
Why do so many people repeat their questions?

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Why do so many people repeat their questions?




  1. Maybe they forget..or get busy...who knows??? lol

  2. Maybe they feel their question varies from questions that have been asked previously?  Or maybe, they feel they might get different answers, after a certain amount of time has passed since the question was last asked?  And, sometimes people do not check first, to see if the question was asked in the first place, so they may not realize that somebody already asked it.

  3. if they feel they haven't had a sufficient number of answers, or a good enough answer

  4. To see how many different answers they can get?

  5. occasionally I post same question in different categories and get very different answers, some may repost to get more answers than they did previously and not necessarily looking for a specific answer

  6. needs more help

  7. to get more answers and therefore more points

  8. Could you repeat the question?

    Could you repeat the question?

  9. I don't know.

    I don't know

  10. Because they don't get the answer they were looking for.

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