
Why do so many people in public in Germany STINK?

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This is a serious question!

We are going through a heat wave here in Germany and it is no fun for anyone, but isn't helped a bit by so many people who insist on riding public transportation and entering public places smelling like SOUR BILLY GOATS! I have never seen -- or smelt -- it so bad here before, even during the record heat waves of 2003.

Do some people have such aversion to showers, deodorant and common decency in public? Last time I checked, Germany was not a Third World country and had sufficient infrastructure to accommodate at least a shower every other day and adequate laundry facilities to wash sour shirts, stinky drawers with "skid marks," etc.

I am not talking about the beggar crack addicts who usually jump on the trams without paying and ride first class to boot. I am referring to people who are well-dressed and obviously have money for soap and deo. Even some WOMEN stank! Is it just me, just Germany, just this summer, or what?

What is the problem???




  1. "personal hygiene is not the top priority. Perhaps (for the women especially) the underarm hair issue is still unchecked........."

    haha! where did u experience that? *rolls eyes*

    i shower everyday and i don't know anyone with underarm hair.

    personal hygiene definitely IS one of the top priorities!

  2. I have been in Munich 8 years....and that is great question.  It really is a conundrum--these people are pretty well dressed when they step out here, but for some reason, personal hygiene is not the top priority.  Perhaps (for the women especially) the underarm hair issue is still unchecked...........those are my takes on it.  Problem is we are the ones that have to take in the odor.  Tscuess

  3. Ive heard that a lot of europeans stink. I think its just something about the cultrure theyre not as paranoid about hygene as Americans are.

    Maybe they dont sell deoderant in Europe?

  4. Ey.. come to NYC and ride the subway or the bus especially during rush hour and I guarantee you that you'll get the same stink, if not more because it's so crowded, humid and dirty.

    I used to work in midtown Manhattan...  trust me, it's no different in the US. People in dress suits stink just as much over here.  Get a grip.

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