Everyone knows that you aren't supposed to start school until you are 5. I know in some states, the cut-off is well into the school year, which I've always thought to be quite ridiculous because then kids can start when they are 4. These are the same states that have massive behavioral problems with a lot of students (immaturity could be an issue), like California. In other states, where the cut-off is way earlier, like in August or September, parents still have their child tested because they want them to start school when they are 4. Do they want to get rid of them so soon? Or do they really think their child is beyond grade level at the age of 4? (Note: my child was reading before he was 4, but he started kindergarten when he was supposed to. Does that mean I didn't recognize his ability? No, I just wanted him to be already 18 when graduating from high school instead of only 16 or 17)