Especially considering that only a very few Bible translations use the word "unicorn", why do I keep reading from various Bible critics who whine about the word "unicorn" as if it is some central principle of the Christian faith? Anyone with even a basic knowledge of etymology knows that UNICORN means "uni" [one] + "corn" [horn]. Thus, the word unicorn has been used for various animals, the most obvious being the rhinoceros and a less obvious one being a type of wild ox which looked like it only had one horn when viewed from the side.
What amazes me is that I keep reading critics on this forum complaining that Christians do not consider their ideas subject to falsification -- while "they" (the critics) are allegedly more scientific in revising their theories as new information exposes their flaws. Yet, I find that this forum has recurring complaints about the alleged "unicorn error" in the Bible -- and the many "Bible error websites" which they seem to be parroting don't remove the unicorn "error" despite being told that that bogus "error" was addressed several hundred years ago.
Bottomline: Why should anyone assume that Bible critics are more "scientific" when they don't revise their "Bible error lists" when their bad scholarship is exposed?
[I saw two new "unicorns in the Bible" complaints posted just today on this forum. And in virtually every case, the person posting the "error in the Bible" is mocking Christian believers and bragging about his/her superior intelligence and "scientific worldview." Go figure.)
And doesn't this indicate that Bible critics are guilty of following their belief system biases rather than pursuing sound evidence for their positions?