
Why do so many people Rage against the Monolithic Dominance of Feminism?

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I'm really curious about this.

Feminism seeks to obtain equal rights for women under law, and reproductive rights centred around the tenet of Habeus Corpus, also under law.

Feminism seek equal pay for equal work, which hasn't been widely achieved in Europe or America.

it seeks the same rights for women as men in regards to protection from assault and advocacy for women suffering domestic violence. Which according to FBI statistics is a crime primarily committed by men against women as measured by injury, rather than incidence.

Why then do some people complain that feminism is an ideology which seeks to subjugate men, when by both definition and action, it seeks equal rights for women, who, on the central issues feminism campaigns upon - are getting a worse deal than men?




  1. Because they are afraid of losing their male privilage. d**n us for treating things like rape know...crimes. d**n us for revealing who buys children, men, and women for s*x. d**n us for revealing that MEN are the ones abusing women. Not women abusing men. Even when men are domestically abused, it's usually a man doing the beating. But, hey, maybe it's the feminists fault for pushing men into a corner? Maybe women should just shut their mouths and take it so that the men can feel more comfortable?

  2. You are in denial, many feminists would do well to apply critical thought to their own ideology, you can say it's about equality, friendship bracelets and bunny rabbits all you like, it doesn't make it true.

    @Food for thought, thanks for the links, what I was talking about was the tendency among feminists to deny the fact that feminism promotes questionable social and political agendas. Please follow this link.

  3. Since your question speaks in generalizations, I will do the same, but I do not wish to imply that all members of each group I mention feel the same or agree with this (i.e. men, feminists, women, etc.)

    This frustration stems from the loss of power and privilege which men feel entitled to.

    There is a confusion in this entitlement according to which men feel that they have a right to this power, and feminists are often accused of asserting their own rights at the expense of men's rights when really what is going on is that men's thus far unequestionned privileges have never been revised to give women the same opportunities for self-actualization.

    There is also a lot of resentment towards the conciliations that ought to be made to any minority group in order to level the playing feel. Men feel they are being cheated by feminists who advocate these special permissions because they interpret equality as they same rules for everyone.

    While the same rules for everyone works well when we all have the same circumstances, it does not breed equality when different people have different curcumstances.

    Because men have been establish power structures that benefit them for millenia, women require circumstnacial privileges to protect the rights they have fought for.

    There is also a lot of frustration when men see that some women are abusing the rights they have acquired. This frustration is displaced towards the gender and erases the notion that men have been abusing their inalienable rights for millenia. It is used as a justification for removing women's rights altogether.

    Those who experience this rage you speak of appear to have a limited understanding of feminist analysis, mainly influences by the melding of different factions in popular culture.

    They are angry at women who hold them accountable and they do not understand that in order for women to have a place in society they must relinquish some of the space that men occupy. In other words, they're ok with women having space as long as they don't have to share.

    EDIT: Eoghan, there is a lot of internal criticism from one wave to the next and across factions within the feminist movement. Please familiarize yourself with them before making broad statements about the supposed homogeneity of the movement.

    EDIT: iblockidiots, the wage gap is real.

    EDIT - Eoghan. I beg to differ. You were saying that feminists should apply critical thought to their own ideology, and they do.

    In response to your second point about the feminist agenda. The link you provided does not provide constructive criticism on feminism; it is an attempt to dismantle and discredit the entire movement based on the principles held by certain factions in certain eras, and although there are some valid points, it also shows a limited understanding of most feminist principles which are not based on the specific circumstances of most women but on systemic conditions. A large portion of the discussion relates more to the economy than it does to gender relations, an economy which has been largely built up by men in a context where women were considered property. It has little to do with advantages or disadvantages to one group which only serve as examples, and everything to do with a systemic analysis of a society that was built without consideration or a place for women. This does not mean that the economy itself does not also disadvantage many men within that system, however it does not systematically oppress men as a class of people, it does so to certain classes of men (based on race, class, sexual orientation, status, etc.). As the economy shifts and does feminism, the movement does re-evaluate itself across factions and between waves, as with any social movement. But what is evident here is the most common misconception about feminism, which is that it's not about crying out on what's unfair in particular circumstances, it's about evaluating an entire social and economic structure and finding better divisions of labour.

