
Why do so many people not believe in the "Paranormal"?

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I see it like this:

1) Millions, even Billions have experianced the Paranormal.

2) It has been caught on tape lots of times (Even though some are proven to be fakes, some are proven not to be)

And I also think "How comes they believe in certain other things they have never seen, like space for example?" Sure, you can see it from earth, but we have never experianced it from outside earth. But they have no problem believing people when they say it exists... But why doubt the paranormal?

It's DEFO closed minded people that think we and animals, are the only things living here.




  1. IDK...It's a skeptical world !!!!! They were born with skeptical brains!!! Seems like they would WANT to know about the Paranormal. Seems like believing in it would be a "given". Maybe it has to do with the way they were raised. Maybe they're so self reliant that they think they don't need anyone but themselves..or think they 're the only ones who exist. I wonder ..if they were blind and couldn't see people's bodies..if they would refuse to believe that there are people besides them. Beats me!! I always thought EVERYBODY wanted to know if there were spirits or ghosts etc etc. Guess not!!

  2. Define paranormal, is it ghosts, or spirits, or just things we don't understand yet?  Most paranormal observations are found to be hoaxes, or later an explanation is provided.  We don't know a lot about the universe, and most observations or phenomena classified as paranormal are really, IMO, lacking an explanation that would make sense if all the information were known.  Certainly if the paranormal were real, then certain paranormal phenomena would be regular enough to be observed and known to be the case in reality.

  3. Is it not better to know than believe? Why don't the ones that really want to see the paranormal never do? Why only non-scientists exclusive to the paranormal?

    Scientists are human and ignorace is a driving force for them. But the problem remains the same, lack of testable evidence. If we are "open-minded" where do we find the evidence? Give us a place to go and something to measure. Yeti and bigfoots are hairy but there is no hair for DNA tests. How about any teeth, skeletons, or toe nails? Physical evidence is desired not film or video that can easily faked.

    Produce the evidence, and make you plans to fly to Sweden for your Nobel Prize.

    "It seems to me what is called for is an exquisite balance between two conflicting needs: the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are served up to us and at the same time a great openness to new ideas.... If you are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you.... On the other hand, if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish the useful ideas from the worthless ones" - Carl Sagan, 1987.

  4. I have been asked before, "What would it take for you to believe in the paranormal?"  My answer is simple: non-anecdotal evidence.  Alas there is none, so my natural response to true believers is, "What would it take for you to *not* believe in the paranormal?"  I assume the answer is they have a strong feeling about something they have personally perceived.  I can't argue with that.  What I can argue with are the plethora of those who believe without having had any sort of personal experience at all.

    It's possible millions have perceived the paranormal.  However, isn't it also likely that millions *think* they have had a paranormal experience but really haven't?  Paranormal phenomena vary from culture to culture.  Why would that be unless paranormal phenomena are cultural inventions?

    Paranormal phenomena have not been caught on tape.  Many indeed have been shown to be fabrications.  I am not aware of a single "proven" non-fake video.  Please let me know what you think satisfies the test.

    Why believe in space but not the paranormal?  Two things: evidence and reason.

    I have empirical evidence where I can actually look up to see parts of the universe outside the atmosphere.  But then I also can rely on a trusted source outside of what I am able to observe.  I trust the scientific consensus of the universe.  The scientific method has informed me in such a way that I choose to live in an evidence-based world.  With few exceptions, scientists have provided us with an expanding body of knowledge and understanding.  For the most part the motivation is knowledge, not some dogmatic personal philosophy.  Because they don't have ulterior motives and because they are both self-regulating and self-correcting, I trust them.

    The term "closed-minded" is the catch-all term used by people who can't understand how anyone could form a negative opinion regarding one of their sacred cows.  We have all heard the advice that it's good to have an open mind, but not so open as to allow your brain to fall out.  This is true.

    It is a good idea to be open to new ideas, but such ideas should never be above evaluation and scrutiny.  If any claim can't survive examination then it isn't worth considering for very long.  Those items classified as paranormal have no evidence and are not able to survive independent scrutiny by those without a vested interest.  If they had they would no longer be considered paranormal.

    I was a true believer.  But I discovered that as I went along I had to invent more and more reasons that would allow for things like ghosts and spirits to exist.  It got to be so convoluted.  Not one for clutter, I found that the contrary position only requires one rule: ghosts do not exist.  My life is much simpler (and defensible) now.

