
Why do so many people belive in global warming?

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It is getting colder here than ever and the scientists who said it was real say it is just a hoax. If it was such a big problem why don't they fix it. If global warming was real wouldn't it be warmer? I wish we did have global warming it is getting really cold.




  1. I don't.. I think it is a hoax

  2. global warming is a natural cyclical occurrence that has been happening for millions of years.  the THEORY of increased global warming due the mans intervention has only been around for about 30 years before that the same intervention was supposed to cause an ice age.  it is the height of egotism to think that man can effect the environment the way these theorists claim.  one volcanic eruption will add a million times the pollutants than man can.

  3. because they were told to believe

  4. Good question. How climate change impacts the weather in your community is determined by the geographical features of your community. Here is a very interesting report with stories from 9 people in 9 different parts of the world and how the changing climate is impacting their community.

  5. People have an inherent need to feel important.  those who chose to believe in AGW feel responsible for it, and also feel empowered, that they can actually DO something to "Fix" it...not that the Earth needs fixing (No fever, Mr. Gore), but people feel more important when they have a "Cause"...and doing easy things like changing light bulbs and recycling makes them feel as if they are contributing...

    even tho they are just being had...

  6. Global warming is an accepted scientific theory that has provided some predictions that the climate is getting warmer due to anthropogenic activity.   The predictions are bore out by observational evidence so far.  There is no evidence the climate is cooling.  This is a red herring suggested by obstructionist and unsupported by any observed data.  See the IPCC report (or NAS, EPA, NOAA) for the truth.

    The hoax is perpetrated by the folks who don't not read or attempt to understand the problem (the obstructionist). They are typically anti-science and want to believe that ALL warming is totally natural so they can avoid taking action. It is the height of egotism to think that man can dump gigatons of gases into the environment for decades while reducing the system that absorbs the gases and have absolutely no impact.

    Deer, beaver and almost every other animal when they destroy their environment, they move or die and the environment recovers.  God did not give them the gifts they need to predict problems and take corrective actions.  Man, however, has these gifts and should use them to protect our environment and our life (generationally speaking).  Who is more foolish, the person who plays in traffic and denies it is coming until someone is hit , or the person who foresees the problem and gets out of the way?

    Climate is not you weather today.  It is long-term averages.  Looking at 1 day and concluding there is no problem is as silly as looking at you bank account before Christmas and concluding you will have enough cash for the rest of your life (if only I had enough cash that I could do that!!)

  7. "Why do so many people belive in global warming?"

    Because the scientific evidence shows that the planet is warming and humans are causing it.

    "It is getting colder here than ever"

    That's called winter.  The planet is getting warmer than it has for thousands of years:

    "the scientists who said it was real say it is just a hoax."


    "If it was such a big problem why don't they fix it."

    We're trying to.  Ever heard of the Kyoto Protocol?  Bali climate conference?  Carbon cap and trade systems?

    "If global warming was real wouldn't it be warmer?"

    Yes, and it is (see links above).

    "I wish we did have global warming it is getting really cold."

    Move to Australia.  It's summer there.  Then move back in a couple months when it's summer here.

  8. "If it was such a big problem why don't they fix it."?

    >>>> An excellent question!!! One would think that if the so-called climate experts/geniuses were so serious about 'fixing' so-called AGW, then they would not have been a part of the more than TEN THOUSAND such brainiacs who jumped on pollution-spewing jet planes to luxury resorts in discuss how WE.....NOT THEY.....should be more responsible in our use of energy!  Are we supposed to give any credence at all to 'experts' who decided NOT to utilize Video-conferencing.....instead of spewing thousands of tons of pollutants into OUR atmosphere???  I sincerely hope that all of the attendees have gotten over their sunburns!!!

  9. BECAUSE IT'S EVIDENT! Look at what we're doing to our environment. Polluting our air just by driving around in our cars. (Gas produces CO2, carbon dioxide)..among other things. We're not taking care of our environment. We're killing our earth. OPEN YOUR EYES!

  10. liberal media hype; and they are in to money for themselves

  11. Well it may be getting cold where you are, but GLOBAL means that is affecting the globe- not just where Iron Man lives. It is not a hoax, it is a genuine problem, but it may not be as bad as all are saying. It is happening on a rapid scale, but we can help stop it. Global warming is a misnomer for Global Climate change. It has to do with your latitude and longitude on the Earth. At around 30 degrees Latitude, it is going to get a lot warmer. Then, up by Europe (England mostly) where it is already pretty cold, it will get colder. Please do some research of your own to form an opinion about such an important topic. Beneath, there is a weblink to the National Geographic website where it clearly outlines the causes and affects of Global Warming.

  12. because the heat is melting the polar ice caps and the cold water is flowing around the world, so it cools everything down, when their gone there wont be anything to cool us down, so the sun is gonna start really warming us up

    it has to get colder before it gets hotter

    or it has to get "better" before it gets worse

  13. hello

    i don't think you understand the thing about global warming it's also anther way of saying climate change. global warming is not that the it's going to get warmer but the stroms are going to be stronger and more deadly for us. everyone thinks that global warming is going to be like a tropical paredise well no. you are being fooled because the artic is melting and the polar bears, penguins ect are almost all gone. these creature are all going to become fairy tales. the ice self is breaking and already half of the artic is melted. where do you think the water goes? it comes straight at most(well all) will be no longer contries but they will be part of the ocean and that mean no people. i don't think you want it to become the seriouse do you. global warming doesn't just mean that it's going to get warmer but that the stroms are going to be so dangerouse and they will be the ones that will be the strongest and the most terriflying of all. yeah i think you should watch the movie inconvenient truth it will explian very well about global warming because i don't think you understand the main point of global warming. so yeah i don't think you want global warming because i don't think you what to DIE!!! well anyways it's a huge problem and the politience, because it's up to us to do something too.

  14. Just because its called global "warming" doesn't mean that everything is going to be hot...When the water is flowing everywhere it gets cold, and it mixes with the warm water making hurricanes, more rain, bad blizzards, and finally the climax of a big flood. And if its a hoax then why is there satellite proof that in about 8 to 10 years the pictures of ice caps have gotten smaller, way smaller,,, if that's not evidence, i don't know what is.

    And to those that say its a hoax, they can have second thoughts in about 10 years when there gasping for air.

  15. First global warming isn't a blowtorch that wipes out winter.  It is a small but steady change that will cause great damage.

    Second, people believe in it because that's what the data says.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know...  Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point.  You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away."

    Dr. Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

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