
Why do so many people say the moon landing was fake?

by Guest63060  |  earlier

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  1. they find it hard to believe that people back in the late 60's had more cerebral capacity than themselves. they are fooled by flawed, very flawed, logic. they come up with absurd conspiracy theories that they believe dispite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. if people had any sort of scientific knowledge, they would know that the technology existed back in 1969, and that we did land on the moon. i think some of people know the moon landing was real, but challenge it for their personal amusement. despite my attempts to clear these absurd theories up with just plain logic, they are stuborn, and refuse to accept the obvious fact that they are wrong.

  2. I have often thought the driving force behind the Moon Landing Hoax is both a distrust in the US government (hey, who can blame them for that?) and the increase in Nationalism, especially in the aerospace sciences, from Russia, India and China.

    Rarely is the proponent of the Hoax's screenname "All American Joe".

  3. becuase terrorism . . . . idk people are just iggnorant

  4. it was the fact that they curiously made it right before their deadline

  5. Either severe mental deficiencies or refusal to believe humanity can accomplish something so astounding.  Take your pick.

  6. actually, the vast majority of people acknowledge that the lunar missions happend. It is just a very vocal minority of two-bit quacks like Bart Sibrel looking for attention. They come from the Michael Moore school of documentary that uses falsehoods, innuendo, strident accusations, half-truths, flawed logic and premature conclusions in order to try and bend public opinion in their favor.

    Bart Sibrel, by the way, is the man in this video, trying to bully a 72 year old Buzz Aldrin, only to have Buzz turn around and sock his sorry ***.

    Of course, Sibrel, being the snivling little chickenshit that he is, tryed to press charges of assault against Aldrin, but there isn't a judge in America that wouldn't laugh him out of the courtroom.

    Normal people get into conspiracy theories for a number of reasons. Romanticism of the unknown, or the secret. People like thinking that they are "in the know" and that they are living a real life spy movie. I've never met an educated man who believes in conspiracy theories. Only dupes who want to believe that their existence is justified and washed up scum-suckers like Sibrel who deserves a lot more than just one punch in the face.

    Andrew R had a great stroke of insight. If there was even a shadow of a doubt among the educated that there was any possibility that the lunar landings were fixed, would not the Soviets have jumped on it like a pack of dogs?

  7. well, the fact is if you look closely at the videos you may see the US flag moving just a bit, people just assume there's no wind on the moon, but the fact is there are lunar winds, that's one reason why they think it's fake, but then again these are the types of people who read People magazine and believe everything the Enquirer says.

  8. I would like to add my two cents worth by asking a rhetorical question.

    During the time of Armstrong's landing on the moon, the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. were both then in a very deep cold war (they hate each other), and both were also in a space war (trying to see who gets where first).

    The Russians won the first round of the space war by sending a man into space in an orbit around the earth.  The Americans won the next round by sending man to the moon.

    Now, wouldn't you have thought that the Russians would have not been interested at all as to monitor closely the much trumpheted American landing on the moon and denounced it as a hoax immediately if it were so?

    Think carefully about it before considering the opinions of other people trying to show off their ignorance on gullible people.

    I hope that on the basis of this argrument alone, we could lay to rest any claims of a fake moon landing.

  9. They are naive and easily influenced by flawed logic.  They want to believe they have special knowledge because the arguments sound convincing.  They are unaware of their own ignorance.

  10. Yes they did land on the moon, only people who

    - hate the government

    - know less science than a Highschool student

    - want to make money with their books and videos

    - simply are trolling

    claim otherwise.

    NASA has i.e.

    - eyewitnesses

    - a whole load of documentation (including the tracking data from foreign countries)

    - thousands of pictures

    - hours of film

    - the laser reflectors

    - >300kg of moonrocks

    - a congratulation from the russians

    Most of the landingdeniers counterclaims don't even need an expert to be shown wrong, they are just stupid. .

    i.e. Hoaxers claim that the flag was waving in some wind

    Now everyone who bothers to do some research (instead of relying on the fraudulent Snippets the Hoaxers show) will find out, that the flag was held up by a wire, and appeared only to be waving while (and shortly after) being handled by one of the astronauts.

    You also have to ask yourself if it is really believeable that NASA would miss a waving flag if they wanted to fake it?

  11. Alot of people just seem pre-disposed to believe in things that have absolutely no evidence to back it up.  I don't get it either.  Be glad you aren't one of them.

  12. gross stupidity.

  13. They are ignorant people who have nothing better to do and have a problem with the way the world is. So they annoy people like us who actually have scientific thought and knowledge. Also, they just want their 15 minutes of fame.

  14. It's because half of all people are below average.

  15. They are people who have an ingrained pessimism about the world and about America.

    When they see the incredible achievements of the Apollo program scientists, engineers and astrounauts, their negative minds simply cannot accept it, so they desperately seek an alternative explanation. The idea that it was faked makes them feel more comfortable, and is less of a challenge to them.

  16. really, people just hate our government to be right, the moon landing theory, is just another way to try to poke uncle sam in the eye.

  17. here some really stupid reasons why,

    -they say in the film the astronauts made the flag would've not been moving when they were done handling it BUT the flagpole was made of a bounce metal, the laws of physics are the same on the moon.

    -the shadows are not parallel to each other so there was obviously more than one light source unlike in real life were the sun is the only light source BUT the moon is not flat so of course they wouldn't be parallel.try it here on earth.

    -there are no stars in ANY of the photos on the moon(check)BUT since thy were on the day side on the moon so of course there wouldn't be any stars! do you really think NASA would be dumb enough to forget the stars?!?!?!

    these are just a few of the dumb theories out there.

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