
Why do so many people like Twilight when it is obviously so bad?

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Edit: Yes, I have read the first one, in case you're wondering.




  1. idk

  2. Because, in some sick and sad way, it's a silly teenage (or pre-teenage) girl's dream.

    Having a normal life BAM! interrupted by wonder and drama and action, and of course, sickening cliche romance. And of course, the boy is not only mystical and a vampire, but amazingly, fantastically handsome as well.

    And the main character is of course clumsy and very human, so people can "relate" to her. So it's easy for a silly thirteen year old to put herself in Bella's shoes and spend time dreaming away over fairytale romance.

  3. I really cant see why.

    I dont really know exactly what it is about but from what ive heard it supposed to be great.

    But im not convinced yet.

  4. Teenage girls want a pretty, sparkly vampire boyfriend. That is the driving force behind the Twitards. To them, I say: Go read the Vampire Chronicles!

  5. It's called taste. Have you even read it?

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