
Why do so many legal citizens of USA fail to see how to correct the problems with money/business and govt?

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When it is this simple if you let individuals or a small group have absolute rule & control over the legal citizen majority, guess who is going to come up short/fleeced/victimized?

Proper correction is legally give ultimate rule and control over money/business/govt to the legal citizen majority and replace representative govt with well managed fire at will employee's.

In order to secure your families financial security and your fellow legal citizens we must share this responsibility.




  1. I see where you are coming from.

    But the illegal immigration thing is really a big business conspiracy that has had the participation of both GOP and democrats over the years. They believe that cheap labor is good.

    If you listen to Obama speaking he is always says two things about this 1) that we must not mistreat illegals or become like n***s hunting parents down and jailing them while their kids starve...just for wanting to work and have a decent life.   I tend to believe that we need harsh measures like raids and deportation, and the blocking of social well as strong border patrols, but its gonna be hard to get politicians to do those very real solutions...because they dont want to turn off large segments of the voting block or give the appearance that we are turning into n**i germany.

    2) OBama, however, always says this, that we must not allow employers to profit from abusing illegals because they are in the shadows and have no rights and that we must work to solve the problem.  This gives me hope that he understands that we must increase border patrols and that we must crack down on illegal employers. Unfortunately, I believe he will support some form of amnesty..which is the easy way out for most politicians.  As bad as amnesty sounds, I will gladly accept it, if we actually put an end to the influx and devise ways to make sure this problem never happens again.

  2. Exactly what Obama is saying. I agree 100%. McCain is only looking out for a few. Obama is looking out for all. Vote Obama in November for you and your children's future and don't settle for the status quo.

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