
Why do so many find it wrong???

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I have an 8 month old shiba inu puppy. Yes we crate him. Its only at night when we are sleeping and when we have to go somewhere and its not good to take him. (if im going shopping and will be away from the car for a hour or more in the heat I wont take him. If its hot I wont let him in a car for more then 10 mins MAX) We crate him cause he chews everything and anything (we have many toys and bones thats not the issue, we bought bitter bite and he licks it off) He has chewed cord candles, containers, has climbed on to desks and dressers to get stuff. So when we are not going to be able to watch him (at night and when we need to run somewhere) we crate him for his safety. When we are home he has free range gets plenty of run in the house and out. (we have a cat he loves to chase and fight with) So why is it people find this so wrong??? I think its better to lock him up so he dont get to something and get hurt... (I would die if I lost him)

BTW when we are gone for long hours we find a sitter for him. He goes to friends houses that have other dogs and runs all day till we pick him up. If we are going to these friends houses we bring him as well just like a child




  1. I don't think you are wrong.  From what I can see, you go above and beyond what a caring "parent" would do.  You have taken precautions to ensure HIS safety.  I think you are doing the best that you can!

  2. I don't know anyone that thinks crate training is wrong.

  3. If the dog has been raised and used to being in the, it's not wrong. It's not like a punishment. Don't worry about what people say. I'm sure that your dog is loved and happy.

  4. This is not a wrong practice and you should not listen to anyone telling you it is.  We have Australian Labradoodles and they actually go get in their kennels by themselves when it is time for bed.

  5. People keep a small child in a playpen don't they (for pretty much the same reasons)?  What's the difference?

  6. As long as it's big enough, hopefully when he grows up you won't have the problem

  7. You are not wrong. You are a good mommy to your pup :) I think the issue is when people crate them for hours on end and do it just so they don't have to deal with them. This is hard on their bowels and bladder. Something you could try is a little bit bigger cage. One he could walk around a little... We have a small "carrier" for my dog and a cage that he can lay down in and walk around a bit. We also don't leave him in either for more than 4 or so hours without potty breaks and play time.

    We are the same way with our pup with taking him wherever we can. He is really like a family member.

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