
Why do so many people care about the abortion issue.?

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Aren't there more important things to debate than whether or not some poor girl is going to give birth to a medicaid baby but rather she get rid of it and save us all a few tax dollars not to mention cut down on human population for us. If you wouldn't do it, great, but why is this an issue for politicians to decide? Seriously. Its a moral issue of the individual, if your "god" will punish you don't do it, if your consious doesn't make you feel like you will be damned to h**l, save me some money.




  1. Grrr. Well , It is a highly concerned issue because so many people are against it and are trying to fight for there beliefs.

  2. Wow, you are good at being desensitized. A life vs. a few tax dollars. I feel for you, lady.

  3. If I were you, I wouldn't be too concerned. The anti-choice lobby will never win. Not even the Republicans want to lose this election year issue- they'll act outraged to get votes, they'll get those votes, they won't do anything about abortion, because they need something knee-jerk to be outraged about at the NEXT election and abortion is just about as knee-jerk as an issue gets.

    See the question above you for a more full understanding on my beliefs on abortion.

  4. With that attidude there would be no jews around today. Its like they barely number 1% of the world population who cares if they live or are gassed.

  5. It's not really that simple, I think.

    I'm a person who is firmly 'pro-choice', and believe women should have the right to make this decision for themselves, based on their own personal circumstances and individual situation.

    There's no doubt that some people who are anti-choice are little more than busybodies who just want to control the lives of others, for not very nice reasons.

    But some are genuinely concerned about the nature of life, and of what they believe is the human soul.

    While I don't support their views, they are entitled to have them, and the fact that they do care about something outside themselves does them credit as human beings.

    Cheers :-)

  6. Because you clowns (pro lifers) are shouting in my ears about how we need to lessen the incidence of abortion -- but these kids are eating my tax dollars and I don't see you offering to pay our bills for the increase in births due to less abortions. >> therefore, if you are not going to share that responsibility with me, then you should have no opinion of what I do.  Right/wrong?

  7. I agree with puzzles me that we're in debt and in a war all while being trillions of dollars in debt...and people still vote for abortion as opposed to the future of our world...I personally don't like abortion and would like it to be done away with...but to be un-biased my fellow Americans will always continue to amaze me with these pointless issues.

  8. you seem like a self-absorbed person just by this one post

  9. A few reasons:


    a. They've had 10 abortions and now feel guilty about it, so they think they can "redeem themselves" by trying to stop other people from doing it.

    b. They're grand-standing in public so they can appear to be "morally upstanding" (and no one will notice when they sin like the dickens in private),

    c. They have never had one, and so they get off on looking down their noses at other people who have or might.

    d. They want to institute as many laws as they can based on their religion, and THINK this one should be a brain-er. They take the position of "ending baby murder," imagining no one could argue with that. Rejecting the fact that not everyone views it as such.


    a. No one has a right to force a woman to carry a baby she doesn't want.

    b. The Pro-Life weirdos don't make any exceptions (and refuse to) for incidences of rape, incest/abuse or TO SAVE THE LIFE OF THE MOTHER.

    C. We care because if we don't keep the Pro-Lifers at bay, they'll keep going until we live in a Theocracy.

  10. There's nothing wrong with being anti-abortion but a problem I see with the attitudes of many of these people is that they seem to stop caring after it's born. They are often the first to want to cut social programs and complain about their tax dollars being "wasted" to care for these children. Not every child who is born will be adopted and the chances for adoption decrease greatly if the baby is non-white, has handicaps, or serious medical conditions. I don't understand why it is considered to be "better" to be unloved, unwanted, possibly abused, and shuffled from one foster home to another than to never be born at all.

  11. The mother (or the father) does not own the child. It's the child's life and no one has the right to take it.  Perhaps it would help if the american government helped mothers like the Australian government does.  

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