
Why do so many people simply complain about gas prices instead of doing something to change their lifestyles?

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Us humans' greatest strength is our adaptablity and ingenuity or have we forgotten how to adapt to change?




  1. As Americans we are use to our government solving our problems. However I think it lies in the hands of the fuel companies. They choose to buy oil at a high cost from the Middle East when we have plenty in the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana, and California. But the American people are lazy, to few are willing to work on an oil derrick and get their hands dirty.

  2. i have been wondering for a long time why people don't work closer to where they live and don't drive as much. the most common reason was the pay, and in most cases i am convinced that the difference in pay could be made up by not making big car payments and not paying for so much gas. there are a lot of things we have forgotten, but don't worry our fear culture media will fill in the gaps for us...

  3. Most of us can't make the major changes like you are hoping for because of many reasons, some of which include apartment living, or lack of space for a workshop to do tinkering.

  4. I think we will see more motorcycles as the price of gas goes up.

  5. Because it is much easier to whine and complain as opposed to actually doing something about it...

  6. which is easier ?

  7. Most people don't want to be inconvienced. I think it's selfish and greedy but people don't want to carpool, they don't or won't or can't ride a bike or walk to the store to pick up a few items, they won't go without if they run out of something. They continue to pay the price because they are creatures of habit.  Gas prices will continue to go up and so will everything else because of gas prices and people won't be able to afford to drive to work, much less afford anything else. This could be another third world country sooner than you think and the terrorists who control the gas would just love to see that.

  8. Why don't people demand pure hydrogen for their fuel, and eliminate gas stations and electric generation stations?  The technology has been in use in our nation for over 25 years!

    It is because the corporations and our government conspire to keep us as economic prostitutes and consumer slaves!  Anything that makes The Establishment wealthy and in control of our society will be propagandized about and conspiracies that actually have always existed will be used to control and manipulate us to just accept things as they are.

    Take Maul-wart, who is the world's largest retailer!  WHY DO PEOPLE BUY THERE?  They practice employment communism, destroy local community economies, remove their profits from communities and remove jobs by locating their supply manufactories in China!

    You don't think anyone is going to risk their jobs, their marriages, their homes, their play toys to stand up for justice and Democracy do you? Those kind of people get FIRED and BLACKLISTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our ingenuity and adaptability is to let the status quo continue as our lives are changed by the elite wealthy who control our lives!  We are commercial communists !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Of course, people COULD wake up and grow up, but maybe that is asking too much of human beings?  That is why only one-third of the colonists supported our revolution to install Democracy in a political system for our new nation in the 1770s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. it's because the gas prices are still too low for people to change.  it's not as if everyone's going to decide at the same time to change their habits.  each person will change according to their specific conditions, and you should expect more of spectrum of change as gas prices change.  in fact, many people are changing their lifestyles, just not all yet.  some never will (or have to).  

    changing lifestyles and complaining are two different things.  

    complaining is easier, and actually kind of stress-relieving.

  10. I would love a cheaper way to go.  Gas prices are killing me.  There is no way that I can carpool cuz I work midnights and no one lives even near where I do.  I can't ride a bike cuz again I work midnights and live 22 miles from where I work.  I drive a little chevy tracker which is decent with gas.  

    I can't work anywhere closer to where I live cuz I work in a hospital and the nearest hospital is one of the ones I am working at.

    It's not that I don't want to help out the environment or my pocket book but I feel I don't have any choices either.  I have a lot of bills so I go where the money is.  Know what I mean.

  11. It is easier to whine, rather than do something about it. Thats why.

  12. You can only change your lifestyle so much. I have one employee who has a family in a small town 30 min away.  That town had no jobs so she commuted here.  Now that gas prices have went up so much she needs a closer job, but none are available.  She has tried to sale her home to move here but she has not been able to.  She doesn't want to lose everything.  Her husband works here too.  So currently she is saving money by living in a cheap hotel here until her 3bed house sells,which doesn't look like its going to happen. She has been told it would be better for her and her husband to just live in their home in their town and go on govt assistance.  They don't want to but with 2 kids and a dog she can't continue in her cheap hotel room.  So her only way to "change her  lifestyle" for the better is give up,go home and recieve govt assistance.  What a choice.  BTW I am giving her as much as I can.  But with the gas prices, people are eating out less, and our food costs have skyrocketed, and she is a waitress and what customers we do get are tipping alot less.  Her husband was in construction but with the economy people are putting off having those jobs done, and alot of people are losing their homes with the mortgage crisis.

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