
Why do so many people still litter? ?

by  |  earlier

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I see it all day long, people just tossing trash on the ground without a care. It makes me sick that people has no respect for anyone but themselves. Besides pointing it out and embarrassing them into picking it up what else can we do to fix this?




  1. They feel that when it hits the ground it becomes someone Else's problem not their own.  Some people are so lazy and selfish and don't realize it all comes back to haunt you in the end.

  2. I really wish I knew, because I can't stand that ignorant stuff!  We are supposed to take care of the earth and littering is not taking care of the earth!  I wish there was like a littering gong or whistle or something so that you could point them out when they do it.

  3. cause we dont care lol its a s simple as that we dont care

  4. Only lazy jerks raised by a pack of wild dogs would litter. This includes you, all the cheap b@$% whose trash I pick up out of my yard!

  5. hey just face it people are lazy and stupid it's hard but true, more strick rules and painfull fines. but yet idk.

  6. Some places have a phone number you can call when you see someone littering. I know in Georgia if you see someone throwing trash out their window you can get their license plate number and report them. See if there is a program in your area where you can report them.  

  7. because they are ignorant and self-centered and do not care for the other 6 billion people who have to deal with their garbage

    thats why

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