
Why do so many people say that global warming is not real?

by Guest31756  |  earlier

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And then back it up with something like : "It's a natural global cycle of warming and cooling". So then we are in the midst of global warming after all? Besides natural cycles take hundreds of thousands of years to peak and fall, our environment changed in a matter of a century! And if let's say it is all a hoax, just so Al Gore can sell more books, and what not, should we just forget abut the enviornment and get bigger SUVs?




  1. You said it! Backed up by truth. If ya can't see that then how can you believe it when someone tells you distortions and half truths.

  2. why do so many people say it is real

  3. Global warming is a big scam manipulated by the governments worldwide to provoke panic attacks in societies and to control them with brainwashing techniques.

    The most viable solution from the governments is to become addicted to Prozac.

    My 2 cents.

  4. Some interesting facts.

    1. During most of the past 2,000 years, the temp has been about the same or higher. Currently, we are barely over the average for the last 2,000 years.

    2. During the medieval warm period (820 – 1040 AD), Greenland supported farming. Those areas previously farmed are now covered in glaciers. Obviously the melting and reformation of glaciers is a cyclical occurrence.

    3. The earth experienced a little ice age which ended around the late 1860's or so. This is about the time man started recording temperatures. This would be like measuring a lake depth after a severe drought, then worrying about it flooding as it rose to normal levels.

    4. The earth has been warming for the last 10,000 years, since the last major glacier time period. Also, for most of the last 1 billion years, the earth had NO glaciers or ice coverage.

    5. The AGW theory states that CO2 is the primary driver of temperature. They arrived at this idea because they did not know of anything else which could cause it. But during the 70's and during the current decade, temperatures dropped while CO2 continued to rise. This means that natural occurrences are driving temp, not CO2.

    6. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and sun spots provides a much better correlation to earths' temperature than CO2 levels ever have.

    7. Polar Bears are experiencing a population boom. Coke sales in the arctics are through the roof. Polar Bears have been around for thousands of years, and remember, we are only at the average for the last 2,000 years. They lived through all the previously warmer climates.

    8. The glaciers have been melting now for over 10,000 years. the current rate of melting is similar to previous melting.

    9. There is no consensus on AGW. This was a lie that has been propagated by the media.

    10. Yes we emit CO2 into the atmosphere and it is a greenhouse gas, but, we only contribute about .28% of all the greenhouse effect. Water vapor makes up about 95% of the greenhouse effect. CO2 and other trace gases round out the greenhouse gases at about 5% for all of them. Of that 5%, only 3% is CO2, and most of that is natural. Again, our contribution to the greenhouse effect is a paltry .28%

    11. The spread of disease is not attributed mainly to temperature. If this were the case, Florida would be a giant festering disease ridden cesspool. Economic standing is the primary determining factor in the spread of disease. Poor cultures can not fight the disease or eradicate the pests like more successful nations.

    12. Natural climate disasters (hurricanes, cyclones, etc) have never been scientifically linked to global warming (whether natural or man made).

    BTW, what evidence supports AGW? NONE. To date and after spending over $50 billion, no study to date supports the notion of AGW.

  5. i dont know y

    it is true

    the decreas of the trees and the warming of carbon dioxide

    WARMS THE EARTH (global warming)

    please give me a thumbs up

  6. because its not..duh

  7. Natural cycles may take 11 years or a hundred thousand.  There are lots of cycles.  There is the Milankovitch cycle that takes about 100,000 years and then there are sunspot cycles that take about 11 years and there are numerous other solar cycles. You should be careful getting caught up in what people try push on you.  Our environment didn't change in a century.  We have warmed slightly.  We also cooled in the 1970s which is pretty hard to blame on man though that didn't stop them from trying back then.  We should be good stewards of the environment but  not worship it.

