
Why do so many people on this site have trouble using the plural of the noun 'atheist'?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously people, add a bloody S to the end. Is that so d**n difficult? Does it tax your mental limits? Why are so many R&S users unable to just say 'atheists'?




  1. It's kind of awkward to say "atheists" maybe it's too hard to type, also.

  2. It's just one more little "dig" these so-called morally superior believers take at atheists.  They can't seem to help themselves.

  3. What about atheatis

  4. plurals are hard work for people with circular logic...

  5. Most people on yahoo answers are young. They're either teenagers or 20 somethings with no world understanding

  6. they are in denial that there could be more than one atheist...

  7. Correct spelling is the work of the devil !

  8. The problem is not the plural, the problem is misspelling "atheist" as "athiest".

  9. Atheists! Oh wait, you don't mean me, do you?

  10. Mind out you will get reported by the peace loving turn the other cheek people LUlz

  11. they dont know the singular, either...

    some of them support their spelling by an odd phrase like I after E except if... condition i dont remember. i do learn words and spelling one by one, i am not generalising. i have other problems, like double letters and awkward plurals like >aircrafts, conditions [sic]

    edit maybe the phrase is reverted, e after i

  12. I only noticed one....

    Maybe you need a cup of java dude.

  13. I'm just satisfied when they can grasp that it doesn't follow the 'i before e' rule. It took well over a year to get most of them to realize that. Maybe we can get the majority of people pluralizing the word before the world ends in 2012 :P

  14. Who is this athiest they always ask? We atheists answer for him/her, who ever this person it.

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