be the same as indicating.

  13. lol i am more afraid of people that don't use indicators at all :)

  14. downright laziness

  15. For the same reason people don't follow ANY of the driving regulations. NO one is perfect.

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