
Why do so many people refuse to believe in Mermaids?

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For I have to admit that for many years of my Life I to refuse to believe that such creatures existed.... Until one day someone handed me a research paper that they had done on the subject of merpeople... Now after reading that research paper of my fellow college student I found myself wanting more and more information on this subject.. And that is how my research on merpeople started.... First off I started reading some ancient writting by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Persians and several other ancient sea farring Groups of people... And the stories they tell about merpeople told wme why shuch a great hatred exist even unto this day between deepsea fishermen and sailors and merpeople... And in the last year there have been over 20 reports from America, and several other countries that talk about their deep-sea fishermen catching and killing merpeople caught in their deep-sea fishing-nets.... And when they were interviewed as to why did they kill that merperson, They are reported




  1. Maybe you should write a book and get your message out there to the people.

  2. Because people have a hard time believing in things that they cant see? I dont know you beliefs but do you believe in ghost, bigfoot or how about UFO'S why or why not? I dont say I believe but I am open

  3. I allways thought that Merpeople and the story of Atlantis were one and the same. I believed God for whatever reason, destroyed Atlantis and cursed them and their decendents  and that is why people have allways disliked them.

  4. I also believe in mermaids.

  5. :D Seriously? lol. This is fantastic... Sorry, I'm still a skeptic. ^_^ Best wishes, though!

  6. I think you just want to sound smart.

    BTW, I think the proper term is Merfolk..

    Your information would be great for a childrens book.

  7. well because so many people have been taught that mermaids do not exist! i believe they do. my uncle said he has seen one when he was fishing in the atlantic ocean! yeah many legends say that mermaids are bad and make you crash your boat when they sing. and then some people think that the story of the little mermaid is real! yeah it's possible that there could be a mermaid walking on our lands and we dont know it. heck i could be a mermaid! i just think its quite interesting that you asked this question. it really got my mind wondering!

  8. Because not all people believe Mythology is Reality? Mythology in my point of view is the history of the giants and  events before the deluge and before the massive destruction done on the earth.

  9. I have always had a feeling that they do exist.

    I just cannot understand how a person could have such imagination to come up with a mermaid.

    They are told for a reason. I may be right/wrong i do not know but i have always thought about it and if they are real i believe they wouldnt want everyone to known since the first thing we would do is experiment.

  10. i believe in mermaids because ive seen one and im really impressed with the research youve done....but please dont write a book about it like that other person said....these creatures have been around for eons and they just want to be left alone. many "mythological" beasts have been wiped out or come very close to extinction because humans were too curious...its great that you believe and wish to find so much out but if that information was common knowledge it wouldnt be good.

  11. no evid_ _ _ _

  12. coz they dont see them!

    to see is to believe.

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