
Why do so many people dislike us smokers?

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Why do so many people bash us smokers?

Most use the same old argument about 2nd hand smoke but I think it is fair to say that a majority of smokers are very conscious about where they smoke and how it affects others.

We are caring and loving humans just like everyone else, being a smoker does not define our whole personality.




  1. I don't dislike smokers. I just dislike smoke. Hugs! *cough* *cough*  

  2. I don't bash smokers, but I truly hate walking past a group of people puffing away outside a mall or grocery store, especially when my very young children are with me.  The smoke makes me cough and sneeze, and even makes my eyes water.  I really don't know why anyone would want to take up such a disgusting habit from the start--even if it seems cool, it's still so gross and revolting to me.  But I have had very good friends who've been smokers and I agree with you that not all smokers have that horrible smell, some can hide it well.  But strangers who are smoking, yeah, I avoid them because I don't like the smell.

  3. as an ex smoker....(i quit in 1989) i understand the addiction... and it stinks to the point of irritation...

    its a disgusting smell and as a smoker.. you are the source...

    its not you.. its the stench you carry...

  4. yes, that is a real smokers are so bad...

    what about the 5 gallon perfume people? I can not breathe and must leave the store!! the stink is so thick I need to scrape my tongue because I can taste it!!

    How dare you cry and complain about me having a smoke out side in the pouring rain where I can not smell that nasty perfume aftershave....

    my husband and I are vegetarian, and the smell of the meat products that people eat and are part of a persons body oder smells like a burnt cadaver; and the perfume with that!!! gag gag....

    I use air cleaners in my home and fabric spray on everything so I don't offend...

    what is funny; I have to leave the break room for my lunch and eat in my car because the garbage that people are eating smells so nasty that I can not handle the smell with out barfing....

    I may smoke, but am a whole lot healthier than all those over perfumed meat eaters....

  5. Well a couple of reasons.

    1.  I think society has brainwashed us from age 5 to think of them as bad people with no manners.

    2.  A lot of them really do smell and have yellow teeth which can affect social situations.

    3.  People never remember the nice smokers.  All we do remember are the ones who light up anytime they're outside thinking that it's a well-ventilated area, not considering that it still suffocates people nearby.

  6. Because they're ignorant. Back in the day non smokers would have smokers in their house, and they didn't care, they didn't complain, they weren't harmed. Now in the day of hypochondriacs, they all complain. They kick us out of everywhere. Dr's can't even smoke in their office like they did when I was kid. I along with other kids were never harmed by this. Now you can't even stand outside the door at the Dr's office. You have to be so many feet away.  Ignorance. That's all it is.  

  7. cause you stink llike an ashtray

  8. Laura:

    I would disagree that I will not smell you unless you just came back from smoking a cigarette.

    As a smoker, you sense of smell is likely less acute than it used to be, and you cannot smell the smoke nearly as well as a non-smoker.

    Tobacco smoke often sets in clothing, carpet, and furniture.

    I used to live nextdoor to some neighbors who smoked outside and on many occasions the smoke would drift right over into my yard and my house which I found very annoying because it'd make me very ill and there was nothing I could do but keep my windows and doors shut all the time.

    If I could not smell the smoke, obviously, I'd really have no reason to have a problem with someone else smoking, but the truth is, I usually do smell it and it usually makes me ill, so that is one reason I have a problem with smokers.

    Another reason, and I'm sure all smokers don't do this, but some just toss the butts anywhere and never clean them up.

  9. Because we smell bad when we return to the table, our clothes smell, our breath smells (if not cigarettes than mints) and every non-smoker automatically thinks about cancer when sitting near us. Also I don´t see any reason why someone should especially love smokers. But the worst bunch are the people who managed to quit smoking. They really hate every smoker to their guts.

    And to be honest I believe my smoking defined at least an important portion of my character. The ability to indulge, relax and take a risk or two. But I quit a month ago :D

  10. I don't know where you are from, but where I live It is very unusual to see anyone go out of their way to NOT smoke in a crowded area.  People smoke right outside the entrances to stores and restaurants, they smoke at Little League ball games, they smoke at parks and recreation centers.  Most smokers around here seem to feel that as long as they are outside, they have the freedom to light up anywhere they want.  It is really inconsiderate to smoke anywhere that a lot of people are standing or wanking, even if it IS outside.  And to smoke at a child's ball game is just plain ignorant.  Even smokers themselves should want to teach the little people NOT to start smoking. Instead, they do it right at the children's functions and don't even care that they are setting a terrible example.

    As for the smell; Yes, all smokers have that "cigarette' smell.  Maybe not as strong as some (I have smelled some VERY  strong and some not so strong people), but it all stinks.

    I haven't ever disliked someone because they smoke, but I do  I dislike being around them.

  11. I have nothing against you as a person. It isn't you I dislike, but the habit you have.  It is not only harmful to others but to you as well.  I hate to see anyone suffer through cancer, it sux.  For your sake and those who love you, please just consider giving it up.

  12. I'm a smoker.  Its a vile and disgusting habit that leads to many health problems.  We need to quit.  Having said that, I agree that its unfair for people to treat us as pariahs when drug addicts and alcoholics get all kinds of support and consideration.  Although there are smokers who have no regard for anyone else, the majority of us are very considerate.  We smoke in the rain, we don't throw our butts all over the ground, we keep it to ourselves and don't smoke around kids or pets.  

  13. The reason we dislike smokers is because you stink, you smell terrible.  Just being within 10' of you is awfull.  And your smell lingers, and attaches itself to everyone that gets close to you.  If I go into a smokers house, I have to go home and take a shower aftwords to get the smell off, and my clothes have to go straight into the laundry.

