
Why do so many forigeners think britain owe them something?

by Guest32809  |  earlier

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Why do so many forigeners think britain owe them something?




  1. I have to say I think you're missing the point entirely - this isn't about "foreigners" believing Britain owes them something - they simply know Britain feels as if we owe them something!

  2. Another unresearched out of thin air question.Untrue and inadequately backed up with any fact as per usual.

  3. Because now that we are in the EU we have to take all the RIF-RAF that the other EU countries don't want, so we end up with the scrounging and the one that will work cheap to get all the jobs. This is what some big companies want so that they make a bigger profit at the expense of the British/English worker.

  4. Yes thats right - all foreigners leave there home, family, and culture to get british benifits. So none have got any pride? What about all the white trash, dole dossers that are already in this country? They do exist you know

  5. Because Britain is a doormat for them, it's a crying shame what trying to be political correct does to a country.

  6. Well britain was the one that colonized so many countries. Those foreigners have every right to demand something from britain.

  7. The same reason that many people think the US owes them something.  Jealousy.  They have it so bad wherever they are from so they think that the world owes them something.  I can't stand it!

  8. given that you've asked this in the category 'royalty', isn't it apt that you're having a rant against 'forigen' (sic) scrounger-HRH and family being a bunch of German wasters living of the taxpayers.  I'm sure most foreigners have better English language usage than you do.-What's the matter anyway, quiet night on the cabs is it?

  9. its not that we owe them anything,its just that Britain is an easy ride for them, money,clothes, etc and if another  f*cking immigrant ogles at me in the street or beeps at me in their new car(bought with british taxpayers money) then i'll kick them back to their own f*cking country quicker than they got here in the back of a lorry! so many of our men are out there fighting and losing their lives, yet we have physically fit immigrants coming into this country saying they're scared for their lives! why the f*ck do our men have to lose their lives,fighting for them,? send them back and let them fight their own battles,i say.but the government think otherwise,and wrap them in cotton wool.

  10. Perhaps because Britain invaded their countries in the past and removed its natural resources

  11. because our government are a soft touch unless you are British then you get sod all even if you have fought for this country they give you less than  they give to the immigrants & if you manage to get a council house they will put you neer the inigrants you have been fighting in iraq.

    its all fact, so lets have the thumbs down, the truth is what no one wants to hear

  12. Because we went all over the world enslaving and opressing people.

  13. A question I would love to know the answer to.  We should get rid of all unskilled peasants that try to come to our great country to sponge off of our generous state.

  14. Seems to me you have no knowledge of your own history, I have so much to say to you..let me refresh your uneducated ,unintelligent mind on the atrocities your forefathers committed and why you should not be that ignorant as to why they have every reason to blame you, your father, grand father, and your great grand parents who participated in any form to loot these people of their possessions.

    Secondly,  you must understand that "Foreigners are not Lazy, but you’re. Look around you, over 65 % of all the businesses and companies are OWNED, Managed, Directed, and Started BY Foreigners. Foreigners are the most educated ,most graduates and most hard working honest people and we are taking over every sector, yes, you heard me right..Taking over every sector including your mama and we're ******* your sisters, nieces, aunts all of them for free ..Like it or not..We’re not done yet. In fact your government knows how productive we are, you may not be smart enough to understand how "in High demand we are" or may be haven’t heard about "Highly Skilled Migrant Program "  take a look at it here :  yes we're coming..and we're smoking your  punk-*** out of your jobs and very soon ,you'll come

    UK has committed millions of human right abuses all over the world, in the name of religion, they rape  kids, cats and dogs…should  be ashamed of incest too.All the wars in Africa, Middle east, Asia and else way are directly from the misguided unthinkable decision made during your days of glory.( It's a pity that US is trying to mend your atrocities  - In my opinion, I would suggest that US should stop wasting resources in those countries and regions of the world that was sabotaged by your folks .you should be responsible)

    Check out what BBC has to say:    

    Check this one too

    Once you’ve reviewed those facts, please tell me ,where in these Wrinkled  ***,****-Head,,blood sucking, United Kingdom, was Gold & Silver  ever found ? so that one of your suspect in the Princess murder  should ride in these? . . Looters!  Let me tell that you and your parents will be remembered as criminals, thieves and rapist  in the history of the world and for sure the ghost of my ancestors would continue to hunt you ,FOREVER.

  15. It's the same here in the states. The reason is we have it and they want it, so the easiest way for them to get it is to make us believe we owe it to them.

  16. Stokies won't get a thumbs down from me , I agree with her. This country is becoming the cess-pit of the world, and I am sick and tired of hearing that bloody East European lingo spoken wherever I go, and I live in the country. These spongers would leave in droves if we had a war like WW2. But then of course so would the gutless spineless liberal do-gooders who encourage the immigration. I expect I will earn a violation notice ,or worse . Well bollocks!

  17. Because you are arrogant loud mouthed nationalists who think your the best country in the world like its some kind of competition, most of you are so far up americas ar*e youcan see there shiney white teeth when you do visit other countrys you either get pissed and p*ss all over the other countrys culture or you look down your noses at them and pretend to be ethnic half of your country hates anything foriegn and the other half are falling over themselves to be multicultural but are making such a bad job of it its completely laughable. the only real culture now in this americanised c**p hole is bloody football and stinking soap operas. where am i from england believe it or not but i denounce my englishness with all my heart i hate what this country is was and always will be.

  18. This type of question wouldn't arise if the government organised the country better, they dont have their priorities right!

  19. Our biggest problem but also our greatest quality is our tolerance....some people choose to abuse this....

  20. Because Britain had such a large empire.

  21. Because they are lazy, just like the ones here in America.

  22. They want to feel at home in their new country.

  23. That is just what the conservative side of your government wants you to think, nothing like stirring up hate to take your mind off of the corruption in the government!....most of people who think their government "owes" them something are the lazy fools who have lived there for generations.

  24. Don't you have this the wrong way round?  From my observations of the British (and I am British), they seem to expect that the world owes them something, or at least are inferior to them.

    Having had the largest empire in history is certainly part of the malaise in British culture, but I think that is gradually ebbing away as the generations succeed each other and lose touch with the past (and about time too).  However, whether that encourages a more cosmopolitan and sociable attitude is yet to be seen...

  25. because they hold British passports

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