
Why do so many people in the world seem to have no soul?

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This question occurred to me when I was watching System of a Down (soad) videos, Hypnotize, Aerials, Chop Suey, etc..

It can't simply be apathy that is allowing the world to go on like this can it?

Can people really be so in a void of reason or conscience

that apathy allows them to accept things like starvation (genocide) and war?

Please help me here.




  1. Good question.

    This 2 videos will help to explain why man "not deserved to have soul anymore"...

    Hunger, starvation, poverty, famine...

    If you know what is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and NON-VIOLENCE, there will be no slaughterhouse, no battlefield.

    All the arguments to prove human superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering, the animals are our equals. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men, weak for strongest, poor for wealthier…- Alice Walker, African-American writer & storyteller.

    Famous historian who were vegetarians...

    Charles Darwin, author and scientist

    Thomas Edison, inventor

    Sir Isaac Newton, physicist

    Pythagoras, Greek philosopher

    Leonardo da Vinci, artist

    Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, philosopher and scientist

    Mahatma Gandhi, Indian independence leader

    Plato, physicist and writer

    George Bernard Shaw, writer and Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature

    Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer & Nobel Prize winner

    Socrates, Greek philosopher

    Henry David Thoreau, writer

    Ignorance towards innocent and defenseless beings are the ROOT cause and snowball of man's denial for escalating violence elsewhere.


  2. It's not apathy. It's selfishness. People don't want to give starving people their food. People want what other people have and start a war. People in general care about themselves more than anyone else. They'll stomp on anyone else if it gives them a little more. This is not always the case, but in general I think it is.

  3. The reason is that most people will sell their soul in order to have nice things. People get ahead in life by being mean. They sell their souls for dolce and gabbana and plasma screen televisions.

  4. System of a Down has no musical talent or substance, not worth considering.  You can't hear soul in a copycat band.  Go and listen to the Clash, the Who and the s*x Pistols.  Rage against the Machine/Lincoln Park copycats suck.

  5. People who experience or watch terrible things (in person or on t.v.) gradually wear down their apathy and turn them into empty shells with no feelings towards others. This includes everyone from regular kids playing video games to child soldiers in a third world country. No apathy, no soul. It's not something you can grow back.

  6. Mind controlled by the elitists using mass media and entertainment to keep people from thinking critically and caring about others.

  7. You are entirely correct. Everyone but you is a zombie.

  8. social inertia.

  9. And who might you be to tell the people of the world that they "have no soul?"

  10. Most ppl are h**l bound( don't have Christ in their lives) and don't even realize it.

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