    How would you like it if you came over to my house and I rubbed dog c**p into your shirt?  Or at work, how would you like it if the person in the office next to you kept a bowl of rotten eggs on their desk?  Or if you were sitting in a resturaunt and the person sitting at the table behind you farted every 30 seconds?  

    Even if you try to be considerate and put your buts in the ash tray by the door, we still have to walk past it to get into the building... and it stinks.  Even if you try to be considerate, and go outside to smoke, the smoke sticks to you and when you come back inside it follows you, and it sticks.  Unless you only smoke in your house, and never go into public, there is no such thing as a "considerate smoker"

    LISTEN UP SMOKERS!!!!  It's not the second hand smoke that bothers us...its your stink.  Most of us really don't care about the effects of second hand smoke, most of us do a fine job of exposing ourselves to damaging things such as sun tanning, drinking alcohol, eating fatty foods... the harmfull effects of second had smoke is the least of our concerns.

    I am a former smoker myself used to smoke 2 packs a day, I know where you smokers are coming from and I also know you have no idea how offensive you smell.  I used to get all pissed off when someone would see me smoking and give me a dirty look.  I remember thinking to myself "why do you care what I do to myself"... little did I realize, the DON'T care what I do to myself, they cared that I smelled so bad.   It wasn't until a few months after I quit smoking did I realize how bad it was.  After I stopped being used to the smell and all my clothes were rid of the smell and it finaly faded out of the walls, curtains, and carpeting of my house I realized what it was that I was exposing to everyone else.



    ~ "Not all of us smell that bad, I never smoke inside so the smell barely lingers on me. Unless you are close enough to kiss me, you probably wont smell smoke from me at all unless I just came back from a cig break."~

    You are absolutly wrong.... Yes, you all smell that bad.  I know you don't realize it, (again I was a smoker once too) but even if you go outside to smoke, the smell will linger with you for the whole day.   I have people that I work with that only smoke on the way in... and they still stink when they are walking out at the end of the day and I don't get close enough to kiss them.

    You need to face the reality here.... ALL smokers stink.

  14. It's the stench of the burnt tobacco. Not everyone finds it pleasant.

  15. Laura, I hate to tell you this but you may think you don't stink - but the smell is there.  Your sense of smell has diminished due to the smoking.  I smoked for 11 years and quit, I can't tell you how bad it stinks now.  You say "we are caring and loving humans", but you are not caring and loving to yourself when you smoke.  I was just like you when I smoked and saw nothing wrong with it and back then people weren't so harsh, but now that I don't smoke I think it's absolutely disgusting and hope that you can find the strength to quit.  When you hit about 40 you will see the effects it has on your skin (yellowing, wrinkles, aging) along with the rest of your body.

  16. Why do so many people say I need a cigarette to clam me down or help me relax?  If that was the case, then half the population of the planet would be smoking, something or other.  The smokers I have encountered are inconsiderate even when they are outside.  The area is littered with cigarette butts, used matches, spit and god knows what else and the smell could stop a rhino at 50 feet.  And why are so many young women smoking today, is it because they have been brainwashed into thinking it will keep them slim?  It is true, it does suppress your appetite but think of all the harmful things it is doing to you.  You will die younger and before that you may spend 20 to 30 years attending doctors, hospitals and taking drugs to help fight off illnesses, one of which will kill you one day.  That's a guarantee.  It killed my grandmother (60 cigarettes per day), her 2 sisters and 3 of her brothers, but they had an excuse, they started smoking in the 1920's and it was too late when the connection was made between smoking and what they died from.  The same cannot be said today.

  17. I have become very sensitive to smoke to the point where my eyes tear up and I get all congested. It is very uncomfortable. It's like having an allergy attack I would imagine. I have to stop working to deal with the symptoms. I can't see at one point. It's not like that I don't like smokers. I know some and like them very much. I just don't like the habit and can't tolerate the odor.

    edit: Where I live, you can't avoid smokers. They block entrances. At one store, there is a sign that says that smokers have to be at least 20 feet from the entrance. It's not good enough frankly because it still sends me into allergy attack mode. I need to carry tissues.

  18. Because of your breath.

  19. I'm 45 and thus from the days when everyone could smoke anywhere and nobody cared at all. Meanwhile, there has been a lot of anti-smoking propaganda and people got frightened, irritated and ill-mannered. These days you can't smoke almost anywhere and it seems like smoking is even worse than doing heroin or something (because you don't get a 2nd hand flash, I guess). In the meantime, all you have to do to get very severely polluted is go out on the street but nobody seems to care and everytime someone comes up with, say, alternative cars, they're always smashed by the automotive/oil industry. Also, in the meantime, rich, impostant people have their own coke parties and it's ok. You know what? I really liked it when good ol' Keith Richards ate a cigarette during a concert in protest! Anyway, it's not the stench really like everyone is saying, it's how propaganda made people feel about it.

  20. I don't dislike someone simply because they smoke and I don't believe anyone else should either. Smoking is a habit not a sign of a person's character trait.

    Thanks for asking.

  21. because while you lose a couple of years of your life.. people around you have to go through it too.

    I encourage Nicotine patches.. you get the Nicotine you NEED and no1 gets hurt.

  22. I don't dislike smokers - my best friend's a smoker, but what I cannot stand is smoke! I don't buy the arguments that what I breathe in everyday, living in a polluted atmosphere is the same and as harmful as breathing cigarette smoke. Before smoking was banned in public places, I used to dread going out for a meal in case someone lit up next to me. As a Brit, I was one of the very few who seldom went into a pub. If I did happen to find myself in a smokey atmosphere it would make me retch and the room would spin. I would have to shower before going to bed. I don't have to do that after a trip into town!

    So, for the most part, it's not the smoker who is detested, but the ghastly smoke they blow out in our direction, even if it is inadvertent ;)

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