
Why do so many people hate Bill O' they really think he is worse than Sean Hannity?

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I am a democrat and I actually like Bill. He does get a little bias (towards democrats, the clintons, and rappers) sometimes which is understandable because of his conservative republican views but for the most part he is really bi-partisan and views stuff with common sense...

Now sean hannity is EXTREME. Sometimes he is spitting near hate. He is an extreme right conservative. And sometimes he tries so hard to justify his views that he turns into a hypocrite. Here is a perfect example. They were discussing John edwards ex-marital affairs and john mcCain's ex-marital affairs. And he tried to justify mcCain's affair by saying he was a veteran.




  1. Bill is an independent and if you watch his show, he is pretty balanced.  He just doesn't care for the far left part of the Democratic Party (but he still gives those people time on his show to show their side of the story).

    The people who hate Bill O' Reilly have never sat down and watched his show and have only seen clips on youtube or read what other people say about him.  It's just plain ignorance.

    Sean Hannity, however, is a Reagan Conservative and is open about it.  A lot of liberal people don't like Sean because he has strong criticisms of Obama and has A LOT of listeners.

  2.   I have  sat down and watched Billo-and boy did it hurt!-and he's as balanced as the Tower of Pisa. And he spits hate against anyone not Billo.  As for Hannity-two peas in a pod-monkey see monkey do, etc.

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