  8. This is a subjective question, so I will give my subjective answer based on the facts that I believe.  

    Many people simple do not know the facts, so they tend to cling to beliefs that help them to cope and be okay.  People generally are sheep, and they need something to follow that they trust will not lead them astray.  People don't like to change from the status quo, and they like their comfortable life until it makes them change (like gas prices).

    The facts about climate change continue to come to light as scientists perform more research proving theories about climate change.  The signs of it being aggravated by people is now known in the polar ice caps core samples that researchers have been  testing.  They have found certain elements/chemistry in the ice layers that correspond with natural and man-made events such as volcanoes erupting and the onset of the industrial revolution.  There are many chemical tests that show changes over great lengths of time.  Yes, there have been many cycles of climate change.  There are calculations that show some periods are very long, and some being relatively short.

    As you say, what difference does it make.  The climate is changing, and it is definitely changing quickly this time.  This leads me to acknowledge the obvious.  

    We each need to do whatever we can as the superior inhabitant of the earth (this is debatable) to try to mitigate the problems that we are faced with.  No matter what others do or think.  

    I am a great believer of the collective minority.  I've seen other times when a few people got a lot done to change things.  

    As time continues, the truth will become more obvious and more people will change there minds.  I've already seen that  happen during the past 7-8 years about this subject..

    The earth's cycles are indeed shifting and sometimes our govenment doesn't seem to be noticing, but there are some who are fighting everyday for changes to happen in our government.  

    You can do research and find out who they are.  Use the internet, library, ask teachers and knowledgeable people.  

    We all make our own choices.  That's what so great about where we live.  Good luck in your pursuit of answers.  You will get them!

  9. Because many people like to live their lives free of any avoidable hassle or nagging problems. Its the people who are sitting in the Suburbans, idleing while waiting for the kids to get out of school, burning a galloon every 15 minutes, listening to the news about the glaciers receading, who dont believe that global warming is real. And you know what they say to themselves? Hmmm jeese that sun must be really hot now adays.or... Who the F*$% CARES ITS JUST A BIG ICECUBE ANYWAY!!!........ Your problem is a problem I myself have encountered as well, we can change these people's minds. The people who dont believe in global warming are exactly the stubborn people who would much sooner run you over with their Hummer then hear you preach about global warming. So unfortunately we just have to be persistent keep the cause in the spotlight and continue to drive forward in hopes that enough awareness will be brought about, that some key figures in either politics, celbrities, or a tycoon will help bring about and support further change in the direct of Green. Thanks for reading my say on why some people just dont believe in global warming.

  10. At least we've turned the corner where we can agree that politicians and unscrupulous businessmen have fraudulently profited from climate change.  Whew.  No, we should not continue in our opulent lifestyle while their are people starving.  Give to your church.  Donate to The Red Cross.  Volunteer in your own neighborhood.  Eliminate an extravagant vacation, and instead use your resources in service to others that don't have the opportunities of freedom.

  11. well i don't belive in the c**p of man made global warming, see the problem is the government is saying we are causing the natural warm /cool trends that have happend since the earth has evolved . that is why people are not giving into the c**p because no matter what we do , it is natural and us humans cannot reflect on the process.

    now if you want to buy an suv , more power to ya , but the gas prices are insaine so im keeping my small ride for now

  12. They think that the act of just saying it makes it true. And if they can say it loud enough, often enough, and in numbers great enough, that somehow we can all pretend it's not true.

  13. Actually, now there is cooling taking place and it obviously does not take hundreds of thousands of years for the temperature to rise one degree. This is evident by the higher temperatures during the Medieval Warming period and the cooler temperatures during the seventies.

  14. Because it ain't. And if I wrong all we can do about it is put a tax on fuel that will make it so only Al Gore and people in his income bracket will be able to heat and travel. Its a way so I will have to ride a bike 15 miles to work and won't be able to heat my 1000 sq ft home. Al will fly his jet with the fuel I can't afford and heat his  mansion with the oil us poor people can't afford. It is all a ploy for power. Power is having more than another.

