
Why do so many people smoke while pregnant?

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every one knows how bad it is.....i just dont understand




  1. some people don't care about other people, not even there own babies health, so they just choose to carry on smoking despite being told against it.  

  2. They are either addicted to the extent they are unable to stop or they don't care.

  3. its their choice not yours.... its not your place to say anything  

  4. It's not easy to quit smoking & some mothers just aren't strong enough to do it. Sadly, there are probably some who don't care enough either. In certain circumstances it can be more stressful for the baby to quit cold turkey too. When my mother was preg with #5 her Dr told her to cut back but not to try to quit completely as it would be too stressful for the baby - her dealing with 4 other kids & the difficulty of quitting (then I suppose that was 20 yrs ago, now I guess you could have a patch but the baby would still get nicotine!)

    Then of course, there are idiots like my brother's gf who smoked more than just tobacco during her 2 pregnancies!

    Not much you can do about it though, it's their bodies & their choice. My only advice is to stay away from them when *you* are pregnant :D

  5. I smoked during all 3 of mine, my sister did with her 2, my mother in law with her 5, and my sister in law with her 3. All turned out healthy, and are still healthy. That's 13 pregnancies, 13 smoked during, and 13 healthy children. 100%. Sounds ok to me.

    That's not including any cousins, aunts or other in-laws I have that smoked while and had healthy children.

    It's all in the genes. If your genes are good, your children will be too.  

  6. because its there own personal choice,

    i wouldnt worry bout it soo much

    its not your life there stuffing up

  7. People do what the want to do!!

    There is no damage shown from smoking a small amount, its when people chain smoke!!

    EDIT - i know someone who smoked when pregnant and tried to quit but the baby went into destress because of the stress the mothers body went through without smoking!!

  8. I don't know, but its not good for them, or the baby.

  9. Coz they're stupid and care more about their addiction than the well being of their child!

  10. because its THEIR choice. what right do you have to say that its bad. if they want to do it you cant stop them now can you!!!!

  11. People that don't smoke or who have never smoked shouldn't really have any say in why or what it is like. I was a smoker and the minute i found out i was pregnant i quit cold turkey because i know that it isn't healthy for the baby. Some people just don't understand the damage that it can cause.

  12. Smoking cigarettes isn't all that bad when you consider all the other things they could be doing because of addiction...drinking, drugs, random unprotected s*x which could lead to disease, etc.

    Don't worry about it and don't judge.

  13. I love how people that don't smoke want to say that we who do just obviously don't care about our unborn children (previous posters) or ourselves.  I smoked during both of my pregnancies and my kids are perfectly normal.  My mother-in-law smoked through all 3 of hers and actually every woman in the family (minus a grandmother) smoked during the entire pregnancy and everyone turned out just fine.  You cannot judge someone for smoking.  Cigarettes are extremely addictive and it is a very hard habit to break.  Congrats to those of you who can quit.

  14. I don't know but it thier baby. But i know smoke and drinking can mess up your baby, i have since it. 6 toes and slow motor skills, smaller then other kids and can't make full sentences.

    Either they don't know what it will do to their baby, or they know and they just can't stop. Smoking is just like any other drug u can get stuck on it and can't stop.

  15. because it's a hard habit to quit. just because you get pregnant doesn't mean you will quit cold turkey. the body is addicted. if they could quit easily then they wouldn't smoke.

  16. i was a smoker before i got pregnant  and every other pregnancy i was that sick i didn't feel like smoking so quitting was easy but this pregnancy i really struggled i had to use all my strength to quit which i did the thing is its a bad habit and not easy to get rid of even though we know its bad for us its hard to quit i went to the doctors and told her how bad i felt and she asked me how much i smoke when i said under ten she said i could still smoke imagine her horror when i gave her a lecture on why i shouldn't lol i also suffer from anxiety and was told it would be bad for me to go cold turkey i get heart palps but as long as the babys ok i can learn to deal with that at the end of the day we all want healthy babys

  17. You may not fully understand why but there are some women who just can't stop smoking even though they know that it would be harmful for their baby.

    People smoke when they are particularly tense or nervous,often trying to control their mood and just to stay calm and relaxed. Another reason might be due to boredom. Women particularly often feels more emotions than men and can find difficulty in stopping especially if it has already been a habit.

    If you know women doing these, just talk to them and remind them about the danger of what they are doing. But, avoid judging them. They might be feeling the pressure of their pregnancy and being a mom so being a little more sensitive to them will help a lot as pregnant women often have sensitive emotions. :)

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