
Why do so many people compliment others as "Beautiful" like it's the thing to do?

by  |  earlier

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I know this is subjective to many but not me and let's speak the truth.. very, very few people can even approach this physical standard by definition and pretty or attractive does not cut this standard either. so is perfection, or rather, close to it, something people just don't understand or are they being nice and or fake? I'm calling it like I see it, now what's your two cents?




  1. Yeah, well, people do see beauty in their own way. I think there are certain people who can encompass beautiful or gorgeous. The range is wide but still limited. It's style, personality, or just the fact that they are just plain attractive. You have to ask someone the next time you hear them calling someone attractive if they really felt that way or do they not understand why they just made that comment.

    There are models who get very high-profile work, and I think they're kind of average looking. But someone thought they could sell them a lot of silk dresses. This will probably be a touchy subject with so many people around the world. My boyfriend and I went to Chicago recently and a woman told me I looked like a model. I was flattered. I was taller than her, but really of average height, and my skin isn't the clearest. Maybe I have good bone structure, but that's not what I think of myself. Plus, the woman that told me this was older and of a different race than I was. We weren't even in the same area as one another for her to be nice to me. So.......? Good question by the way. 1

  2. maybe they're just trying to be nice?

    i think imperfections are what makes a person beautiful.

  3. I agree with you. People juz don't want to offend anyone that's why they do this.  That's why when people say i'm beautiful & s**y, i don't easily believe on it.

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