
Why do so many people support the republican party?

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I mean lately all they have done is to give tax breaks to the wealthy and have been spending recklessly. I cant understand how anybody in the middle class can support mccain or bush for that matter when they have done nothing but reduce our significance and cripple us with taxes. In contrast Obama says that he is in favor of repealing tax breaks for the rich that bush enacted and taxing them more. That just seems logical to me what am i missing...




  1. The Republican party of today is not what it was in the day of Lincoln. They've gotten really good at distorting the record(s) of Democrats and generally misleading the American people. Then there are the "Republicans" who have been convinced that the GOP is the party of "morals," as if anyone can own such a monopoly. They've seized on people's faith and are using that to garner votes. And they're doing it while spreading hatred and discrimination against g**s and lesbians. Then there are those in the GOP who play to the independents and say they want smaller, less invasive government. But when the US government tells us who we can/ cannot marry and what a woman can/ cannot do with her own body, even if it threatens her life, that's more invasive, not less. And then there are the poor "Republicans" whom the GOP have conned into voting against their own best economic interests. The GOP says "it's your money, you should get to keep more of it." But what they don't tell the people is that when you lower taxes, the government won't be able to provide as many services. That means less money for schools, police, fire departments, maintenance of roads, bridges and highways and for our military. To off-set that loss of revenue there would have to be an increase in sales tax. And who would that sales tax hit the hardest? The poor and middle class. The wealthy want to keep more of THEIR money and the GOP want them to keep more of THEIR money. They could care less about the rest of us, as evidenced by Bush's tax cuts going disproportionately to the RICHEST 1% of all Americans (those making in excess of $400,000 per year).

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!

  2. that is a lode of c**p sorry but it is. Obama is in faver of many tax rasis to all like cap and trade whitch is a new name for the start of COMUNISUM! shure mccain hase his falts but he is 1000 times beter then oboma.

  3. i do not know.

  4. first if you raise the taxes on the rich do you think that they are going to take a loss!!

    the rich employ the middle class and lower class. some one going to loss there job. the rich worked for there money and the liberals want to take that money and give it to the non workers . the more money the wealthy makes the more the economy can grow and in turn will help every one with more jobs and less welfare.

  5. i can't figure that one out. all for themselves

  6. First,I would like to know..WHO TOLD YOU

    that anyone wishes to commits suicide

    and votes for the Mafia party ? and the Democrats are not far behind !!!!!!!!!!!

    Just let's pray for America HA !

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