
Why do so many people hate Hippies?

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Are so many people without comprehension?




  1. I believe that for everything you believe so strongly in, there is someone on the opposite side believing just as strongly.

    There's the lack bathing, the drugs, promiscuity, racial indifference, you know, all the things that make life fun.

    But, I think it's because people are small minded douchebags.

    Hippies challenge the way Americans have been thinking for generations, and rednecks dislike change.

    Peace brother.

  2. Few people that I know hate hippies. Those that do are ignorant and don't remember the war in "Nam. We got that one stopped, and probably should get together again, to try to stop the illegal carnage in Iraq.  

  3. I think most of it is the sterotype that they are into drugs, s*x and rock and roll.  But I feel the root of the issues starts with the fact that they are free and do not conform to societies rules, and most people have a part of them that wants to be free of these rules.  So it boils down to jeolousy of there ability to not care what others think.

  4. Because they are ignorant and they are afraid of whatever is different to the american way of life. ( Make tons of money, get married, have children, divorce, and die in a ****** asylum) which is  so f@KING  boring by the way. They are afraid of different cultures.

  5. Any different think that is disturbing to the "status quo", is always dis comforting. In historical context this can be seen in recent history with the flappers, of the 20's, the beatniks of the 50's, and of course the hippies of the 60's. and possible even the rappers of the present day.

    By the way I was and still am, a hippie at least in my thinking, as Dylan once said "you can change the hair on the head but you can't change what inside it" LOL, thanks for the question.

    Oh, and by the way most people, hippies that I ran with took baths. Many of us were highly successful, and well educated, and just wanted to shake up the "status quo".

  6. because of Cartman, man....  

  7. Hippy hate has been instilled into our culture because the powers that be  or "the Establishment" (as so-called hippies called them) don't want another generation to rise up in protest against them.  

    Hippies were the product of a middle class that was too large, with children who had too much time on their hands.  Today the middle class is shrinking so that there are not so many young people who can afford to go to college or take time off to protest.  

    Yet it is still necessary to encourage the idea of  hippies  as dirty, druggies, lazy etcetera in order to keep our young people from emulating them instead of volunteering for service in the world market's police force..  

    And of course it is necessary to keep Christians from noticing that Jesus was a lot like a hippy so that they will vote for those who are against "the least of these.".  .  

  8. I always assumed that Hippies were hated simply for the fact that they go against mainstream culture, rather than what they stood for.

  9. Isolation in America has made people afraid of any one who is a little different than them !!

    Number one reason for racism, hatred and injustice in this country.

    Some folks never cross that county line to see what's on the other side? Why? They are scared of the change and the new.

    It's truly sad.


  10. I don't like some because they don't bathe.

  11. Because hippies are happy, and they cannot be because of bills, keeping their technology current, buying more house than they can afford, etc..  

    They would love to hop in a tent and smoke a doobie with one!  They just can't find the time to depart from their misery.

  12. I don't HATE hippies. But when you work in a restaurant and their desire to not bathe tends to make work and enjoying a meal rather difficult.

    Can't you still be green & crunchy and smell like a daisy? Isn't there an organic soap on the market?

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