    One example in this website is how men have always worked stresssful jobs such as working in coal mines. This is a class issues, the same way that women have always worked difficult jobs such as being a s*x worker aka prostitute. The point is not that men have had it easy and women have had it hard, it's that this entire economic structure established by wealthy white men has continuously oppressed entire classes of people based on their station in life. This affects anyone who isn't benefiting from the current political economy, and that means men too. And as a feminist, anything that concerns and affects the men I love concerns and affects me too. Is it so hard for anti-feminists to understand this?


  4. The issue most people have with feminism, is the concept of what you mentioned, "equal rights". How can you claim equality, where you only argue on behalf of one side of an argument (womens rights, ignoring those of men).

    If you ask most of those questions you referenced without using the word "feminism", most men will agree with you.

    Quote - "Why then do some people complain that feminism is an ideology which seeks to subjugate men".

    If you remove all the inadequacies of those who hold a minority of power, while ignoring the inadequacies of those who hold the majority of power, you are not seeking equality or balance. You are merely seeking to tip the scales of power from one group to the other... ie. rather then men subjugating women, women subjugating men.  

  5. Exactly.  As a modern Feminist all I seek is parity and wish to advance philanthropy.  We are so misunderstood, it's appalling.

    All we seek are more rights than others and this is all.  Western secular law in 2008 AD does not provide women like us ANY protection of our reproductive rights, nor to habeus corpus, and all we seek is to make money at the expense of men who are otherwise more qualified than us and can serve society better.

    All we want is to advance our interests in a manner where the rights of men are usurped in our self-serving interest and otherwise destroy natural order and advance misanthropy and confusion and divisiveness and civil unrest.  We are such lovely people.

    All we want is to spread love.

  6. It subjugated you to argue on its behalf.  

    I guess they must have called you.  Well, I wish you luck; I know where I stand.  Stop your belly aching, so things got rough, big deal life goes on.

    I can name you a few women who batter the h**l out of men.  I know one in particular who's 4'll" and her 5'10"  brother who is 11 to 12 yrs older is scared to death of her.  I also know of a man who's 6'5" and when his 4'10" wife goes on a rampage he runs.  About that equal pay, when women are able to work just as freely as men without any regard to their young ones; they will get equal pay.  So, about that abortion thing your banging on about. Suppose that your special some one gets pregnant and against your wishes she kills it because it's going to be in her way.  You want to know something else there are women who are nasty enough to slap themselves silly, and it a heart beat will pick up the phone call the cops and point the finger at you; try and talk your way out of it; she's a woman, they won't listen to you.  "Which according to FBI statistics is a crime primarily committed by men against women as measured by injury, rather than incidence."  See, you just said so yourself.   Worse deal than men you say?  "In 1735, a woman was awarded two hundred pounds and costs at the expense of her betrothed, who, after jilting her, had married another, although he had first beguiled her into deeding him a piece of land 'worth £100.'"

    The Judge's own accounts of his many courtships and three marriages give us rather surprising glimpses of the spirit and independence of colonial women, who, as pictured in the average book on American history, are generally considered weak, meek, and yielding. His wooing of Madam Winthrop, for instance, was long and arduous and ended in failure. She would not agree to his proffered marriage settlement; she demanded that he keep a coach, which he could not afford; she even declared that his wearing of a wig was a prerequisite if he obtained her for a wife. Mrs. Winthrop had been through marriage before, and she evidently knew how to test the man before accepting. Not at all a clinging vine type of woman, she well knew how to take care of herself, and her manner, therefore, of accepting his attentions is indeed significant. Under date of October 23 we find in his Diary this brief note: "My dear wife is inter'd"; and on February 26, he writes: "This morning wondering in my mind whether to live a single or a married life."[237]

    Oh yeah those women sure were meek, weak and yielding.**Monolithic Dominance that's the same thing as saying a dominance that won't listen to what you are saying, even if you just so happen to have a justified grievance.  We're talking about a dominance that is so inflexible that when it comes down to it it's their way or the highway. Don't tell me that you will gladly settle for that, that unto feminism you are indeed submissive.

