
Why do so many fundamentalists block emails from everyone?

by  |  earlier

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Don't they have the courage of their convictions?

Sure, they'd receive some rude emails, but wouldn't they like to get a kind note now and again? Or is it likely the only emails they'd get would be insulting?




  1. Fear, that and ignorance are their constant motivation.

  2. They don't block emails, Jesus deflects them, Wonder Woman style.

  3. They basically just want to say their message and hear nothing to the contrary because then logic might actually sink in and their belief system would fly out of the window.

  4. I'd say that people (like me) block e-mails from everyone because they don't want to deal with the rank stupidity on this and other boards.  I'm happy to answer a question; I don't have time for an extended debate.  If someone doesn't care for my lefty-liberal answers, they don't have to pay attention to them.

  5. Most of the time I email fundies, it's to TEACH THEM THINGS. But alas, I never can. It's almost like they're closed-minded or something!

  6. I do not block emails from anyone. As a matter of fact it has been my experience that the Atheists who come here just to start trouble are the blockers of those who disagree with them.

  7. They hide everything.  Most of them are Cowards.

  8. It's kind of the equivalent of covering your ears and yelling "I CAN'T HEAR YOU AAAAAAAH".

  9. I think sometimes that they do have the courage, but they are far too stubborn or unwanting to associate with nonbelievers that they block us.

  10. I can't imagine they get a lot of fan mail.

  11. Can't speak for others but mine is there if you want to use it. Just don't be rude or offensive, treat me like you want to be treated.

  12. I'm not a coward..i got tired of all the mean emails i would get because of my belief. i just don't feel like reading junk.

    most of the people who talk trash on this site don't have the balls to say it in person. its easy to talk mess on a screen...its different in person. so who's the coward?

  13. I'm not sure, but they certainly seem capable of emailingl me!

  14. I find that they also hide their Q&A too.

  15. It is not that they are cowards, but I've gotten a lot of negative email messages myself.  And with all the atheists/people biased against such people like this, it's no wonder they block emails.

    It's to save their inbox.  Otherwise it'd be very full every day, if the abuse didn't stop.

    So it's not a matter of courage, or convictions.  It is one of annoyance/intolerant statements beyond belief.

    And I agree with the person who doesn't like the mean emails.

    I don't think it'd take me long to block emails if all I got was "your logic = PHAIL!" all the time from those atheist who only "think" they are logical and wise.

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