
Why do so many on here take it personal that there are problems in the adoption industry?

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Who hates adoptive parents? Not me. Just because theres something wrong with the system doesn't mean you guys are evil. Calm down a little bit and relax. Take a deep breath, breath. Listen to what we're REALLY saying. LISTEN. Don't read into it, don't personalize it, just read it for what it IS.

The world isn't out to get you.

I am not here to hurt you.

Just as you speak your truth, I speak mine.

That is okay.

There is nothing wrong with that.

It does not change your life ANY.

IT doesn't make me hate you because you feel differently.

At the end of the day we are all still living our lives.

Calm, cool, collected, together, whole people. relax.




  1. idk

  2. I think it's because they are worried some of the adult adoptee words will 'get in' their heads, and they will have to live with the fact that they took a child from a woman who had LESS emotionally and/or financially than they do.

    They are trying to sleep, and we are too loud.

  3. Why wouldn't someone asking a question about their child personalize it?  If you have nothing nice to say than don't say it.  There is way too much MISinformation in this category and people being rude.  Don't try to justify your insensitivity by saying that someone else is personalizing things.

  4. For instance, I try to ask a legal question about my son's adoption and you come on here and insult me by saying "how is he your son when you haven't adopted him yet". That's a horrible thing to say. Do you actually think I should call him something else? What kind of damage would that do to a child? I totally support the rights of adoptees to see their records, but you ruin the cause when you do hurtful things like you did to me.

    Also, I've checked out your profile to see what your all about because of your constant insulting postings. Your answering questions about how to get marijuana out of your system. You lost all credibility there. This is legitimate parents on this site trying to get answers about their children. We don't need people like you trying to tell us how to handle our lives!

    Edit: He's not in foster care. See, you answer in ways you know nothing about. I can't adopt him for 6 months. That's the way the adoption process is. The adoption agency monitors our parenting for six months. Then we can formaly adopt him. Do you think I should call him my potential son? Seriously, you know nothing about parenting except for the bad example you experienced. Once again, you base everything on your bad experiences. Also, I come on this site to ask questions. Obviously I don't answer very many. BIG FREAKIN DEAL! I could care less about my points. I've got better things to like parent a child that apparently you think I shouldn't call my son.

  5. I don't take it personally when people call me "angry" or "anti-adoption" or whatever.  That is what they read into it, not who I am.  I know it is not about me personally - it's about them, and it's their problem - not mine.

    How could it possibly be about me??  They don't know me or my experience or my beliefs.  They can only read my words and, if they don't agree, it's their loss if they conclude that I am a "bad" person.  LOL

  6. Gershom-just because there was "something wrong" about YOUR adoption doesn't mean there is a problem with the "adoption system". I'm sorry for your pain but there are many hopeful adoptive parents and adoptees that need valid information from people that have good experiences. And, beleive it or not, there are many! Your questions and answers are nothing but rants. Find an adoption discussion board for that!

    I don't care about your thumbs up, or thumbs down for that matter. Just take your bad experience somewhere else. You're a broken record now and your "cause" does not belong on YA.

  7. Why?  This one is ssooo easy. It is because they have a guilty conscience about their own unethical behaviour when they acquired someone else's child.  To me that's a no-brainer.

  8. Been reading a lot of your answers to other people here.  All I can say is this.  I dont think they are taking your beliefs about adoptee rights personally, I think they take personally your arrogance towards their own situations and their own questions.  Perhaps you should tone it down a bit and be a little nicer to people maybe they will listen better to you.  You dont have to be so mean and rude to other people to get your point across.  No one is personalizing it , it just seems that no one likes you and you "rub" them the wrong way with your arrogance.  Thats all.  I am for adoption and I am also for adoptee rights.  So where does that fit in your quest to save the world?  Is that allowed????

    Question for you....what "state" do you live in that allows legal marijuana usage?

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