This is a serious question!
We are going through a heat wave here in Germany and it is no fun for anyone, but isn't helped a bit by so many people who insist on riding public transportation and entering public places smelling like SOUR BILLY GOATS! I have never seen -- or smelt -- it so bad here before, even during the record heat waves of 2003.
Do some people have such aversion to showers, deodorant and common decency in public? Last time I checked, Germany was not a Third World country and had sufficient infrastructure to accommodate at least a shower every other day and adequate laundry facilities to wash sour shirts, stinky drawers with "skid marks," etc.
I am not talking about the beggar crack addicts who usually jump on the trams without paying and ride first class to boot. I am referring to people who are well-dressed and obviously have money for soap and deo. Even some WOMEN stank! Is it just me, just Germany, just this summer, or what?
What is the problem???