
Why do so many people ask "who will win the Olympics"?

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You do not win the Olympics you win individual events. Why are so many people ignorant on this subject. There is no prize for winning the most gold medals or overall medals.




  1.     Spot on!  


         There are too many people on this site  who think that the whole games are about one country getting more medals than another.  If that was the case, then USA/Russia/China would win every time because they field the largest teams.  That is not the point of the games at all.

           If an athlete from, say, Luxembourg, wins the mens 100 metres, then well done to him/her.  Their country of origin plays a very tiny part in matters.

        Good point.  Wish more people thought like you.

  2. They want to know which country you think will win the most medals overall. But this is hard to determine. For example, the USA has the most medals, but China has the most gold. I think you should calm down.

  3. different people has different interest. Some bet.

  4. y do you care so much

  5. Well, olympics is a reflection of one big aspect of a nation's strength on the international stage.

    When they ask who will win the olympics, most countries in the world and the official olympics committee will tell you that the one that has most gold medals win, though only USA will tell you different, I wonder why :)  

  6. When they ask that, they mean which country is going to walk away with the most medals

  7. People ask that question because most people here are idiots.

    I'm find myself shaking my head each time I see the word LOSE spelled incorrectly.  ("Please, can anyone help me loose weight?")

  8. The US have been winning the olympics nearly for the last 3 times and once it gets clear they're not the best anymore, questions like this start getting around, tsk...tsk....It was certainly a disaster for them if you ask me.

  9. The prize is boasting rights. That's why people ask ._.

  10. ignorant must be the word of the day on yahoo answers.. d**n... overall metal count!!!! thats how the country wins i guess... its nothing offical competive ppl just say it to p**s other ppl off on here like always... so overall metal... which is USA-#1 CHINA-#2

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