
Why do so many people live in Los Angeles?

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I travel to L.A. often for work. After sitting in traffic for hours each way, I can't wait to get home to the "small town" of Las Vegas. Instead of sitting in traffic, I can earn time and a half at work. Property in Vegas is so cheap (relative to L.A.). I can pay my mortgage on my condo in one day of work. Why do you guys live out there? Don't say the ocean. That gets boring like anything else. I can visit the ocean whenever I want. And I pay no state taxes in Nevada.




  1. People apparently like paying too much to get stuck in traffic jams and get smogged out.  Who could possibly bear to be parted from the freaks, tweeks and high maintenance no talent havin whores, paradise I tell ya!!!  Maybe when you are on your way back to Vegas you can push that dump into the sea so the eyesore will sink...wait that will hurt the ocean.  If we just ignore it it probably wont go away, needs to be cut out like a tumor!  I used to live near Carson City...

  2. People live in Los Angeles for one big reason. Because it is NOT Las Vegas. Not everyone likes to live where it stays over 100 degrees day and night for months, where being a hooker is a  legal career choice, where there's a god dam slot machine everywhere you look, where there is nothing but sand and rocks for miles in every direction, and where the only reason to go there for most of the year is to get laid or gamble. We have all those things right here in Los Angeles, but in addition, we also have a couple of hundred miles of coastline.

  3. Ever heard of jobs?

    There are jobs in LA, so people want to live there.  It's a big city with things to do and places to see, as well.

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