  15. Because they are in denial.  It may be a natural cycle, but the fact is that our emissions and pollution are greatly speeding the process up.  No matter which way you look at it, it is still global warming.

  16. Seriously i respect your beliefs but do you really think Global Warming a big scam manipulated by the government??!! Not just that person who said that but other people too. Thats crazy. Have you watched the news? have you felt the weather? Have you been to the arctic ocean and saw all of the glaciers fall apart because of the the extreme weather? Have you seen on the news what happened to New Orleans because of Hurricane Katrina? The hurricanes are becoming worse now because of it. Do you really think the government would lie about something that tragic and serious. Think a little harder.

  17. I am not a global warming denier, I am a man-made global warming denier......and proud of it. There is no conclusive evidence of All of the A.G.W. evidence that is based on "computer models" is false....completely false. In most cases the computer models have been programed to only show "global warming", regardless of what information is entered. One case in point is the program that left us with the "hockey stick" graph that shows historical temperatures. You could enter base ball scores(this has been done) into the program and end up with a hockey stick result.

    While there have been periods of global warming in the past, we are not in one of those periods now, in fact the earth has been cooling for about 8-10 years.

    I am not anti-environment either, I am anti-environmental movement, as it was corrupted by anti-capitalists starting in the mid to late "80's. Until 1990 I contributed to(over $10,000), and was an active participant in the Sierra Club. I "saw the light" so to speak, and will not support any such group ever again.

    Also keep in mind that companies that are promoting going green, are not doing so to protect the environment, they are doing so to fatten their bottom line, as "green" products are far more profitable than non-green items that work just as efficiently.

  18. I'll type this answer one more time :

    2 birds with one stone, even though one bird may not exist.

    The steps and devices used to "stop" "global warming" are beneficial to us regardless of it's existence. If we release less CO2 into the air we not only reduce the "heat" but we also clear up the air, I don't know about you but that sounds good to me. By developing new renewable resources we will lower our dependency not only on foreign energy sources like oil but also on sources that require more time to renew like fossil fuels.

    GLOBAL WARMING IS A CYCLE. A NATURAL CYCLE. NOT NECESSARILY MAN MADE. Don't believe me look it up. Earths cycles usually consist of about 1,000 years of a warming cycle, which we are currently in, and a few thousands of years of a cooling cycle, like ice ages, which can last for a long time past 10,000 years I believe.

    THE POINT IS EARTH'S AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE WAS at least a few degrees hotter than it is now. And this was 130,000 years ago, before cars and all this such and co2 levels then 130,000 years ago were half of what they are now... where's your explanation for this.

    We are indeed experiencing Global Warming, however man-made global warming? I think not.

  19. Ignorance is bliss.

    Reality is hard.

    I love this planet.  It has some very cool nooks and crannies, and I'd love to explore them all, but I hardly ever get out of California.

    But I love it when I do. Grand Tetons & Yellowstone.  The Badlands.  The Grand Canyon.  Rocky Mountain National Park.  Flaming Gorge & Dinosaur National Monument.  Arches National Park, and Canyonlands.  (Dead Horse State Park because the I thought the name was funny, and then got out of the car to see Peregrine Falcons flying overhead).

    If some of those places don't sound familiar, or you don't have a list of your own, you don't get out enough into wild and natural places.  When you do you begin to feel the connection,  you share the beauty of a place, feel it's past, fear for it's future.

    So I don't fully understand why people are reluctant to care for their planet.  Why they seem to think it's expendable.

    Ignorance is bliss.

    Reality is hard.

  20. Oil companies actually have programs to reward people to say all sorts of things, same with political and religious groups.

  21. Global warming is real.  A con artist could not sell a bridge to his mark if the bridge didn't exist.  

    Also, the major natural cycles, last for tens of millions of years, not thousands.

    There are other, real, reasons to remember the environment.  There's quite a few nasty chemicals spewing out of SUVs, which we have good reason to reduce, despite the fact that CO2 and water vapor should not be on the list.

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