
Why do so many men cheat?

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Why do so many men cheat?




  1. Because a lot of men are just helpless pigs who just need to get a life!!! Men are pigs and nothing can get rid of their sexual ways! They are just PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. same reason so many women cheat...

    cos some relationships suck!!! :D

  3. They want to spread their genes as much as possible. Look at the animal kingdom, a lot of species do this.

  4. Greed.  Insecurity. Lust.  All sorts of reasons.  But I think the biggest reason is because they know well forgive them if they get caught.  

  5. For the same reason some women cheat - they want something more/something different than they have in their present relationship, but are unwilling to let go of the one they have while looking for something else.

    Its selfishness on their part.  

  6. It's a two way street neither one of them are getting their satisfaction. So they cheat on each other and they will never be happy until they are happy with them selves.

  7. Women cheat just as much.

  8. Because they don't think with the head on their shoulders they think with their other head.

  9. I wish I knew the answer to that...

  10. Why do women cheat...for sexual pleasure that they aren't getting from home, or b/c they want something new. There could also be something lacking emotionally missing there.  

  11. because men get tired fast when they get caught in a routine. keep in mind, do what other woman would do to him to get his attention and keep him interested.

  12. Because so many women drive their men to it.

  13. Maybe one of the following:

    1. basic unhappines

    2.communication and sexual problem with their partner

    3. to ensure survival of his specie

    4. the wants of luxury without commitment.

  14. if they want a change...most other relationships dont last as long as marriage. and for s*x with younger girls too

  15. The same reason women do. I was on the recieving end so women are no better then men everyone always think it's better on the other side of the fence, it is for some but not all.

  16. I hate to be the one to let you in on a secret .....woman cheat to

  17. Just as a break from their wives being such hags

  18. Because they find easy women

  19. Men cheat as much as women. Men cheat because the woman won't have s*x. Women cheat because the man is an a*****e, and doesn't respect her. Wanna Know more?

  20. Maybe beacause they like 2 girls at once and can't help himself

  21. I'm going to be the bad guy here:

    If every boyfriend you've ever had keeps cheating on you, then it's time to start evaluating why you always pick cheaters.  Because it's something about YOU, that you don't like to pick a loser.  (Trust me, I've taken my own advice)

    Some men are cheater and some aren't, just like women.

  22. Men cheat because of easy women, yes some women have no idea that the man is married but most do.  For every man who cheats their is a woman who cheats. Like I said before it has nothing to do with gender and all to do with morals. No cheater has them, whether they l**k there balls or v****a.....cheaters suck either way

  23. I think the main problem is that when one gets married, he/ she assumes they own the other's life. This is not true, sometimes you just need a change or a break. I mean, come on, sometimes we all want to do wicked things to our spouses, because it is hard to share a life. You might be thinking I am too flexible but I really do not mind if my husband has s*x with someone else. Because one must understand that having s*x with someone will not cause them to love you. In addition,  if there is a will then there is a way. Once a man sees someone and wants her, it is stupid to try to stop him. Finally, the definition of cheating: if he is going to be honest with me about another partner and if he will make sue that he is protected, that is fine. Because technically, in a mental state, he is not cheating on you. He might disappoint you, but if you made your mind to marry someone, just s*x should not break your trust for him.

    Finally, truth hurts, but maybe she has something that you do not which attracts him momentarily.

    Good luck ladies, I know maybe as a woman, I should not be typing this msg but let's be real.

    PS: Please do not get hysterical or create a scene when you find out he is "cheating" on you. Just stay calm, let him know how you feel, as him what he wants and do not create any drama. Especially, if you have kids, please do not put them in a position where they have to take sides.

  24. Why does a man do anything?  Seriously, it's

    because he's a dog, and can't help it, so should never have gotten

    married. Or it's because the wife is ignoring his needs.

    She may have let herself go, is too busy with career,

    kids, housework, whatever.  Hubby's lonely, and a lot of

    women want to fix that, especially if they don't like what's at home.

  25. Can't answer that? Oh well will have a go at it.I guess it's because they are not getting any at home (THEY SAY) Also it's because they don't feel understood by wife or girlfriend (THEY SAY) I know they were just born to worship their STOMACHS and what hangs under it.And that's the end of that tale.

  26. they no longer love or respect their wives, and have fallen for someone new who is stroking their ego;s, making them feel special. its all about a man's character and morals.he cheats because he is trying to escape something rather than deal with there are so many other women out there making themselves available,seeking to win them from the wife.

  27. i'll tell you why.... women and men .. cheat.

    1. they married you because of everything about you.. except you..

    they married you to be married.. they married you for s*x.. they married you for every reason.. that any other person would have been just as  capable of offering.. they dont really love YOU.. they love the relationship .. what the relationship offers.. this means.. that ANY relationship will give them what they want.. it doesnt have to be you

    now who's fault is that?... it's your fault.. because you didnt ensure.. that they loved you.. YOU.. that they didnt want to be with anyone else.. that they COULD NOT be with anyone else.. because all they could see.. dream about.. desire.. long for.. was you.. SPECIFICALLY.

    usually giving s*x.. having s*x.. too soon.. what that does. is ruin your best tool you have.. to filter out these "flys" .. if you denied them your body.. they might have gone elsewhere and saved you the heart break.. a good test.. for a potential mate.. is not to have s*x.. and see if they are still around in a year..

    someone who loves you.. cannot cheat on you.. you really would be the only one.. the center.. their everything..

    sorry you ended up with a lemon.. next time be more carefull .. make sure you know them.. and their motives.. better than you know your own.

    good luck

  28. Because they can - because they think that s*x is not part of love & they can love their wives while having s*x with another that they don't love... of course, their wives would have a different opinion. So the men will do this until they get caught.(And so will some women)

  29. For the same reason so many women cheat, low morals and character. It is estimated that around 25% of the children that are born to a married couple, the husband is not biologically the father, and he does not know it.

  30. it's not about cheating it's about finding someone who can fully fulfill a healthy adult relationship. My wife and I were both with someone else when we first met and started seeing each other. My then fiance' wanted to wait until we were married to have s*x. I figured she had something to hide, that I didn't want to deal with. I asked her to tell me about it and all she could come up with was lame excuses. Since I'm not a wuss, I split. My wife was with a guy who was very much into religion and his church. One day she said he would want s*x, the next day she had to listen to how terrible a woman she was because she liked s*x. So with a little "cheating" we fell in love. We are perfect for one another and are married with two beautiful daughters.  

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