
Why do so many liberals complain about the economy?

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It seems pretty clear that the only people having a hard time right now economically are people who just like to complain and whine and those that are too lazy to work harder to get better jobs or come up with a good idea to start their own business.

Everywhere I look I see liberals whine about how bad the housing market is, how much gasoline costs, how many homes John McCain owns.

How come they can't just work harder and quit blaming everyone else for their own failures?




  1. Is mommy and daddy rich, sweetums?  

  2. We do work hard and more.  But look at the economic facts.  The average hourly wage buys less food, less car, less housing, less entertainment, less education, and less beer that before Pres. Bush entered office.

    Now, these are simple facts.  At one time hard work and perseverance got you ahead in this country.  Its not that easy any more.  Not only do you have to play the game by the rules, you need excel in all aspects of the game to get buy.  

    Now about working for the man.  You can't get a raise because labor is cheaper in India and Red China.

    Look at the mortgage situation.  Harvard educated businessmen literally stole money from the less educated and from those less skilled in the mortgage business than themselves.  The average person gets 2 or 3 mortgages in a lifetime.  A mortgage broker sells hundreds in a year.  Now, when it comes to one being able to take advantage of the other, guess who comes out on top.  The person taking out the mortgage has to rely on the honesty of the broker.  There is no other way.  And when the owner defaults on one of these teaser-rate mortgages especially designed to suck-in those who can't afford to borrow that much, the broker already has his money.  The mortgage company takes the loss and the stock holders (persons retirement accounts) take it in the shorts.   In the mean time, corporate executives have given themselves bonuses for selling so many mortgages -- even though they are destined for default and they know it.  Company goes broke.  CEO sold his stock short because since he knew it was a house of cards.

    That, my fellow traveler, is the state of this nation and its economic system in a nut shell.  And it affects both liberals and conservatives.  

  3. There have to be JOBS to work there genius, here in Indiana we've lost thousands upon thousands of jobs in the last few months alone, I hope your party campaigns with thoughts like yours in mind, they will surely LOSE big come November

  4. I'm not "whining" or "complaining" about the economy...

    I just know that it sucks and I refuse to pretend it doesn't in order to keep rich people in the lifestyles that they've become accustomed to.

  5. What makes you assume that only the liberals complain?  This question is a prime example as to why most republicans are very closed minded and afraid of change.  

  6. Are you even old enough to have a job?  Your question shows an unbelievable lack of compassion for people who have good jobs but have still fallen on hard times.  


    We don't need McCain a good soldier running this country but a wise leader like Barrack Obama 2008

  8. So that wacky Glenn Beck guy is now a liberal?

  9. because people like you are sending all our jobs overseas and only leaving us with McDonald's jobs and people like you are jacking the tuition up so no one can afford to better themselves.

    You lack compassion!

  10. Uhhh, my family makes over 100,000 per year, and my future job once I graduate is forecasted to pay 175,000 per year starting. We're doing pretty well, but the economy clearly isn't if you've been following the news or know about economics.There's a 9.5 trillion dollar deficit. Financial firm stocks have done horribly, tanking in value. There's a mortgage crisis; FannieMae has been doing horribly, foreclosures are going up. Three hundred banks are expected to close in the next few years. Some banks that have closed took 50% of the bank customers money who had over the FDIC 100,000 insured mark. Canadian and European money are worth more than the USD-- Euro with worth double American money. If those firms don't improve (some of them have lost 90% of their stock value) we could realistically be facing a depression. It doesn't look like the 1970s yet, but it could get worse than that.  

    So to answer your question, the economy isn't doing well if you've been pay attention, but my family is lucky enough to have good jobs in health care that can't be simply lost and my education is securing the same for me.

    Edit: Even though my family is doing ok, MANY Americans are not, especially the middle class which is a key component  that drives this economy.  I know people from lower to upper middle class backgrounds who are hitting hard times, and this is worrying me a lot. The president and congress from 2000 to 2006 doubled the national debt to 9.5 TRILLION. We're building new hospitals, roads, post offices, schools, and everything you can think of everywhere in Iraq, but ignoring OUR OWN infrastructure.

    Also, not EVERYONE can start a business or work an additional 40 hours a week, totaling over 100 hours. That's just basic economics: you'd know that if you finished high school or took a legitimate class in finance. I don't mean to insult you, just read up on these things before you comment. You'll sound smarter.

  11. Why do so many neoconservatives ignore it and make it worse? Ronald Reagan would be ashamed of you phony conservatives!

  12. Rich white liberals have most of the money in America.

  13. Because the more they whine, the more they are given.

  14. People in america think they are poor, they don't know what poor is, bunch of cry babies, sorry you lost your $300,000 house, your going to have to settle for this $150,000 house instead.

  15. Take your Republican blinders off and you will actually be able to see better. Insulting seems to be the only thing Republicans have!

  16. Good point. Have you ever known any liberals that stop whining completely. They have no concept of being self-made. They won't say it in so many words, but they want government to run our lives. They want communism.  

  17. Yes, liberals are a bunch of whiners, I agree with Phil Graham and that the recession is in the liberals heads! They all have dyslexia and the the 55.00 they pay at the pump is really 5.50, and the the number of foreclosures are because Americans are too lazy to get a second job too try and keep up. Certainly Bush's economy has made great strides and McCain will continue to make progress by continuing to pay 10 billion a month for these just wars and which will obviously continue bolster our economy. After all, the U.S. has a bottomless bank account thanks to American tax payers he promises he won't tax more! Oh, and all they money Bush and McCain borrows from China can easily be paid back. America will especially prosper after the military secures all of Iraq's oil supply for U.S. consumption. McCain's promise of endless presence in Iraq will eventually achieve this. McCain is a solid candidate and never contradicts himself as evident from this video:  

  18. No matter what the election year is, Libs will always find something to push their socialistic agenda.

    Many of us forget that America was founded because the people were tired of high taxes.  One of the starting points of the American Revolution was the Boston Tea Party.

    We are a democracy.  This country was founded on the idea of less govt. control.

    Liberals seem to want the government involved with everything.

    To get people on board with such an agenda... times have to suck even if they don't.

    Hope this helps you.

  19. Yeah those stupid liberals actually want the government to do their jobs. Can you believe that? Your right. We should also hate those lazy worker who lost their jobs because their factories moved to China. Who cares there are no more jobs out there for them.

    Would it kill you to check your facts. In the real world people can't work harder when there are no jobs. Also not everybody enjoys paying $4.00 a gallon for gas. Why is it so bad to demand the government do what we pay them for. To help the people.

  20. The economy is bad right now. I live in the state of Michigan and lost my job and have been trying to get one for 6 months. I have my degree and have been training like crazy with interviewing training.

    The libs did however complain about the economy the entire time of Bush's terms even though we had unemployment rate of below 4.2 %.The reason is that they feel the government should provide them everything.  

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