
Why do so many people hate "Breaking Dawn"?

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Just because things don't turn out the way you want that doesn't mean you have to hate the book or series.




  1. I don't think people hate it but i know i was one of the people who were disappointed by the ending because they thought after all the build up it would be better. I think SM might as well have written 'bella woke up and it was all a dream' and i just think it could have been so much better.

  2. i ask myself that same question everyday...but hwat i get is that they believe stephenie meyer went against everything she originaly said earlier on.  i for one though am glad that edward and bella had a baby and that it was half and half.  it was very cute.  the only thing i had a problem with was the fight because i wanted action!

  3. Well, I think a lot of people are far too emotionally invested in these books if they are gonna go and fill their days with hating on a fictional book... and starting PETITIONS???  Good grief.  Obsession, thy name is Twilight.  Try to find a life somewhere in there, people... for your own sakes.  

    I had some issues with BD, but on the whole I was pretty happy with it.  I enjoyed that she just threw a bunch of rules out of the window and gave Bella and Edward happily ever after.  It's been a while since I've read an ending like that.

    If I hadn't been, I would have just moved on to another book.  For instance, I was not happy with the last Harry Potter book.  So I moved on to Alice Hoffman's books.  Doesn't mean I'm sorry I read it.  It didn't ruin my existence or anything.  LOL

  4. This says it all:

    Edit: Anyone who can't believe that people don't like BD are blind to its many faults. At the very least, respect other people's opinions.

    Second Edit: Espresso said "Edit: I want a grand piano (hehe me 2!) to start with, jacob said that stuff about imprinting because he was sad he hadn't done it yet. and on the part that its impossible for Bella to get pregnant, well its also impossible to have vampires. Bella was still because of the medicine. she couldn't move if she wanted to."

    Jacob's imprinting. He shouldn't have imprinted for two reasons. One, it's rare for imprinting to happen. So why is everyone suddenly imprinting? Meyer's breaking her own rules and went too far with having Jacob imprint, just to give him a happy ending. He shouldn't have gotten a happy ending. I loved Jacob, really, he was my favorite character, but characters have to make sacrifices like people in the real world do. I don't see why he couldn't have just taken care of Nessie as a sort of uncle figure and still be friends with the Cullens.

    You said that "it's impossible for Bella to get pregnant, but it's also impossible for vampires to exist." That's pretty much like saying "Well, it's FICTION" which a lot of Meyer's fans are saying. Okay. Ms. Stephenie Meyer spent three books building up the laws and rules of the Twilight world and characters. More than once, she's said that the only bodily fluids a vampire has is venom and that venom replaces normal human body fluids. So. According to her and her rules, it's impossible for vampires to impregnate anything. If it's impossible for female vampires to get pregnant, why is it possible for male vampires to impregnate? Doesn't make sense, and once again, she's broken her own rule.

    I don't think Bella couldn't have moved if she wanted to. It probably helped keep her quiet and still, but what was the point of her "suffering silently" when she's already torn a knife through Edward and Jacob's hearts? She kept the baby even though it killed both Edward and Jacob. Complete selfishness. And suddenly she doesn't want to be selfish anymore? Can't Meyer give her a personality and stick with it?

    Again, Espresso, you're blind to the book's faults. Don't turn your head away just because you loved the other three books. Meyer gave you c**p and you know it. As fans of a book series, you shouldn't have to accept it, it's an insult.

  5. that's my favorite of the twilight series I'm actually glad stephenie meyer gave a happy ending to bella's p.o.v ive read to many books where the couples have either died or they are separated in the end... i love bella's wedding, i found it strange but thrilling that bella had a child, and i love renesmee and the idea of jacob also having his happy ending with nessie... i also love how no one really dies in the end ( besides Irina), but it was so less dramatizing then harry potter where some of the important characters died (i really didnt like that part)... i dont want breaking dawn to ever change and i cherish the copy i own i dont want to return it i love it ive already read it like 5 times because of how much i love it

    breaking dawn is the best!!!!!!!  

  6. Because of cheesy things like:

    -the name Renesme [Rene + Esme]

    -NOT fighting the Volturi

    -Bella not being blood crazed

    -wolf + bloodsucker= BFF

    -Charlie =not freaked out about vamps & wolves


  7. cause it didnt go the way they wanted. just liike you said in your question.

  8. We're not mad because things did not turn out the way we wanted. We're mad because it was immoral. It insulted the characters, forced a happy ending on us, etc.

  9. It turned out exactally the way i wanted it to and i still hated it.  It went from being a teenage love story fantisy to a sci-fi uterus eating, baby imprenting, non action book.  I wanted Jacob to be happy, I wanted Edward and bella to be together, i wanted Bella to be a vampire...all those happend, but it was ridiculous.

    What happend to leah?

    shape shifters, not werewolves? give me a break, that was a last second change, which changed ALL the books

    There should have been a fight with the Volturi

    PLUS she said that very few vampires have special abilities, and EVERYONE had one...

    Alice hardly had anything to do with it...everyone was out of character...Charlie REALLY would not have been that cool with Bella being the way she was...Bella WOULD NOT have called Jacob a dog...and all the sudden Jacob and Bella weren't bestfriends like they use to be...

  10. I don't hate Breaking Dawn, I was a little disappointed by it tho. It was a little sick and I there wasn't a big fight with the Vulturi! Also what happened to Leah? ?????

    I <3 Edward Cullen

  11. I personally loved it, but that is just my opinion. I won't think badly of anyone who didn't like it. I have my opinion and others have theirs.

    Other people didn't like it, mainly for six reasons.

    1. Some people thought it wasn't as romantic as the other books.

    2. Some people thought that the characters didn't have emotion.

    3. Some people thought that Bella was being stupid, and was mad at some of the things she did.

    4. Some people were mad that there wasn't a big fight at the end.

    5. Some people were angry when they found out that part of the book is from Jacob's point of view.

    6. Some people were mad that Bella got everything she wanted in the end.

    Good luck!

  12. I know! People are just mad because Stephanie Meyer didn't make the book go how they told her to... I liked it

    Edit: I want a grand piano (hehe me 2!) to start with, jacob said that stuff about imprinting because he was sad he hadn't done it yet. and on the part that its impossible for Bella to get pregnant, well its also impossible to have vampires. Bella was still because of the medicine. she couldn't move if she wanted to.

  13. I honestly dont think anyone hates the series or the book, its just that they built and idea in their minds of what the book should be and when it wasnt exactly what they wanted they decided it wasnt good enough.  thats just my opinion though, i love the books and series!

  14. I heard that some people expect it to be even better. I don't know, but its great. I loved it. It made me respect Jacob more, but imprinting a baby is just wrong.

    Though, I do wish I get to know more about the Children of the Moon, and a little fighting scene would've been great too.

    Now, I can't wait for the last movie of Breaking Dawn coming in like 4-7 years later, and the Twilight guide book coming in December.

  15. no idea

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