  5. 1) I am not the one who experienced the paranormal, thus I do not believe;

    2) LIke you said, but not some, most of them are proven to be fake, did you even think about why people are doing this fake paranormal stuff, and if it is true why do people squeeze thier noodles to make the fake ones? The left ones, even have not been proven fake yet, but it does not mean it is real, it is a matter of fact.

    3) Have you even seen you own brain for once, I guess not, but did you believe you got a one, I am sure you will say yes, why, because it is science, not paranormal.

    4) The most important point that I want to make is that I do not beleve in paranormal, but I do believe there are other beings out of the earth, because science tells us the possibilities of another livable plant.

  6. Great question but A hard one to really answer!

    I think people just don't want to open their minds up, If it is something they cant see they don't want to believe it.

    But I believe, In a way I guess for me to believe there is such a thing as "Spirits/Ghosts" It helps me to feel comfort to know that loved ones I have lost are not gone forever and that they are always close by. (I know I sound daft!)

    I have seen things for myself and I know people would say it is all in my head...who knows someday we shall all find out!

    Another thing I think is if there is nothing after this life what would be the point? and how would spirit mediums manage to be so correct and specific about things?

    Oh I will shut up now! Im going on again!

    Take care x*x

  7. I guess that it is the total lack of real verifiable scientific evidence that supports paranormal experiences.

    I mean I can come up with as much evidence supporting the belief in Santa Claus as I can Paranormal.

    And there are just too many logical explanations that explain the so called evidence that there is.

    If there ever surfaces a smidgen of scientific evidence that any kind of paranormal may be real though, you will see real scientists get in on the act, and perhaps do some serious research in this area.

    What is funny, is that many of the so called Paranormal investigators use Psychics, etc. who can not even prove that they are real.   And then on top of that they use "ghost hunting" equipment that has never been proven at all to be able to locate ghosts, etc.

    However, there is research going on in the area of psychology as to hormone levels, etc. that help explain why people see and hear things that are not there, and why some believe despite lack of evidence.

    But it is still fun to tell ghost stories, watch ghost hunters, etc even though there may not be any ghost.  Ha.

    It is kinda funny to me that some people are indignant, and even seem to get angry if you question the existence of anything even as bizarre as a ghost, a fairy, a leprechaun, etc.  And just call you closed minded because you believe in science.  Hilarious.

    Would appreciate a link to some of the "real" ghost video, etc.  Really would like to see it.

  8. many people, i imagine, are simply afraid of whats out there. many religious people use their religion to shot down opinions that scare them. [even though, in retrospect, dont the religious believe in angels?] even so, some people think that its outrageous. 'life on another planet, ghosts!? how odd!' but then to that i must say, as you have, why believe in space. most everyone believes in the theories that popular science brings up about space, people believe the [unproven] theories as much to teach them in school. i don't get why people cant be open minded. there is no reason to doubt the paranormal. i believe that there is a mixture of fear, bewilderment, and utter ignorance and close minded-ness that makes people debunk theories as soon as it comes to their attention. some people will never believe...but who will try to make them?

  9. Because they are too narrow minded and think ghosts are stuff like that you see on s****. Doo.

    Another thing that confuses me, is their are these Christans who believe in SPIRITS, but these spirits they believe in do not stay on earth and do not stay in a house or anything like a ghost. They dont believe in Ghosts what so ever they believe in 'Spirits'. By Spirits they mean like religous stuff.

    I dont know. People will believe that a guy created the world in 7 days but they wont believe that something that has been experinced by as you said, millions, maybe even billions.

    Well, whatever. Let them be.

  10. Most people are afraid of ghosts an instantly deny it or simply deny it to be "popular" in society and, like you said, closed minded people.

  11. I'd love to see some of those tapes.The ones that were "proved not to be fakes".Are there any links you can give us?

  12. Lack of evidence.

    Those 3 words really spell it all out, but I'll add a touch more. Millions of anecdotal experiences don't amount to one, controlled, reproducible, testable situation. That's not to dismiss it entirely, but there are other normal explanations for these experiences and resorting to paranormal explanations is not required.  As for being caught on tape, I haven't seen one video tape that I would call compelling, and I'm always on the lookout for any new paranormal evidence.