    Edit@Cherryro...For the love of Mike please think of something new.  That bit about they're ignorant and insecure is way outdated.  Were I what you said I would have become a Feminist in the first place.

  7. I don't know. They remind me of a child who starts out with 20 cookies next to a child who starts out with none. The parent gives the child with 20 cookies another cookie, then gives the child with no cookies two.

    "Wait!" screeches the child with 21 cookies. "Not fair! You gave her two!"

  8. Feminism does not seek equal rights, feminism seeks to put women on equal footing with men, despite any other circumstances or qualifications that may apply on an individual basis. If I S**t in your hand and tell you it's chocolate, will you believe me?

  9. It's because the perceived "loss of rights" that many anti-feminists rail against are ACTUALLY loss of privileges. They have lost their perfunctory male privilege, and wish that we could turn back the clock to a time when a woman HAD to marry a man, because she would have little means to support herself, and she did not have equal legal rights, and women HAD to cater to men, because it was not socially acceptable to do otherwise.

    Now, women can make their own living, and have equal rights. Women don't NEED men for those reasons. Now we can come into a relationship fully equal, needing only love, acceptance, and a family. The same as men. I think some of the anti-feminists here are intimidated by that...maybe they think they have very little to offer other than a paycheck and "protection," so they wish for by-gone days when women needed a man for that.  

  10. Well, of course feminism is part of the polcor ('political correctness') hegemony which was spawned in the University of Madison Wisconsin. The very same anti-social clique as invented that gift to terrorists everywhere, the car bomb.

    Neither polcor nor feminism are really about equality of anything. Just about compliance with the hegemony's thoughts.

  11. If we were living 100 years ago, I would agree with you. Women were once perceived as inferior to men, and denied our basic rights to education and freedom from violence.

    But in today's society, at least in the West, there are no equal rights to seek. We already are equal, legally and socially, and there are very few people who genuinely believe that women shouldn't have equal opportunities.

    The issues in society today - violence and discrimination - are not purely against women any more. There are isolated cases of discrimination against every single social group, and with affirmative action initiatives more of this discrimination is against men. Modern women are actually getting a much better deal.

    Modern feminism can't be seeking equal rights for women, because this doesn't apply any more. It is individuals of both genders who suffer human rights injustices, not women as a whole, and a movement aiming to help everyone would be more beneficial today.

  12. Because they're ignorant and insecure.

  13. This website sums up feminism pretty well:

    It has links and proof to every claim. How admissible the evidence is depends on how open-minded you are to the truth.

    Feminism started with noble intentions and I'm in full support of its ideology: equal rights. But I despise the misandrist, sexist form it has assumed.

    It seeks not equal rights but equal rights with priveleges.

    Assume that I'm promising good conditions and treatment for AIDS infected people in society. I do as I promised, and these people finally gain acceptance in society and lead normal lives.

    But what I start doing is start infecting healthy people with AIDS.

    What would you think of me? Am I not a cruel monster?

    Yes, you would think I am. But why are people so reluctant to see feminism for what it is? It's done the same thing. The blood-thirsty and greedy feminists got equality for women ages ago. But unsatisfied, they systematically dismantled the rights, civil liberties and freedoms of men. (Worth repeating) (Download the book for free, it's great) (The story of a poor guy who became a social outcast because he wrote an article against feminism)

  14. Wage gap is a myth.

  15. Sure they do. lol  Its the method behind the madness that puts me off.

    We can break any ideology down to its most basic premise  and find the good, but we all know its more complex than that and I am not foolish enough to believe otherwise.

  16. Obviously people rage against feminism because it anti-male and has little to do with equality. The evidence is blindingly obvious and is outlined here

  17. Feminists should be judged by what feminists do, not what feminists say.  

    Feminists don't want equal rights, they want special rights and privileges. They fight for special laws and acts that favor women but discriminated against men..  Their actions clearly show this.

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