While I'm willing to entertain the possibility that man-made global warming may be possible, it amazes me that so many seemingly intelligent people readily accept it as absolute. When you've got people comparing skeptics with holacaust deniers, for me, red flags, go up. Common sense tells me that since meteorologist can't tell me what the weather will do next week with precision, how in the world could climatologists predict what will happen in 50 years. These questions make me very skeptical of man-made global warming. First, according to fairly credible historical data, warming and cooling has happened countless times. What were the causes before man's influence? Two, isn't it a huge exercise in pompousity, to suggest that we understand or even realize all the variables in what drives the earth's climate? Third, simple but maybe most important, what is the perfect climate for the earth? I, for one certainly wouldn't want it any colder.