    As far as how our senses affect our beliefs, it's not just our five senses, but it's also the equipment we use to augment those five senses. We know there is distance between the earth and moon, using mechanical devices to extend our senses -- thus, we know there is space (really just another word for distance). Many scientific experiments, if not most, require devices for us to sense what is going on since it is usually beyond our natural senses, thus we need microscopes, lasers, timers, etc.

    Why doubt the paranormal?  Again, lack of evidence. Moreover, the paranormal in general is not directly predicted by known, established science. So there is neither theory nor evidence to support it.

    Does that mean the paranormal is impossible? Nope. It's just not very believable given the current state of the situation.

  13. I only beleieve in the paranormal because i have experienced a paranormal event. I don't blame people for not believing I wouldn't either.

  14. because people are afraid of anything that could shake up their nice neat little worlds. most in science that are worshipers at the altar of Einstein have labeled Hawkings as a oddball because of his work with and belief in parallel universes,wave effects, all part of Quantum Physics. so science cant even agree with themselves without placing labels on their own. is it any wonder that any scientist that does believe keeps it in the closet so to speak so as not to be ostracized by his own peers? While science may have been an aid in a lot of aspects of life, it has also been responsible for horrific events in recent human history as well. The simple fact that we live in a world under constant threat of atomic war, germ warfare, and chemical warfare are all a direct result of science. we have whole generations of people now with no immunity to almost any disease. and the viruses that have lived past their cures are now super viruses. So anyone who thinks everything science does is a triumph, is flat out lying to themselves. In fact Science and athiesm is a faith and they will deny it, but they cannot get away from the fact that they worship theories and themselves in fact thinking of them selves as Gods. Science does not know everything and never will, and in fact it will be science that will probably end the reign of humans on this planet.every new medication that arrives, within 5 or 10 years is recalled because it makes people sick or kills them. I could go on but it would be pointless. The simple fact remains, they would like to place the spirit on a cold hard slab and disect it, but sorry folk, you cant disect something than has no quantitive measurement. As with your own beliefs, a big bang so to speak, you just have to go on your gutt instinct and have faith.

  15. I have experienced what you label as paranormal.  Things that God did and allowed.

    It is all in the choice:  To believe or not believe, anything and everything.

    If you believe it you will dream it.  Read up on Sleep Paralysis.

  16. I think that the reason people dont believe in paranormal phenomena is that no one has yet been able to prove the existence of ghosts, the afterlife etc. Just because many people have ecpereinced something, doesn't provide proof, or at least not in the scientific sense.

    For example, I believe space exists because I have seen photographs and footage of it which have been corroborated by first person accounts of multiple witnesses, and also because there are good, arguements for why it SHOULD exist. It is observeable! I can see the stars each night from my window, I believe they are in space because I observe us all in a 3D spatial environment all day everyday, and I am able to make predictions wich agree with my observations by the governing 'laws' which appear to affect my environment. For example if I drop a ball, it ALWAYS falls to the ground by gravity.

    However, there are no hypothesis of the paranormal that have ever been tested to my knowledge that have ever proved the paranormal. If they did, it would cease to be paranormal, and would be normal!

    In a sense this has happend before, such as quantum physics. The notion that particles could behave as waves or that electrons could 'tunnel' thorugh energy barriers far in excess of their own energy seemed impossible and paranormal. But scientists observed these phenomena were real and repeatable, and so they were accepted as existing, even if at the time they were unexplainable.

    Science will only accept ghosts or mediums as real, if they can be proven to be a real , repeatable phenomena that is predictable. Until then, it is not people being closed minded, it is healthy skepticism!

  17. I think it could be a combination of a lot of things..fear of the unknown, closed minded, and the list gos on..I believe in the paranormal, and I also believe they're good & evil things.. for a lack of better words, hanging around out there, so to say the least I'm not going out hunting for things I don't no anything about or can trust, and I would caution others to do the same, you never know what you might be getting yourself into.....but thats just me !!!

  18. Because ignorance is bliss.

  19. I am constantly astounded by what people on this forum consider to be 'evidence' of the paranormal. My favourite is the haunted electrical equipment, your computer turning on and off, lights flickering perhaps a radio sounding strange, what on earth makes anyone think these things are spooky?

    Where did all those poor spirits hang out before electric appliances were invented, maybe they had to content themselves with haunting your flat iron or wood stove?

  20. You said people have experianced a paranormal event. Can you tell me how to prove something like this?

  21. people tend not to believe in the paranormal because either that is what others have told them, they havent had an experience or just a closed mind to that realm of thinking.

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