
Why do so many people talk on the phone driving on the highway?

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Yes, distance driving can be boring, but it still needs most of your attention.




  1. They are careless!!!!!!!!!

  2. because they don't realize what there doing

  3. because i guess they think they can multi-task . maybe they are addressing some issue that cannot wait until later. but most of all, i think they think that they have full control of the car and can do whatever they like. i have seen a lady talking on cellphone with one hand, drinking coffee on another hand and driving with her elbows!! Some nerves!!

  4. because to just talk to peopel

  5. Ask the guy who posted earlier and thinks is just fine to talk while driving.....and ask didn't we?

  6. because they suck use your heads ******* don't talk and drive at least use a hands free device. I think that the police should also take more points off your license and have even higher fines.

  7. they  get bored. bad habit . . . . .

  8. Because they can.GET BLUE TOOTH......STOP CAUSING ACCIDENT'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. because when they see an accident they think "that won't happen to me"

  10. because some genius decided to make cell phones.

  11. The short answer?  These people are idiots.  They think whatever they're talking about is more important than their safety, or that of other people.

  12. so? let people talk on the phone, it's no biggie. anyways... it might be outlawed in some states so you won't have to worry about it anymore.

  13. it is a very unsafe practice and dangrsous. I avoid these people. I value my life and they do not.

  14. because they are that important kind of people that they need to answer every phone call.

  15. Because they not not been stopped by police and recieved a fine as yet

  16. well, i think that most of the time, people CALL TO the person driving, with no idea they are putting their family / friends in danger. Its Really sad actually ....


  17. I only talk on the phone if I am getting directions or am checking in with wherever I am driving to to let them know that I'll be there soon.

  18. i think people talk on the phone while driving because they are in too much of a hurry to pull off the road and take care of business.  this will not stop for them until they get a  ticket, lose their phone or cause a serious accident.  in our work now ever one is in a hurry to get wherever they are going.  very ,very pitiful.

  19. because there stupid and it is the second leading cause to accidents and accident related deaths only second to drinking

  20. Probably because its a habit, and people cant get home that fast. And probably to talk to their friends.

  21. People are as impaired when they drive and talk on a cell phone as they are when they drive intoxicated at the legal blood-alcohol limit.

    3,600 people are killed each year in accidents involving drivers on cell phones.

  22. Because americans live in their cars.

  23. because they are a**holes

  24. Because either they never think it will happen to them until it's too late or... they're just stupid. They're too stupid that they dont realise that they're actions could result in the death of someone, then they're soooooo sorry. I say it's too late youre going to jail. LOL But im serious too.

  25. They forget there are other people on the road with them. It's called tunnel vision and they forget that driving requires your full attention.

  26. poor thinking ,,   new knowledge is coming out showing the dangers of celurlar energy  cell phone companies dont reveal.

    it interfears with sleep  at night  . it is  a cause of so many accidents too ,,  how can u concentrate talking on a cell phone or seeing who it is on the other end,,  more technpology  more problems and more bills ..  mj

  27. Phones can't drive on the highway.

  28. Driving needs all of your attention and if you live in California and you're caught talking on the phone while wou're driving-it's a big old fine.

  29. Because they are stupid. No other way to put it. Common sense should tell you to refrain from doing anything that is going to take your judgment away from the road. Maybe they don't value there life, but the person in the other vehicles value theres.

  30. There are people (like some of my relatives) who are literally addicted to using the cell phone. Some of them are so bad off that when they come to visit, it's almost as if they aren't there with you, since they spend most of their time chit-chatting on their cell phone. They don't seem to be able to help themselves.

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