
Why do so many people on yahoo answers b***h about spelling so much is that big of a deal , really?

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Why do so many people on yahoo answers b***h about spelling so much is that big of a deal , really?




  1. Well, you get irritated because you have check spelling is there to correct, so why do not you use to improve your spelling, one wonders is it ignorance or carelessness.

    Lot of times wrong spelling causes confusion about the question.

  2. 50% are nerds who have nothing better to do. The other 50% are genuinely bothered by bad spelling and grammar.

    Seriously, read this sentence and tell me what kind of person you'd picture talking like this?

    "Wut u doin? im fine lets go get sum lunch kewl!"

    Whenever I see people typing stuff like that, I picture a 5-year-old sitting in front of the keyboard. It seriously makes me doubt the quality of their thought processes.

  3. I really don't care about occasional misspellings here and there but when someone types their entire question in chat speak, it's h**l to read.  If you want serious answers to your question, let alone be understood, at least make the effort to type correctly.

  4. People post questions on this site because they want answers -- it is very hard to answer someone if the readers cannot understand the question because of spelling and grammatical errors.  Also, not everyone is fluent in text message spelling, and it is not in good taste to post a text message type question on a site that is not designed for texting.

  5. cuz wen ppl anser lyk dis it gets hrd to figer owt wht sum1 is tring to sey.

  6. i dunno,they just do that xD



  7. no, well to the older audience it is!!

  8. Because they're averagely intelligent, and as they haven't got any big important ideas, the only way that they have to assert how superior they are is to point out if somebody puts an apostrophe in the wrong place.  They're the type of people stuck in middle management.

    They also don't think that maybe because of the way that society is structured that they have had access to education that other people haven't.

    Also, they are often American and way to arrogant to realise that the person is often writing in their second/third/forth language.

    As someone with a Masters Degree, I'm far more interested in reading the writing of someone that's thoughtful and innovative that someone that thinks that they're the sh*t just because they know the difference between your and you're.

    Ironically, with nearly everyone who makes comments thinking that they're so special for knowing how to spell, I can find small grammatical mistakes that they probably aren't even aware of such as putting full stops inside brackets.

    But basically ... I think it's just because they're a*&es !

  9. Because I didn't go to college for nothing.  I took English and didn't learn how to spell on a cell phone.  I still don't like writing that way.  It's so hard to read.

  10. Yes, it most certainly is that much of a big deal.  

    The appalling level of spelling and written grammar on this site constitutes an outrageous abuse of the English language, furthermore it is extremely rude and inconsiderate to expect people to read and understand some of the literary drivel that is posted here.

  11. I don't know maybe because there is spell check in the box where you answer LOL. But in general my typing can be really crappy sometimes.

  12. cuz they want to feel smart so they have to put someone down to feel better about how great and wonderful they are.  I've been a T.A. and spelling errors on spelling tests or essays bothered me, but if people are just talking, they shouldn't always have to be proper

  13. Cuz it makes u look like a illiterate t**d.  An u doesn't kare enuf 2 edit stuff. wtf! Y read it R ansur it :P

  14. I find it annoying. But the spell checker is just there at the top. Its so when people google questions, they will find the answer. If you have spelled it wrong then they wouldn't find it.

    PS I have run the spell checker over this. No mistakes.

  15. Perosnally I am a terribal speller so I think that people complaing about it is quite annoying. For some reason people think that good spelling is a mark of intelligence, I disagree, I think the mark of intelligence is contained in the meaning of the words. If people cant think of anything else to say but useless nitpicking then they are just wasting there time and others, In my opinion bad spelling isnt that big a deal if you can understand what they are saying.

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