
Why do so many people say that men are afraid of commitment?

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If 90% of divorces are filed by women doesn't that indicate an epidemic of breached commitment by women? Would a better way of phrasing the question be do women grasp the gravity of commitment?




  1. In my opinion marriage is more beneficial for a man than a woman. Is this possibly why women are filing more often?

  2. 90%? Wow, a week ago it was 70%. What's happened in the last week?

    Anyway, just because women FILE FOR divorce doesn't mean they're the ones in the wrong. I'd file for divorce too if my husband was cheating on me or beating me every other night.

  3. Once they have access to half a man's s**+*t, why should she stay married? Always time for one more mind fuc-,right?

  4. answer, men need to learn to be a true player of his own games, and don't play her game, don't get married

    -When you meet a girl, don't stay over at her place, EVER

    -Weekend’s you always spend with your family, you can take her with you, but she must never stay

    You take her home, and return

    -Always go to clubs etc from there, not your own home, make it become habit with her

    -Insure you never get her pregnant, until you are ready

    Then try to adopt!! From a third world country if necessary

    If you have to have a child it has to be on your term

    -Remember there are always millions of women for you all over the world, don’t get caught up in your 5hit

    Its not worth it!!

    Be a man!!

    Take what you need, you are male, let them do their thing, if they mess with your thing tell them to go, and NOW

  5. I think that some of those who claim that men are "afraid of commitment" may do so because they are not obtaining what they want (usually some form of security and/or control). Tossing around this overused excuse to perhaps make men (or other women) seem weak-willed (by using the word 'afraid') or having less character, because they do not wish to commit to one person.

    As to your other point, filing for divorce is not always necessarily related to commitment (or lack of). Sometimes, it is best to end a relationship that is damaging for one and for children (if any are involved), that is being responsible.

    But in other situations, such as those in which women abuse men (or other women) emotionally or physically, use them for their finances, security or other purpose, then file for divorce at their convenience - then yes, I agree that there was/is lack of commitment.

  6. It's ploy to guilt them into marriage. Women benefit while men don't so of course they want to get married. Men are being cautious for a reason.

  7. Young men are not programmed to commit to a monogamous relationship.  To try and meet societal/cultural expectations and do so is difficult.  It is probably more honest to not "commit" than it is to go through the motions of commitment, knowing that monogamy is not likely.  I don't think divorce statistics really relate to this.  And, no, I don't think commitment means the same thing to a woman as it does to a man.

  8. I am a bloke, and I don't for one second believe that 90% of divorces are initiated by women.  It is over half in most western nations, and often as much as two-thirds.

    I don't think that this idea that men are commitment phobic is really true.  the same people who make these claims are also stating proudly that modern women are choosing to avoid marriage  It rather seems that the lack of commitment comes from women.  I also cannot support any idea that or most marriages fail because the man did something wrong either.

  9. It's more like 66%, from all of the RELIABLE sources I've seen.

  10. My opinion I feel trapped.

  11. A lot of men typically always seem to fear commitment because they enjoy the freedom of having other s*x partners if they desire.  Many guys are just immature and they avoid anything in the mature world like marriage and children.  They sit around playing video games and watching p**n instead of being man enough to handle adult relationships....  These days, there are also a lot more women than before who fear commitment because they want to pursue other options like a career, travel, other lovers.  Some women have been in enough bad relationships and it has soured their interest in commitment.

    As for percentages, it's always hard to get the truth on those numbers!  But I know that nowadays, a lot more women are feeling as trapped as men do in a committed relationship because women have much more to live for than having a husband and babies.

  12. The "90 percent of divorces are filed by women" stat is so misquoted and misused.

    My ex husband and I came to a mutual decision to divorce. I was the one who filed (and therefore "sued" him for divorce) because I worked closer to the courthouse and had a lunch break (he was a teacher and couldn't leave). In the same way women do most of the shopping, housework, childcare, insurance paperwork and budgeting for most households, it ends up on them to file for divorce, too.

    One could say it's ultimately very ironic. A woman even has to carry the burden of unpaid households tasks right into the courthouse and the literal bitter end of the marriage.

    Sam and Wendy: Next week, it'll be ONE MILLION PERCENT of divorces are filed by women.

  13. I feel women file for divorce because they are the stronger s*x, meaning they now then to get out. Men are not really afraid of commitment, I think they feel trapped in a relationship moreso than are afraid of commitment. Guys will date, and stay in a long term relationship for a long time until the word of marriage is spoken, then they want to run away. If a woman is happy in a long term non-marriage relationship, the guy will probly stay around a lot longer.

  14. I think the women just get stuck filing the paperwork , but I really don't think they're the ones with a problem with commitment most of the time.  A lot of men are interested in "playing the field" and commitment and marriage don't fit into that plan.

  15. Hmm i would rather preserve my freedom than accidently marry a woman who turns in to a harpy. Seems to be quite the problem with our divorce rate.

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